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Mehrspaltige Combo- bzw. Listbox

Mehrspaltige Combo- bzw. Listbox
24.02.2015 21:18:09
Moin Community,
ich habe ein kleines Problem mit dem Code unten. Auf einer Userform habe ich eine zweispaltige Combobox die mir das Datum anzeigt und dahinter dann den Status (d.h. ob das Datum modifiziert wurde oder nicht). Ausserdem habe ich eine zweispaltige Listbox, welche mir Werte aus einer anderen Tabelle anzeigen soll und in einer zweiten Spalte dann, ob eine Menge und eine Produktgruppe zugeordnet wurden.
Nun habe ich den Code entwickelt, welcher auch einwandfrei in Excel 2007 funktioniert...sobald ich das Programm dann aber auf Excel 2010 laufen lasse zeigt mir weder die Combobox noch die Listbox Werte an...beide sind einfach leer. Wenn ich Aenderungen vollziehe werden mir diese in der ersten Spalte der Tabelle angezeigt...
Ich habe bereits mit den Indizes herumgespielt und von 0 auf 1 bzw. 1 auf 2 gesetzt. Leider bringt das auch keine Aenderung....habt ihr ne Idee?
Option Explicit
' A instance of our userform resizing class
Dim moResizer As New clsResizeUserforms
' Start Initializing Userform
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim index, index2, index3, index4
Dim intZeile As Integer
Dim tmp, datediff
'read in dates
cboProductSchSelectDate.ColumnWidths = ("2,5cm;2cm")
datediff = CDate(Sheet13.txtEDI.Value) - CDate(Sheet13.txtSDI.Value)
For index = 0 To datediff
With cboProductSchSelectDate
.List(index, 0) = Format(CDate(Sheet13.txtSDI.Value) + index, "dd/mm/yyyy")
.List(index, 1) = ""
End With
Next index
'not saved
If tab_Product_Schedule_saved = False Then
'init of array all 0
For index = 0 To UBound(data_productSchedule, 1)
For index2 = 0 To UBound(data_productSchedule, 2)
data_productSchedule(index, index2) = 0
Next index2
Next index
'fill array with data from input table
index = 0
While Sheet4.Cells(5 + index, "D").Value  ""
'determine corresponding listindex of date
index3 = 0
For index2 = 0 To cboProductSchSelectDate.ListCount - 1
If cboProductSchSelectDate.List(index2) = Format(Sheet4.Cells(5 + index, "D").  _
Value, "dd/mm/yyyy") Then
While data_productSchedule(index2 * 3, index3)  0
index3 = index3 + 1
data_productSchedule(index2 * 3, index3) = Sheet4.Cells(5 + index, "F"). _
data_productSchedule(index2 * 3 + 1, index3) = Sheet4.Cells(5 + index, "G"). _
Exit For
End If
Next index2
index = index + 1
'fill array with data from output table
index = 0
index3 = 0
While Sheet9.Cells(2 + index, "C").Value  ""
For index2 = 3 To 25
data_productSchedule(index3, index2 - 3) = Sheet9.Cells(index + 2, index2). _
data_productSchedule(index3 + 1, index2 - 3) = Sheet9.Cells(index + 2 + 1,  _
data_productSchedule(index3 + 2, index2 - 3) = 0
Next index2
index = index + 2
index3 = index3 + 3
'replace IDs with name of product groups in array
'determine number of product groups
index4 = 0
While Sheet4.Cells(5 + index4, "EL").Value  ""
index4 = index4 + 1
For index = 0 To UBound(data_productSchedule, 1) Step 3
For index2 = 0 To UBound(data_productSchedule, 2)
For index3 = 0 To index4 - 1
If data_productSchedule(index, index2) = Sheet4.Cells(index3 + 5, "EK"). _
Value Then
data_productSchedule(index, index2) = Sheet4.Cells(index3 + 5, "EL"). _
End If
Next index3
Next index2
Next index
End If
'read in order sequences
lstProductSchSequence.ColumnWidths = ("0,7cm;0,8cm")
index = 0
While Sheet4.Cells(5 + index, "B").Value  ""
lstProductSchSequence.AddItem (Sheet4.Cells(5 + index, "B").Value)
index = index + 1
lstProductSchSequence.ListIndex = 0
lstProductSchSequence.Enabled = False
'read in product groups
index = 0
While Sheet4.Cells(5 + index, "EL").Value  ""
lstProductSchProductGroup.AddItem (Sheet4.Cells(5 + index, "EL").Value)
index = index + 1
lstProductSchProductGroup.ListIndex = -1
'search corresponding product group if value in array  0
If data_productSchedule(0, 0)  0 Then
For index = 0 To lstProductSchProductGroup.ListCount - 1
'determine corresponding listindex of product group
If lstProductSchProductGroup.List(index) = Sheet4.Cells(5, "F").Value Then
lstProductSchProductGroup.ListIndex = index
Exit For
End If
Next index
End If
'set textbox quantity
txtProductSchQuantity.Value = data_productSchedule(1, 0)
'set combobox date
cboProductSchSelectDate.ListIndex = 0
cmdProductSchProductGroupDeleteSelection.Visible = False
End Sub

'-----------------------------------------------------------------------Start Resizing Userform------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'When activated, instantiate the resizer and let it set the form to be resizable

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Set moResizer.form = Me
With Me
'This will create a vertical scrollbar
.ScrollBars = fmScrollBarsBoth
'Change the values of 2 as Per your requirements
.ScrollHeight = .Height - 45
.ScrollWidth = .Width - 35
End With
End Sub

'Let the resizer resize the form's controls

Private Sub UserForm_Resize()
End Sub

'-----------------------------------------------------------------------Start Resizing Userform------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' End Initializing Userform
'----------------------------------------------------------------------Start further prozedures -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sub userform_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
'Disable red cross
If CloseMode = 0 Then Cancel = 1
End Sub
Private Sub txtProductSchQuantity_AfterUpdate()
spnProductSchQuantity.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub txtProductSchQuantity_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger)
spnProductSchQuantity.Enabled = False
Select Case KeyAscii
Case 48 To 57 ' Ascii-Code für Zahlen von 0-9
Case Else
KeyAscii = 0
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub spnProductSchQuantity_SpinDown()
If CLng(txtProductSchQuantity.Value) - 1 = 0 are possible. ", vbInformation, "Value out of range."
Exit Sub
txtProductSchQuantity.Value = CLng(txtProductSchQuantity.Value) - 1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub spnProductSchQuantity_SpinUp()
txtProductSchQuantity.Value = CLng(txtProductSchQuantity.Value) + 1
End Sub
Private Sub cmdProductSchProductGroupDeleteSelection_Click()
lstProductSchProductGroup.ListIndex = -1
cmdProductSchProductGroupDeleteSelection.Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub lstProductSchProductGroup_Click()
If cboProductSchSelectDate.ListIndex > -1 And lstProductSchSequence.ListIndex > -1 Then
If data_productSchedule(cboProductSchSelectDate.ListIndex * 3, lstProductSchSequence. _
ListIndex) = 0 And data_productSchedule(cboProductSchSelectDate.ListIndex * 3 + 1,  _
lstProductSchSequence.ListIndex) = 0 Then cmdProductSchProductGroupDeleteSelection.Visible = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdProductSchAssignSequence_Click()
Dim index As Integer
Dim modified As Boolean
modified = False
'check complete assignment
If lstProductSchProductGroup.ListIndex > -1 And txtProductSchQuantity.Value = 0 Then
MsgBox "Product Group without Quantity is not possible!", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, " _
Quantity for selected Product Group missing"
Exit Sub
End If
If lstProductSchProductGroup.ListIndex  0 Then
MsgBox "Quantity without selection of Product Group is not possible!", vbCritical +  _
vbOKOnly, "Assigned Product Group for Quantity is missing"
Exit Sub
End If
If lstProductSchProductGroup.ListIndex  data_productSchedule(cboProductSchSelectDate. _
ListIndex * 3 + 1, lstProductSchSequence.ListIndex) Then
data_productSchedule(cboProductSchSelectDate.ListIndex * 3 + 1, lstProductSchSequence.  _
ListIndex) = txtProductSchQuantity.Value
modified = True
End If
If lstProductSchProductGroup.ListIndex > -1 Then
If lstProductSchProductGroup.List(lstProductSchProductGroup.ListIndex)   _
data_productSchedule(cboProductSchSelectDate.ListIndex * 3, lstProductSchSequence.ListIndex)  _
data_productSchedule(cboProductSchSelectDate.ListIndex * 3, lstProductSchSequence.  _
ListIndex) = lstProductSchProductGroup.List(lstProductSchProductGroup.ListIndex)
modified = True
End If
End If
If modified = True Then
cboProductSchSelectDate.List(cboProductSchSelectDate.ListIndex, 1) = "modified"
cboProductSchSelectDate.List(cboProductSchSelectDate.ListIndex, 1) = "assigned"
End If
'update of userform
lstProductSchSequence.List(lstProductSchSequence.ListIndex, 1) = "assigned"
'store assigned information in array
data_productSchedule(cboProductSchSelectDate.ListIndex * 3 + 2, lstProductSchSequence. _
ListIndex) = 1
If lstProductSchSequence.ListIndex  0
If data_productSchedule(cboProductSchSelectDate.ListIndex * 3, lstProductSchSequence. _
ListIndex)  0 Then
For index = 0 To lstProductSchProductGroup.ListCount - 1
'determine corresponding listindex of product group
If lstProductSchProductGroup.List(index) = data_productSchedule( _
cboProductSchSelectDate.ListIndex * 3, lstProductSchSequence.ListIndex) Then
lstProductSchProductGroup.ListIndex = index
Exit For
End If
Next index
End If
'set quantity
txtProductSchQuantity.Value = data_productSchedule(cboProductSchSelectDate.ListIndex *   _
3 + 1, lstProductSchSequence.ListIndex)
cmdProductSchProductGroupDeleteSelection.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cboProductSchSelectDate_Change()
Dim index
'update of userform
'reset listbox product sequence
lstProductSchSequence.ListIndex = 0
For index = 0 To lstProductSchSequence.ListCount - 1
lstProductSchSequence.List(index, 1) = ""
Next index
'set listbox product sequence
For index = 0 To lstProductSchSequence.ListCount - 1
If data_productSchedule(cboProductSchSelectDate.ListIndex * 3 + 2, index) = 1 Then
lstProductSchSequence.List(index, 1) = "assigned"
Exit For
End If
Next index
lstProductSchSequence.ListIndex = index
'set product group
lstProductSchProductGroup.ListIndex = -1
'search corresponding product group if value in array  0
If data_productSchedule(cboProductSchSelectDate.ListIndex * 3, lstProductSchSequence. _
ListIndex)  0 Then
For index = 0 To lstProductSchProductGroup.ListCount - 1
'determine corresponding listindex of product group
If lstProductSchProductGroup.List(index) = data_productSchedule( _
cboProductSchSelectDate.ListIndex * 3, lstProductSchSequence.ListIndex) Then
lstProductSchProductGroup.ListIndex = index
Exit For
End If
Next index
End If
'set quantity
txtProductSchQuantity.Value = data_productSchedule(cboProductSchSelectDate.ListIndex * 3 +   _
1, lstProductSchSequence.ListIndex)
End Sub
Private Sub cmdProductSchDeleteModification_Click()
Dim index, index2, index3, index4
If cboProductSchSelectDate.List(cboProductSchSelectDate.ListIndex, 1)  "" Then
If MsgBox("Do you want to delete the modifications made?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo) = vbNo  _
Then Exit Sub
If tab_Product_Schedule_saved = False Then
'replace data in array all 0
For index2 = 0 To UBound(data_productSchedule, 2)
data_productSchedule(cboProductSchSelectDate.ListIndex * 3, index2) = 0
data_productSchedule(cboProductSchSelectDate.ListIndex * 3 + 1, index2) = 0
data_productSchedule(cboProductSchSelectDate.ListIndex * 3 + 2, index2) = 0
Next index2
'replace data in array with data from output table
index = 0
index2 = 0
While Sheet4.Cells(5 + index, "D").Value  ""
'determine corresponding listindex of date  Format(Sheet4.Cells(5 + index, "D"). _
Value, "dd/mm/yyyy")
If Format(Sheet4.Cells(5 + index, "D").Value, "dd/mm/yyyy") =  _
cboProductSchSelectDate.List(cboProductSchSelectDate.ListIndex, 0) Then
data_productSchedule(cboProductSchSelectDate.ListIndex * 3, index2) =  _
Sheet4.Cells(5 + index, "F").Value
data_productSchedule(cboProductSchSelectDate.ListIndex * 3 + 1, index2) =   _
Sheet4.Cells(5 + index, "G").Value
index2 = index2 + 1
End If
index = index + 1
'replace data in array with data from output table
index = 0
index2 = cboProductSchSelectDate.ListIndex
For index = 3 To 25
data_productSchedule(index2, index - 3) = Sheet9.Cells(index2 + 2, index).Value
data_productSchedule(index2 + 1, index - 3) = Sheet9.Cells(index2 + 2 + 1,  _
data_productSchedule(index2 + 2, index - 3) = 0
Next index
'replace IDs with name of product groups in array
'determine number of product groups
index4 = 0
While Sheet4.Cells(5 + index4, "EL").Value  ""
index4 = index4 + 1
index = cboProductSchSelectDate.ListIndex
For index2 = 0 To UBound(data_productSchedule, 2)
For index3 = 0 To index4 - 1
If data_productSchedule(index, index2) = Sheet4.Cells(index3 + 5, "EK"). _
Value Then
data_productSchedule(index, index2) = Sheet4.Cells(index3 + 5, "EL"). _
End If
Next index3
Next index2
End If
lstProductSchProductGroup.ListIndex = -1
'search corresponding product group if value in array  0
If data_productSchedule(0, 0)  0 Then
For index = 0 To lstProductSchProductGroup.ListCount - 1
'determine corresponding listindex of product group
If lstProductSchProductGroup.List(index) = Sheet4.Cells(5, "F").Value Then
lstProductSchProductGroup.ListIndex = index
Exit For
End If
Next index
End If
'set textbox quantity
txtProductSchQuantity.Value = data_productSchedule(cboProductSchSelectDate.ListIndex *   _
3 + 1, 0)
cboProductSchSelectDate.List(cboProductSchSelectDate.ListIndex, 1) = ""
lstProductSchSequence.ListIndex = 0
For index = 0 To lstProductSchSequence.ListCount - 1
lstProductSchSequence.List(index, 1) = ""
Next index
cmdProductSchProductGroupDeleteSelection.Visible = False
End If
End Sub

'----------------------------------------------------------------------End further prozedures -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Start Configuration Cancel-Button and Save&Back to Menu-Button
'----------------------------------------------------------------------Start Save data from ProductS----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Sub cmdSaveProductS_Click()
Dim index, index2
Dim suchArray()
Dim ersetzArray()
Dim k As Long
Dim tmp
tmp = MsgBox("Do you want to save the new data configuration for Product Schedule?",  _
vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Save data of Product Schedule")
If tmp = vbYes Then
'calculate simulation time in minutes
Sheet6.Cells(12, "E").Value = (datediff("d", Sheet13.txtSDI.Value, Sheet13.txtEDI.Value) _
+ 1) * 24 * 60
tab_Product_Schedule_saved = True
'save data from array in output table
For index = 0 To UBound(data_productSchedule, 1) / 3
For index2 = 0 To UBound(data_productSchedule, 2)
Sheet9.Cells(2 + index * 2, 3 + index2).Value = data_productSchedule(index * 3,  _
Sheet9.Cells(2 + index * 2 + 1, 3 + index2).Value = data_productSchedule(index * _
3 + 1, index2)
Next index2
Next index
'replace name of product groups in output table with IDs
ReDim suchArray(lstProductSchProductGroup.ListCount - 1)
ReDim ersetzArray(lstProductSchProductGroup.ListCount - 1)
index = 0
While Sheet4.Cells(5 + index, "EL").Value  ""
'ReDim Preserve suchArray(index)
'ReDim Preserve ersetzArray(index)
suchArray(index) = Sheet4.Cells(5 + index, "EL").Value
ersetzArray(index) = Sheet4.Cells(5 + index, "EK").Value
index = index + 1
For k = LBound(suchArray) To UBound(suchArray)
'Call ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Replace(suchArray(k), ersetzArray(k), , , False)
Call Sheet9.UsedRange.Replace(suchArray(k), ersetzArray(k), xlWhole, , True, False)
Next k
Erase data_productSchedule
Unload Me
End If
End Sub

'----------------------------------------------------------------------End Save data from ProductS----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'-------------------------------------------------Start Configuration Cancel-Button Userform ProductS------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Sub cmdCancelProductS_Click()
Dim tmp
tmp = MsgBox("Do you want to quit the userform Product Schedule?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo)
If tmp = vbYes Then
Erase data_productSchedule
Unload Me
End If
End Sub

'-------------------------------------------------End Configuration Cancel-Button Userform ProductS--------------------------------------------------------------------------
' End Configuration Cancel-Button and Save&Back to Menu-Button

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Beiträge zu diesem Forumthread

AW: Mehrspaltige Combo- bzw. Listbox
25.02.2015 04:46:42
Hallo Markus,
die 1. Voraussetzung ist, daß die folgende Rechenoperation einen positiven Wert ergibt:
datediff = CDate(Tabelle1.txtEDI.Value) - CDate(Tabelle1.txtSDI.Value)
Ansonsten läuft die anschließende Forschleife nicht und die 2-spaltige Combobox bleibt leer!
Hast Du das mal überprüft durch das Setzen 1es Breakpoints.
Dann gibt es noch diese Zeile:
Sheet6.Cells(12, "E").Value = (datediff("d", Sheet13.txtSDI.Value, Sheet13.txtEDI.Value) + 1) * 24 * 60
Hier ist 'datediff' sicher ein Funktionsname. In der Initialisierungsroutine der Userform gibt es eine Variable 'datediff' vom Typ 'Variant'. Solche Doppelbenennungen sollte man unbedingt vermeiden.
Gruß von Luschi
aus klein-Paris

AW: Mehrspaltige Combo- bzw. Listbox
25.02.2015 22:51:23
Hi Luschi,
danke, dass du dir das mal angesehen hast...leider habe ich immer noch keine Lösung. Habe den Code jetzt nochmal umgeschrieben und initialisiere die 2.Spalte nicht, aber ich kann immer noch keine Werte sehen.
Zu deiner 1. Vermutung: Ja das ist sichergestellt, da das Enddatum immer größer sein muss (der User muss es über eine Combobox auswählen)
Zu 2.: Da hast du natürlich recht, aber das hängt nicht unmittelbar mit dem "Verschwinden" der Daten zusammen.
Vg Markus

AW: Mehrspaltige Combo- bzw. Listbox
26.02.2015 08:02:26
Hallo Markus,
da wirst du wohl eine kleine Demodatei mit diesem Effekt hier bereitstellen müssen.
Gruß von Luschi
aus klein-Paris

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