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Excel-Forum (Archiv)
20+ Jahre Excel-Kompetenz: Von Anwendern, für Anwender

Aufruf einer Userform führt zum Absturz von Excel

Aufruf einer Userform führt zum Absturz von Excel
06.10.2015 15:10:02
Hallo ich habe ein Problem beim Aufrufen meiner Userform.
Das mysteriöse dabei ist das der VBA - Code einwandfrei funktioniert und ich nicht glaube dass der Code den Absturz von Excel verursacht.
Auf jedenfall wenn ich die Datei öffne und auf meinen Button klicke um die Userform aufzurufen führt es zum Absturz von Excel, dies passiert jedoch nicht wenn ich zuvor alt + F11 drücke um das Codefenster zu öffnen, dieses schließe und dann erst die Userform aufrufe, dann klappt es.

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AW: Aufruf einer Userform führt zum Absturz von Excel
06.10.2015 15:24:32
Zeigst du uns mal die Datei ?

AW: Aufruf einer Userform führt zum Absturz von Excel
06.10.2015 15:24:47
Hallo ?,
ich habe ähnliches gehabt als ich von Excel 2003 auf 2010 migrierte, plötzlich stürzte Excel
bei Ausführung eines bestimmten Macros ab.
Ich hatte während der Macro-Ausführung aus einer XLSM-File genau diese XLSM-file per macro geschlossen, mit "ON Error Resume Next".
Nachdem ich mein Spaghetti entzerrt hatte, den logischen Fehler entdeckt und bereinigt hatte, lief das Macro problemlos auch unter 2010, und auch unter 2013 mittlerweile.
Vielleicht ......

AW: Aufruf einer Userform führt zum Absturz von Excel
06.10.2015 15:50:07
Es handelt sich dabei um ein innerbetriebliches Projekt die Datei hier im File - Upload hochzustellen wäre mir nicht so lieb, ich hoffe Ihr nehmt mir das nicht übel. Aber ich könnte Code - Ausschnitte zur verfügung stellen. Und ich erkläre es gerne mal grob: Also die Userform besteht aus 221 Textboxen einem Listenfeld und 13 Buttons, sie ist an eine Tabelle1 angebunden, diese enthält 221 Spalten in Spalte A steht der Nachname von den Kunden Spalte A ist der Index für das Listenfeld in der Userform, bei auswahl des Nachnamens im Listenfeld schreibt er alle 221 Einträge für den Kunden aus der entsprechenden Zeile in die jeweils zugeordneten 221 Textboxen. Buttons Löschen, Speichern, Neuer Eintrag,Beenden, Such-Textbox, dann noch ein paar weitere für Berechnungen. Ich hoffe damit kann man was anfangen.
Ich danke euch jetzt schon für die schnellen Antworten. Ich hatte diesen Fehler mal gegoogelt und dabei etwas über das auslagern des Codes in Form von einer .xlam Datei als Add - In für Excel gelesen, könnte es vieleicht damit zusammenhängen? Gruß Robin

AW: Aufruf einer Userform führt zum Absturz von Excel
06.10.2015 16:18:56
Ich muss aber auch gestehen den Code komplett auf die Userform geklatscht zu haben,also von modularer Programmierung keine Spur, vielleicht fängt damit auch schon das Problem an?

AW: Aufruf einer Userform führt zum Absturz von Excel
06.10.2015 16:21:05
HAllo Robin,
dann zeig uns doch wenigstens den Code...

AW: Aufruf einer Userform führt zum Absturz von Excel
06.10.2015 16:25:45
Aber ich könnte Code - Ausschnitte zur verfügung stellen.

und machst Du das auch...?
Bedenke, Du kriegst schon das Problem nicht mit der Datei vor der Nase geregelt, wir sollen es ohne schaffen, das wird nix...
Gruß, Mullit

AW: Aufruf einer Userform führt zum Absturz von Excel
06.10.2015 16:35:48
Option Explicit
Option Compare Text
Private Sub btn_aufteilenrez2_Click()
Dim sDatum As Date
If IsDate(sDatum) = Me.txt72.Value And Me.txt12.Value = 3 And Me.txt14.Value = 30 Then
Me.txt73.Value = 10
Me.txt77.Value = DateAdd("d", 28, Me.txt72.Value)
Me.txt78.Value = 10
Me.txt82.Value = DateAdd("d", 56, Me.txt72.Value)
Me.txt83.Value = 10
End If
If IsDate(sDatum) = Me.txt72.Value And Me.txt12.Value = 3 And Me.txt14.Value = 3 Then
Me.txt73.Value = 1
Me.txt77.Value = DateAdd("d", 28, Me.txt72.Value)
Me.txt78.Value = 1
Me.txt82.Value = DateAdd("d", 56, Me.txt72.Value)
Me.txt83.Value = 1
End If
If IsDate(sDatum) = Me.txt72.Value And Me.txt12.Value = 6 And Me.txt14.Value = 60 Then
Me.txt73.Value = 10
Me.txt77.Value = DateAdd("d", 28, Me.txt72.Value)
Me.txt78.Value = 10
Me.txt82.Value = DateAdd("d", 56, Me.txt72.Value)
Me.txt83.Value = 10
Me.txt87.Value = DateAdd("d", 84, Me.txt72.Value)
Me.txt88.Value = 10
Me.txt92.Value = DateAdd("d", 112, Me.txt72.Value)
Me.txt93.Value = 10
Me.txt97.Value = DateAdd("d", 140, Me.txt42.Value)
Me.txt98.Value = 10
End If
If IsDate(sDatum) = Me.txt72.Value And Me.txt12.Value = 6 And Me.txt14.Value = 6 Then
Me.txt73.Value = 1
Me.txt77.Value = DateAdd("d", 28, Me.txt72.Value)
Me.txt78.Value = 1
Me.txt82.Value = DateAdd("d", 56, Me.txt72.Value)
Me.txt83.Value = 1
Me.txt87.Value = DateAdd("d", 84, Me.txt72.Value)
Me.txt88.Value = 1
Me.txt92.Value = DateAdd("d", 112, Me.txt72.Value)
Me.txt93.Value = 1
Me.txt97.Value = DateAdd("d", 140, Me.txt72.Value)
Me.txt98.Value = 1
End If
If Me.txt72.Value = "" Then
MsgBox "Sie haben das DV1 Datum nicht eingetragen!"
End If
If Me.txt12.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Bitte prüfen Sie die DV bei Rezept 2,  bitte 3 oder 6 angeben!"
End If
If Me.txt72.Text = "" And Me.txt12.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Bitte die DV bei Rezept 2 eintragen und bei DV1 ein Datum angeben!"
End If
If Me.txt14.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Bitte tragen Sie eine Menge bei Rezept2 ein!"
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

Private Sub btn_aufteilenrez3_Click()
Dim sDatum As Date
If IsDate(sDatum) = Me.txt102.Value And Me.txt17.Value = 3 And Me.txt19.Value = 30 Then
Me.txt103.Value = 10
Me.txt107.Value = DateAdd("d", 28, Me.txt102.Value)
Me.txt108.Value = 10
Me.txt112.Value = DateAdd("d", 56, Me.txt102.Value)
Me.txt113.Value = 10
End If
If IsDate(sDatum) = Me.txt102.Value And Me.txt17.Value = 3 And Me.txt19.Value = 3 Then
Me.txt103.Value = 1
Me.txt107.Value = DateAdd("d", 28, Me.txt102.Value)
Me.txt108.Value = 1
Me.txt112.Value = DateAdd("d", 56, Me.txt102.Value)
Me.txt113.Value = 1
End If
If IsDate(sDatum) = Me.txt102.Value And Me.txt17.Value = 6 And Me.txt19.Value = 60 Then
Me.txt103.Value = 10
Me.txt107.Value = DateAdd("d", 28, Me.txt102.Value)
Me.txt108.Value = 10
Me.txt112.Value = DateAdd("d", 56, Me.txt102.Value)
Me.txt113.Value = 10
Me.txt117.Value = DateAdd("d", 84, Me.txt102.Value)
Me.txt118.Value = 10
Me.txt122.Value = DateAdd("d", 112, Me.txt102.Value)
Me.txt123.Value = 10
Me.txt127.Value = DateAdd("d", 140, Me.txt102.Value)
Me.txt128.Value = 10
End If
If IsDate(sDatum) = Me.txt102.Value And Me.txt17.Value = 6 And Me.txt19.Value = 6 Then
Me.txt103.Value = 1
Me.txt107.Value = DateAdd("d", 28, Me.txt102.Value)
Me.txt108.Value = 1
Me.txt112.Value = DateAdd("d", 56, Me.txt102.Value)
Me.txt113.Value = 1
Me.txt117.Value = DateAdd("d", 84, Me.txt102.Value)
Me.txt118.Value = 1
Me.txt122.Value = DateAdd("d", 112, Me.txt102.Value)
Me.txt123.Value = 1
Me.txt127.Value = DateAdd("d", 140, Me.txt102.Value)
Me.txt128.Value = 1
End If
If Me.txt102.Value = "" Then
MsgBox "Sie haben das DV1 Datum nicht eingetragen!"
End If
If Me.txt17.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Bitte prüfen Sie die DV bei Rezept 3,  bitte 3 oder 6 angeben!"
End If
If Me.txt102.Text = "" And Me.txt17.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Bitte die DV bei Rezept 3 eintragen und bei DV1 ein Datum angeben!"
End If
If Me.txt19.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Bitte tragen Sie eine Menge bei Rezept3 ein!"
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

Private Sub btn_aufteilenrez6_Click()
Dim sDatum As Date
If IsDate(sDatum) = Me.txt192.Value And Me.txt32.Value = 3 And Me.txt34.Value = 30 Then
Me.txt193.Value = 10
Me.txt197.Value = DateAdd("d", 28, Me.txt192.Value)
Me.txt198.Value = 10
Me.txt202.Value = DateAdd("d", 56, Me.txt192.Value)
Me.txt203.Value = 10
End If
If IsDate(sDatum) = Me.txt192.Value And Me.txt32.Value = 3 And Me.txt34.Value = 3 Then
Me.txt193.Value = 1
Me.txt197.Value = DateAdd("d", 28, Me.txt192.Value)
Me.txt198.Value = 1
Me.txt202.Value = DateAdd("d", 56, Me.txt192.Value)
Me.txt203.Value = 1
End If
If IsDate(sDatum) = Me.txt192.Value And Me.txt32.Value = 6 And Me.txt34.Value = 60 Then
Me.txt193.Value = 10
Me.txt197.Value = DateAdd("d", 28, Me.txt192.Value)
Me.txt198.Value = 10
Me.txt202.Value = DateAdd("d", 56, Me.txt192.Value)
Me.txt203.Value = 10
Me.txt207.Value = DateAdd("d", 84, Me.txt192.Value)
Me.txt208.Value = 10
Me.txt212.Value = DateAdd("d", 112, Me.txt192.Value)
Me.txt213.Value = 10
Me.txt217.Value = DateAdd("d", 140, Me.txt192.Value)
Me.txt218.Value = 10
End If
If IsDate(sDatum) = Me.txt192.Value And Me.txt32.Value = 6 And Me.txt34.Value = 6 Then
Me.txt193.Value = 1
Me.txt197.Value = DateAdd("d", 28, Me.txt192.Value)
Me.txt198.Value = 1
Me.txt202.Value = DateAdd("d", 56, Me.txt192.Value)
Me.txt203.Value = 1
Me.txt207.Value = DateAdd("d", 84, Me.txt192.Value)
Me.txt208.Value = 1
Me.txt212.Value = DateAdd("d", 112, Me.txt192.Value)
Me.txt213.Value = 1
Me.txt217.Value = DateAdd("d", 140, Me.txt192.Value)
Me.txt218.Value = 1
End If
If Me.txt192.Value = "" Then
MsgBox "Sie haben das DV1 Datum nicht eingetragen!"
End If
If Me.txt32.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Bitte prüfen Sie die DV bei Rezept6,  bitte 3 oder 6 angeben!"
End If
If Me.txt192.Text = "" And Me.txt32.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Bitte die DV bei Rezept6 eintragen und bei DV1 ein Datum angeben!"
End If
If Me.txt34.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Bitte tragen Sie eine Menge bei Rezept6 ein!"
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

Private Sub btn_drucken_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub btn_entfernenrez5_Click()
Dim byWert As Byte
byWert = MsgBox("Möchten Sie wirklich alle Einträge für Rezept5 entfernen?", 1, "Löschen")
If byWert = 2 Then
MsgBox "DVs wurden nicht gelöscht!"
ElseIf byWert = 1 Then
Me.txt163.Value = ""
Me.txt164.Value = ""
Me.txt165.Value = ""
Me.txt166.Value = ""
Me.txt167.Value = ""
Me.txt168.Value = ""
Me.txt169.Value = ""
Me.txt170.Value = ""
Me.txt171.Value = ""
Me.txt172.Value = ""
Me.txt173.Value = ""
Me.txt174.Value = ""
Me.txt175.Value = ""
Me.txt176.Value = ""
Me.txt177.Value = ""
Me.txt178.Value = ""
Me.txt179.Value = ""
Me.txt180.Value = ""
Me.txt181.Value = ""
Me.txt182.Value = ""
Me.txt183.Value = ""
Me.txt184.Value = ""
Me.txt185.Value = ""
Me.txt186.Value = ""
Me.txt187.Value = ""
Me.txt188.Value = ""
Me.txt189.Value = ""
Me.txt190.Value = ""
Me.txt191.Value = ""
MsgBox "DVs wurden gelöscht!"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub btn_entfernenrez6_Click()
Dim byWert As Byte
byWert = MsgBox("Möchten Sie wirklich alle Einträge für Rezept6 entfernen?", 1, "Löschen")
If byWert = 2 Then
MsgBox "DVs wurden nicht gelöscht!"
ElseIf byWert = 1 Then
Me.txt193.Value = ""
Me.txt194.Value = ""
Me.txt195.Value = ""
Me.txt196.Value = ""
Me.txt197.Value = ""
Me.txt198.Value = ""
Me.txt199.Value = ""
Me.txt200.Value = ""
Me.txt201.Value = ""
Me.txt202.Value = ""
Me.txt203.Value = ""
Me.txt204.Value = ""
Me.txt205.Value = ""
Me.txt206.Value = ""
Me.txt207.Value = ""
Me.txt208.Value = ""
Me.txt209.Value = ""
Me.txt210.Value = ""
Me.txt211.Value = ""
Me.txt212.Value = ""
Me.txt213.Value = ""
Me.txt214.Value = ""
Me.txt215.Value = ""
Me.txt216.Value = ""
Me.txt217.Value = ""
Me.txt218.Value = ""
Me.txt219.Value = ""
Me.txt220.Value = ""
Me.txt221.Value = ""
MsgBox "DVs wurden gelöscht!"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btn_neu_Click()
Dim lZeile As Long
lZeile = 2
Do While Trim(CStr(Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 1).Value))  ""
lZeile = lZeile + 1
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 1) = CStr("Neuer Eintrag Zeile " & lZeile)
ListBox1.AddItem CStr("Neuer Eintrag Zeile " & lZeile)
ListBox1.ListIndex = ListBox1.ListCount - 1
End Sub

Private Sub btn_delete_Click()
Dim lZeile As Long
Dim byWert As Byte
byWert = MsgBox("Möchten Sie diesen Patienten mit all seinen Einträgen entfernen?", 1, " _
Patienten aus Datenbank entfernen")
If byWert = 2 Or ListBox1.ListIndex = -1 Then
MsgBox "Patient wurde nicht gelöscht!"
Exit Sub
ElseIf byWert = 1 Then
lZeile = 2
Do While Trim(CStr(Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 1).Value))  ""
If ListBox1.Text = Trim(CStr(Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 1).Value)) Then
Tabelle1.Rows(CStr(lZeile & ":" & lZeile)).delete
Call UserForm_initialize
If ListBox1.ListCount > 0 Then ListBox1.ListIndex = 0
Exit Do
End If
lZeile = lZeile + 1
End If
MsgBox "Patient erfolgreich gelöscht!"
End Sub
Private Sub btn_speichern_Click()
Dim lZeile As Long
If ListBox1.ListIndex = -1 Then Exit Sub
If Trim(CStr(txt1.Text)) = "" Then
MsgBox "Sie müssen mindestens einen Namen eingeben!", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "FEHLER!"
Exit Sub
End If
lZeile = 2
Do While Trim(CStr(Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 1).Value))  ""
If ListBox1.Text = Trim(CStr(Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 1).Value)) Then
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 1).Value = Trim(CStr(txt1.Text))
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 2).Value = txt2.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 3).Value = txt3.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 4).Value = txt4.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 5).Value = txt5.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 6).Value = txt6.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 7).Value = txt7.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 8).Value = txt8.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 9).Value = txt9.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 10).Value = txt10.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 11).Value = txt11.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 12).Value = txt12.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 13).Value = txt13.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 14).Value = txt14.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 15).Value = txt15.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 16).Value = txt16.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 17).Value = txt17.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 18).Value = txt18.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 19).Value = txt19.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 20).Value = txt20.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 21).Value = txt21.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 22).Value = txt22.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 23).Value = txt23.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 24).Value = txt24.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 25).Value = txt25.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 26).Value = txt26.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 27).Value = txt27.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 28).Value = txt28.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 29).Value = txt29.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 30).Value = txt30.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 31).Value = txt31.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 32).Value = txt32.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 33).Value = txt33.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 34).Value = txt34.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 35).Value = txt35.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 36).Value = txt36.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 37).Value = txt37.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 38).Value = txt38.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 39).Value = txt39.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 40).Value = txt40.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 41).Value = txt41.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 42).Value = txt42.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 43).Value = txt43.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 44).Value = txt44.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 45).Value = txt45.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 46).Value = txt46.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 47).Value = txt47.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 48).Value = txt48.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 49).Value = txt49.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 50).Value = txt50.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 51).Value = txt51.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 52).Value = txt52.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 53).Value = txt53.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 54).Value = txt54.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 55).Value = txt55.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 56).Value = txt56.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 57).Value = txt57.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 58).Value = txt58.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 59).Value = txt59.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 60).Value = txt60.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 61).Value = txt61.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 62).Value = txt62.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 63).Value = txt63.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 64).Value = txt64.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 65).Value = txt65.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 66).Value = txt66.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 67).Value = txt67.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 68).Value = txt68.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 69).Value = txt69.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 70).Value = txt70.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 71).Value = txt71.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 72).Value = txt72.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 73).Value = txt73.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 74).Value = txt74.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 75).Value = txt75.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 76).Value = txt76.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 77).Value = txt77.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 78).Value = txt78.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 79).Value = txt79.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 80).Value = txt80.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 81).Value = txt81.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 82).Value = txt82.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 83).Value = txt83.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 84).Value = txt84.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 85).Value = txt85.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 86).Value = txt86.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 87).Value = txt87.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 88).Value = txt88.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 89).Value = txt89.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 90).Value = txt90.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 91).Value = txt91.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 92).Value = txt92.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 93).Value = txt93.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 94).Value = txt94.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 95).Value = txt95.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 96).Value = txt96.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 97).Value = txt97.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 98).Value = txt98.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 99).Value = txt99.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 100).Value = txt100.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 101).Value = txt101.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 102).Value = txt102.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 103).Value = txt103.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 104).Value = txt104.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 105).Value = txt105.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 106).Value = txt106.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 107).Value = txt107.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 108).Value = txt108.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 109).Value = txt109.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 110).Value = txt110.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 111).Value = txt111.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 112).Value = txt112.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 113).Value = txt113.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 114).Value = txt114.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 115).Value = txt115.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 116).Value = txt116.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 117).Value = txt117.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 118).Value = txt118.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 119).Value = txt119.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 120).Value = txt120.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 121).Value = txt121.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 122).Value = txt122.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 123).Value = txt123.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 124).Value = txt124.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 125).Value = txt125.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 126).Value = txt126.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 127).Value = txt127.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 128).Value = txt128.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 129).Value = txt129.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 130).Value = txt130.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 131).Value = txt131.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 132).Value = txt132.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 133).Value = txt133.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 134).Value = txt134.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 135).Value = txt135.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 136).Value = txt136.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 137).Value = txt137.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 138).Value = txt138.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 139).Value = txt139.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 140).Value = txt140.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 141).Value = txt141.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 142).Value = txt142.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 143).Value = txt143.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 144).Value = txt144.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 145).Value = txt145.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 146).Value = txt146.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 147).Value = txt147.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 148).Value = txt148.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 149).Value = txt149.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 150).Value = txt150.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 151).Value = txt151.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 152).Value = txt152.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 153).Value = txt153.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 154).Value = txt154.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 155).Value = txt155.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 156).Value = txt156.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 157).Value = txt157.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 158).Value = txt158.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 159).Value = txt159.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 160).Value = txt160.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 161).Value = txt161.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 162).Value = txt162.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 163).Value = txt163.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 164).Value = txt164.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 165).Value = txt165.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 166).Value = txt166.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 167).Value = txt167.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 168).Value = txt168.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 169).Value = txt169.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 170).Value = txt170.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 171).Value = txt171.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 172).Value = txt172.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 173).Value = txt173.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 174).Value = txt174.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 175).Value = txt175.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 176).Value = txt176.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 177).Value = txt177.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 178).Value = txt178.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 179).Value = txt179.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 180).Value = txt180.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 181).Value = txt181.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 182).Value = txt182.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 183).Value = txt183.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 184).Value = txt184.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 185).Value = txt185.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 186).Value = txt186.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 187).Value = txt187.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 188).Value = txt188.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 189).Value = txt189.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 190).Value = txt190.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 191).Value = txt191.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 192).Value = txt192.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 193).Value = txt193.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 194).Value = txt194.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 195).Value = txt195.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 196).Value = txt196.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 197).Value = txt197.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 198).Value = txt198.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 199).Value = txt199.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 200).Value = txt200.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 201).Value = txt201.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 202).Value = txt202.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 203).Value = txt203.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 204).Value = txt204.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 205).Value = txt205.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 206).Value = txt206.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 207).Value = txt207.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 208).Value = txt208.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 209).Value = txt209.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 210).Value = txt210.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 211).Value = txt211.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 212).Value = txt212.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 213).Value = txt213.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 214).Value = txt214.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 215).Value = txt215.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 216).Value = txt216.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 217).Value = txt217.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 218).Value = txt218.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 219).Value = txt219.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 220).Value = txt220.Text
Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 221).Value = txt221.Text
If ListBox1.Text  Trim(CStr(txt1.Text)) Then
Call UserForm_initialize
If ListBox1.ListCount > 0 Then ListBox1.ListIndex = 0
End If
Exit Do
End If
lZeile = lZeile + 1
End Sub
Private Sub btn_beenden_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub btn_aufteilenrez1_Click()
Dim sDatum As Date
If IsDate(sDatum) = Me.txt42.Value And Me.txt7.Value = 3 And Me.txt9.Value = 30 Then
Me.txt43.Value = 10
Me.txt47.Value = DateAdd("d", 28, Me.txt42.Value)
Me.txt48.Value = 10
Me.txt52.Value = DateAdd("d", 56, Me.txt42.Value)
Me.txt53.Value = 10
End If
If IsDate(sDatum) = Me.txt42.Value And Me.txt7.Value = 3 And Me.txt9.Value = 3 Then
Me.txt43.Value = 1
Me.txt47.Value = DateAdd("d", 28, Me.txt42.Value)
Me.txt48.Value = 1
Me.txt52.Value = DateAdd("d", 56, Me.txt42.Value)
Me.txt53.Value = 1
End If
If IsDate(sDatum) = Me.txt42.Value And Me.txt7.Value = 6 And Me.txt9.Value = 60 Then
Me.txt43.Value = 10
Me.txt47.Value = DateAdd("d", 28, Me.txt42.Value)
Me.txt48.Value = 10
Me.txt52.Value = DateAdd("d", 56, Me.txt42.Value)
Me.txt53.Value = 10
Me.txt57.Value = DateAdd("d", 84, Me.txt42.Value)
Me.txt58.Value = 10
Me.txt62.Value = DateAdd("d", 112, Me.txt42.Value)
Me.txt63.Value = 10
Me.txt67.Value = DateAdd("d", 140, Me.txt42.Value)
Me.txt68.Value = 10
End If
If IsDate(sDatum) = Me.txt42.Value And Me.txt7.Value = 6 And Me.txt9.Value = 6 Then
Me.txt43.Value = 1
Me.txt47.Value = DateAdd("d", 28, Me.txt42.Value)
Me.txt48.Value = 1
Me.txt52.Value = DateAdd("d", 56, Me.txt42.Value)
Me.txt53.Value = 1
Me.txt57.Value = DateAdd("d", 84, Me.txt42.Value)
Me.txt58.Value = 1
Me.txt62.Value = DateAdd("d", 112, Me.txt42.Value)
Me.txt63.Value = 1
Me.txt67.Value = DateAdd("d", 140, Me.txt42.Value)
Me.txt68.Value = 1
End If
If Me.txt42.Value = "" Then
MsgBox "Sie haben das DV1 Datum nicht eingetragen!"
End If
If Me.txt7.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Bitte prüfen Sie die DV bei Rezept 1,  bitte 3 oder 6 angeben!"
End If
If Me.txt42.Text = "" And Me.txt7.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Bitte bei Rezept 1 die DV und bei DV1 von Rezept1 ein Datum angeben!"
End If
If Me.txt9.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Bitte tragen Sie eine Menge bei Rezept1 ein!"
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

Private Sub btn_entfernenrez1_Click()
Dim byWert As Byte
byWert = MsgBox("Möchten Sie wirklich alle Einträge für Rezept1 entfernen?", 1, "Löschen")
If byWert = 2 Then
MsgBox "DVs wurden nicht gelöscht!"
ElseIf byWert = 1 Then
Me.txt43.Value = ""
Me.txt44.Value = ""
Me.txt45.Value = ""
Me.txt46.Value = ""
Me.txt47.Value = ""
Me.txt48.Value = ""
Me.txt49.Value = ""
Me.txt50.Value = ""
Me.txt51.Value = ""
Me.txt52.Value = ""
Me.txt53.Value = ""
Me.txt54.Value = ""
Me.txt55.Value = ""
Me.txt56.Value = ""
Me.txt57.Value = ""
Me.txt58.Value = ""
Me.txt59.Value = ""
Me.txt60.Value = ""
Me.txt61.Value = ""
Me.txt62.Value = ""
Me.txt63.Value = ""
Me.txt64.Value = ""
Me.txt65.Value = ""
Me.txt66.Value = ""
Me.txt67.Value = ""
Me.txt68.Value = ""
Me.txt69.Value = ""
Me.txt70.Value = ""
Me.txt71.Value = ""
End If
End Sub

Private Sub btn_entfernenrez2_Click()
Dim byWert As Byte
byWert = MsgBox("Möchten Sie wirklich alle Einträge für Rezept2 entfernen?", 1, "Löschen")
If byWert = 2 Then
MsgBox "DVs wurden nicht gelöscht!"
ElseIf byWert = 1 Then
Me.txt73.Value = ""
Me.txt74.Value = ""
Me.txt75.Value = ""
Me.txt76.Value = ""
Me.txt77.Value = ""
Me.txt78.Value = ""
Me.txt79.Value = ""
Me.txt80.Value = ""
Me.txt81.Value = ""
Me.txt82.Value = ""
Me.txt83.Value = ""
Me.txt84.Value = ""
Me.txt85.Value = ""
Me.txt86.Value = ""
Me.txt87.Value = ""
Me.txt88.Value = ""
Me.txt89.Value = ""
Me.txt90.Value = ""
Me.txt91.Value = ""
Me.txt92.Value = ""
Me.txt93.Value = ""
Me.txt94.Value = ""
Me.txt95.Value = ""
Me.txt96.Value = ""
Me.txt97.Value = ""
Me.txt98.Value = ""
Me.txt99.Value = ""
Me.txt100.Value = ""
Me.txt101.Value = ""
MsgBox "DVs wurden gelöscht!"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub btn_entfernenrez3_Click()
Dim byWert As Byte
byWert = MsgBox("Möchten Sie wirklich alle Einträge für Rezept3 entfernen?", 1, "Löschen")
If byWert = 2 Then
MsgBox "DVs wurden nicht gelöscht!"
ElseIf byWert = 1 Then
Me.txt103.Value = ""
Me.txt104.Value = ""
Me.txt105.Value = ""
Me.txt106.Value = ""
Me.txt107.Value = ""
Me.txt108.Value = ""
Me.txt109.Value = ""
Me.txt110.Value = ""
Me.txt111.Value = ""
Me.txt112.Value = ""
Me.txt113.Value = ""
Me.txt114.Value = ""
Me.txt115.Value = ""
Me.txt116.Value = ""
Me.txt117.Value = ""
Me.txt118.Value = ""
Me.txt119.Value = ""
Me.txt120.Value = ""
Me.txt121.Value = ""
Me.txt122.Value = ""
Me.txt123.Value = ""
Me.txt124.Value = ""
Me.txt125.Value = ""
Me.txt126.Value = ""
Me.txt127.Value = ""
Me.txt128.Value = ""
Me.txt129.Value = ""
Me.txt130.Value = ""
Me.txt131.Value = ""
MsgBox "DVs wurden gelöscht!"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub btn_aufteilenrez4_Click()
Dim sDatum As Date
If IsDate(sDatum) = Me.txt132.Value And Me.txt22.Value = 3 And Me.txt24.Value = 30 Then
Me.txt133.Value = 10
Me.txt137.Value = DateAdd("d", 28, Me.txt132.Value)
Me.txt138.Value = 10
Me.txt142.Value = DateAdd("d", 56, Me.txt132.Value)
Me.txt143.Value = 10
End If
If IsDate(sDatum) = Me.txt132.Value And Me.txt22.Value = 3 And Me.txt24.Value = 3 Then
Me.txt133.Value = 1
Me.txt137.Value = DateAdd("d", 28, Me.txt132.Value)
Me.txt138.Value = 1
Me.txt142.Value = DateAdd("d", 56, Me.txt132.Value)
Me.txt143.Value = 1
End If
If IsDate(sDatum) = Me.txt132.Value And Me.txt22.Value = 6 And Me.txt24.Value = 60 Then
Me.txt133.Value = 10
Me.txt137.Value = DateAdd("d", 28, Me.txt132.Value)
Me.txt138.Value = 10
Me.txt142.Value = DateAdd("d", 56, Me.txt132.Value)
Me.txt143.Value = 10
Me.txt147.Value = DateAdd("d", 84, Me.txt132.Value)
Me.txt148.Value = 10
Me.txt152.Value = DateAdd("d", 112, Me.txt132.Value)
Me.txt153.Value = 10
Me.txt157.Value = DateAdd("d", 140, Me.txt132.Value)
Me.txt158.Value = 10
End If
If IsDate(sDatum) = Me.txt132.Value And Me.txt22.Value = 6 And Me.txt24.Value = 6 Then
Me.txt133.Value = 1
Me.txt137.Value = DateAdd("d", 28, Me.txt132.Value)
Me.txt138.Value = 1
Me.txt142.Value = DateAdd("d", 56, Me.txt132.Value)
Me.txt143.Value = 1
Me.txt147.Value = DateAdd("d", 84, Me.txt132.Value)
Me.txt148.Value = 1
Me.txt152.Value = DateAdd("d", 112, Me.txt132.Value)
Me.txt153.Value = 1
Me.txt157.Value = DateAdd("d", 140, Me.txt132.Value)
Me.txt158.Value = 1
End If
If Me.txt132.Value = "" Then
MsgBox "Sie haben das DV1 Datum nicht eingetragen!"
End If
If Me.txt22.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Bitte prüfen Sie die DV bei Rezept4,  bitte 3 oder 6 angeben!"
End If
If Me.txt132.Text = "" And Me.txt22.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Bitte die DV bei Rezept4 eintragen und bei DV1 ein Datum angeben!"
End If
If Me.txt24.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Bitte tragen Sie eine Menge bei Rezept4 ein!"
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

Private Sub btn_entfernenrez4_Click()
Dim byWert As Byte
byWert = MsgBox("Möchten Sie wirklich alle Einträge für Rezept4 entfernen?", 1, "Löschen")
If byWert = 2 Then
MsgBox "DVs wurden nicht gelöscht!"
ElseIf byWert = 1 Then
Me.txt133.Value = ""
Me.txt134.Value = ""
Me.txt135.Value = ""
Me.txt136.Value = ""
Me.txt137.Value = ""
Me.txt138.Value = ""
Me.txt139.Value = ""
Me.txt140.Value = ""
Me.txt141.Value = ""
Me.txt142.Value = ""
Me.txt143.Value = ""
Me.txt144.Value = ""
Me.txt145.Value = ""
Me.txt146.Value = ""
Me.txt147.Value = ""
Me.txt148.Value = ""
Me.txt149.Value = ""
Me.txt150.Value = ""
Me.txt151.Value = ""
Me.txt152.Value = ""
Me.txt153.Value = ""
Me.txt154.Value = ""
Me.txt155.Value = ""
Me.txt156.Value = ""
Me.txt157.Value = ""
Me.txt158.Value = ""
Me.txt159.Value = ""
Me.txt160.Value = ""
Me.txt161.Value = ""
MsgBox "DVs wurden gelöscht!"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub btn_aufteilenrez5_Click()
Dim sDatum As Date
If IsDate(sDatum) = Me.txt162.Value And Me.txt27.Value = 3 And Me.txt29.Value = 30 Then
Me.txt163.Value = 10
Me.txt167.Value = DateAdd("d", 28, Me.txt162.Value)
Me.txt168.Value = 10
Me.txt172.Value = DateAdd("d", 56, Me.txt162.Value)
Me.txt173.Value = 10
End If
If IsDate(sDatum) = Me.txt162.Value And Me.txt27.Value = 3 And Me.txt29.Value = 3 Then
Me.txt163.Value = 1
Me.txt167.Value = DateAdd("d", 28, Me.txt162.Value)
Me.txt168.Value = 1
Me.txt172.Value = DateAdd("d", 56, Me.txt162.Value)
Me.txt173.Value = 1
End If
If IsDate(sDatum) = Me.txt162.Value And Me.txt27.Value = 6 And Me.txt29.Value = 60 Then
Me.txt163.Value = 10
Me.txt167.Value = DateAdd("d", 28, Me.txt162.Value)
Me.txt168.Value = 10
Me.txt172.Value = DateAdd("d", 56, Me.txt162.Value)
Me.txt173.Value = 10
Me.txt177.Value = DateAdd("d", 84, Me.txt162.Value)
Me.txt178.Value = 10
Me.txt182.Value = DateAdd("d", 112, Me.txt162.Value)
Me.txt183.Value = 10
Me.txt187.Value = DateAdd("d", 140, Me.txt162.Value)
Me.txt188.Value = 10
End If
If IsDate(sDatum) = Me.txt162.Value And Me.txt27.Value = 6 And Me.txt29.Value = 6 Then
Me.txt163.Value = 1
Me.txt167.Value = DateAdd("d", 28, Me.txt162.Value)
Me.txt168.Value = 1
Me.txt172.Value = DateAdd("d", 56, Me.txt162.Value)
Me.txt173.Value = 1
Me.txt177.Value = DateAdd("d", 84, Me.txt162.Value)
Me.txt178.Value = 1
Me.txt182.Value = DateAdd("d", 112, Me.txt162.Value)
Me.txt183.Value = 1
Me.txt187.Value = DateAdd("d", 140, Me.txt162.Value)
Me.txt188.Value = 1
End If
If Me.txt162.Value = "" Then
MsgBox "Sie haben das DV1 Datum nicht eingetragen!"
End If
If Me.txt27.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Bitte prüfen Sie die DV bei Rezept5,  bitte 3 oder 6 angeben!"
End If
If Me.txt162.Text = "" And Me.txt27.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Bitte die DV bei Rezept5 eintragen und bei DV1 ein Datum angeben!"
End If
If Me.txt29.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Bitte tragen Sie eine Menge bei Rezept5 ein!"
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ListBox1_Click()
Dim lZeile As Long
txt1 = ""
txt2 = ""
txt3 = ""
txt4 = ""
txt5 = ""
txt6 = ""
txt7 = ""
txt8 = ""
txt9 = ""
txt10 = ""
txt11 = ""
txt12 = ""
txt13 = ""
txt14 = ""
txt15 = ""
txt16 = ""
txt17 = ""
txt18 = ""
txt19 = ""
txt20 = ""
txt21 = ""
txt22 = ""
txt23 = ""
txt24 = ""
txt25 = ""
txt26 = ""
txt27 = ""
txt28 = ""
txt29 = ""
txt30 = ""
txt31 = ""
txt32 = ""
txt33 = ""
txt34 = ""
txt35 = ""
txt36 = ""
txt37 = ""
txt38 = ""
txt39 = ""
txt40 = ""
txt41 = ""
txt42 = ""
txt43 = ""
txt44 = ""
txt45 = ""
txt46 = ""
txt47 = ""
txt48 = ""
txt49 = ""
txt50 = ""
txt51 = ""
txt52 = ""
txt53 = ""
txt54 = ""
txt55 = ""
txt56 = ""
txt57 = ""
txt58 = ""
txt59 = ""
txt60 = ""
txt61 = ""
txt62 = ""
txt63 = ""
txt64 = ""
txt65 = ""
txt66 = ""
txt67 = ""
txt68 = ""
txt69 = ""
txt70 = ""
txt71 = ""
txt72 = ""
txt73 = ""
txt74 = ""
txt75 = ""
txt76 = ""
txt77 = ""
txt78 = ""
txt79 = ""
txt80 = ""
txt81 = ""
txt82 = ""
txt83 = ""
txt84 = ""
txt85 = ""
txt86 = ""
txt87 = ""
txt88 = ""
txt89 = ""
txt90 = ""
txt91 = ""
txt92 = ""
txt93 = ""
txt94 = ""
txt95 = ""
txt96 = ""
txt97 = ""
txt98 = ""
txt99 = ""
txt100 = ""
txt101 = ""
txt102 = ""
txt103 = ""
txt104 = ""
txt105 = ""
txt106 = ""
txt107 = ""
txt108 = ""
txt109 = ""
txt111 = ""
txt112 = ""
txt113 = ""
txt113 = ""
txt114 = ""
txt115 = ""
txt116 = ""
txt117 = ""
txt118 = ""
txt119 = ""
txt120 = ""
txt121 = ""
txt122 = ""
txt123 = ""
txt124 = ""
txt125 = ""
txt126 = ""
txt127 = ""
txt128 = ""
txt129 = ""
txt130 = ""
txt131 = ""
txt132 = ""
txt133 = ""
txt134 = ""
txt135 = ""
txt136 = ""
txt137 = ""
txt138 = ""
txt139 = ""
txt140 = ""
txt141 = ""
txt142 = ""
txt143 = ""
txt144 = ""
txt145 = ""
txt146 = ""
txt147 = ""
txt148 = ""
txt149 = ""
txt150 = ""
txt151 = ""
txt152 = ""
txt153 = ""
txt154 = ""
txt155 = ""
txt156 = ""
txt157 = ""
txt158 = ""
txt159 = ""
txt160 = ""
txt161 = ""
txt162 = ""
txt163 = ""
txt164 = ""
txt165 = ""
txt166 = ""
txt167 = ""
txt168 = ""
txt169 = ""
txt170 = ""
txt171 = ""
txt172 = ""
txt173 = ""
txt174 = ""
txt175 = ""
txt176 = ""
txt177 = ""
txt178 = ""
txt179 = ""
txt180 = ""
txt181 = ""
txt182 = ""
txt183 = ""
txt184 = ""
txt185 = ""
txt186 = ""
txt187 = ""
txt188 = ""
txt189 = ""
txt190 = ""
txt191 = ""
txt192 = ""
txt193 = ""
txt194 = ""
txt195 = ""
txt196 = ""
txt197 = ""
txt198 = ""
txt199 = ""
txt200 = ""
txt201 = ""
txt202 = ""
txt203 = ""
txt204 = ""
txt205 = ""
txt206 = ""
txt207 = ""
txt208 = ""
txt209 = ""
txt211 = ""
txt212 = ""
txt213 = ""
txt213 = ""
txt214 = ""
txt215 = ""
txt216 = ""
txt217 = ""
txt218 = ""
txt219 = ""
txt220 = ""
txt221 = ""
If ListBox1.ListIndex >= 0 Then
lZeile = 2
Do While Trim(CStr(Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 1).Value))  ""
If ListBox1.Text = Trim(CStr(Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 1).Value)) Then
txt1 = Trim(CStr(Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 1).Value))
txt2 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 2).Value
txt3 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 3).Value
txt4 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 4).Value
txt5 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 5).Value
txt6 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 6).Value
txt7 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 7).Value
txt8 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 8).Value
txt9 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 9).Value
txt10 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 10).Value
txt11 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 11).Value
txt12 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 12).Value
txt13 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 13).Value
txt14 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 14).Value
txt15 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 15).Value
txt16 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 16).Value
txt17 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 17).Value
txt18 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 18).Value
txt19 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 19).Value
txt20 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 20).Value
txt21 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 21).Value
txt22 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 22).Value
txt23 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 23).Value
txt24 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 24).Value
txt25 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 25).Value
txt26 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 26).Value
txt27 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 27).Value
txt28 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 28).Value
txt29 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 29).Value
txt30 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 30).Value
txt31 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 31).Value
txt32 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 32).Value
txt33 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 33).Value
txt34 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 34).Value
txt35 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 35).Value
txt36 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 36).Value
txt37 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 37).Value
txt38 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 38).Value
txt39 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 39).Value
txt40 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 40).Value
txt41 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 41).Value
txt42 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 42).Value
txt43 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 43).Value
txt44 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 44).Value
txt45 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 45).Value
txt46 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 46).Value
txt47 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 47).Value
txt48 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 48).Value
txt49 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 49).Value
txt50 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 50).Value
txt51 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 51).Value
txt52 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 52).Value
txt53 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 53).Value
txt54 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 54).Value
txt55 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 55).Value
txt56 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 56).Value
txt57 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 57).Value
txt58 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 58).Value
txt59 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 59).Value
txt60 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 60).Value
txt61 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 61).Value
txt62 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 62).Value
txt63 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 63).Value
txt64 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 64).Value
txt65 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 65).Value
txt66 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 66).Value
txt67 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 67).Value
txt68 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 68).Value
txt69 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 69).Value
txt70 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 70).Value
txt71 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 71).Value
txt72 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 72).Value
txt73 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 73).Value
txt74 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 74).Value
txt75 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 75).Value
txt76 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 76).Value
txt77 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 77).Value
txt78 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 78).Value
txt79 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 79).Value
txt80 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 80).Value
txt81 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 81).Value
txt82 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 82).Value
txt83 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 83).Value
txt84 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 84).Value
txt85 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 85).Value
txt86 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 86).Value
txt87 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 87).Value
txt88 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 88).Value
txt89 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 89).Value
txt90 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 90).Value
txt91 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 91).Value
txt92 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 92).Value
txt93 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 93).Value
txt94 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 94).Value
txt95 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 95).Value
txt96 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 96).Value
txt97 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 97).Value
txt98 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 98).Value
txt99 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 99).Value
txt100 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 100).Value
txt101 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 101).Value
txt102 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 102).Value
txt103 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 103).Value
txt104 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 104).Value
txt105 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 105).Value
txt106 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 106).Value
txt107 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 107).Value
txt108 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 108).Value
txt109 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 109).Value
txt110 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 110).Value
txt111 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 111).Value
txt112 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 112).Value
txt113 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 113).Value
txt114 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 114).Value
txt115 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 115).Value
txt116 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 116).Value
txt117 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 117).Value
txt118 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 118).Value
txt119 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 119).Value
txt120 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 120).Value
txt121 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 121).Value
txt122 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 122).Value
txt123 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 123).Value
txt124 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 124).Value
txt125 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 125).Value
txt126 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 126).Value
txt127 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 127).Value
txt128 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 128).Value
txt129 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 129).Value
txt130 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 130).Value
txt131 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 131).Value
txt132 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 132).Value
txt133 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 133).Value
txt134 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 134).Value
txt135 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 135).Value
txt136 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 136).Value
txt137 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 137).Value
txt138 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 138).Value
txt139 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 139).Value
txt140 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 140).Value
txt141 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 141).Value
txt142 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 142).Value
txt143 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 143).Value
txt144 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 144).Value
txt145 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 145).Value
txt146 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 146).Value
txt147 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 147).Value
txt148 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 148).Value
txt149 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 149).Value
txt150 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 150).Value
txt151 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 151).Value
txt152 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 152).Value
txt153 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 153).Value
txt154 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 154).Value
txt155 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 155).Value
txt156 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 156).Value
txt157 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 157).Value
txt158 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 158).Value
txt159 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 159).Value
txt160 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 160).Value
txt161 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 161).Value
txt162 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 162).Value
txt163 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 163).Value
txt164 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 164).Value
txt165 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 165).Value
txt166 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 166).Value
txt167 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 167).Value
txt168 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 168).Value
txt169 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 169).Value
txt170 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 170).Value
txt171 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 171).Value
txt172 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 172).Value
txt173 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 173).Value
txt174 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 174).Value
txt175 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 175).Value
txt176 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 176).Value
txt177 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 177).Value
txt178 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 178).Value
txt179 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 179).Value
txt180 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 180).Value
txt181 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 181).Value
txt182 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 182).Value
txt183 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 183).Value
txt184 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 184).Value
txt185 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 185).Value
txt186 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 186).Value
txt187 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 187).Value
txt188 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 188).Value
txt189 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 189).Value
txt190 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 190).Value
txt191 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 191).Value
txt192 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 192).Value
txt193 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 193).Value
txt194 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 194).Value
txt195 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 195).Value
txt196 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 196).Value
txt197 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 197).Value
txt198 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 198).Value
txt199 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 199).Value
txt200 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 200).Value
txt201 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 201).Value
txt202 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 202).Value
txt203 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 203).Value
txt204 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 204).Value
txt205 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 205).Value
txt206 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 206).Value
txt207 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 207).Value
txt208 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 208).Value
txt209 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 209).Value
txt210 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 210).Value
txt211 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 211).Value
txt212 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 212).Value
txt213 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 213).Value
txt214 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 214).Value
txt215 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 215).Value
txt216 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 216).Value
txt217 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 217).Value
txt218 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 218).Value
txt219 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 219).Value
txt220 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 220).Value
txt221 = Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 221).Value
Exit Do
End If
lZeile = lZeile + 1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub txt101_Change()
If txt76.Text = "ja" And txt81.Text = "ja" And txt86.Text = "ja" And txt91.Text = "ja" And  _
txt96.Text = "ja" And txt101.Text = "ja" And txt12.Text = 6 Then
txt15.Text = "Fertig"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub txt102_BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim sDatum    As String
Dim sEingabe  As String
Dim sJahr     As String
Dim sMonat    As String
Dim sTag      As String
If Not Me.txt102.Value = "" Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
On Error GoTo Fehler
sEingabe = CStr(CLng(Trim(Me.txt102.Value)))
If Left(Me.txt102.Value, 1) = "0" Or _
Len(sEingabe) = 5 Or Len(sEingabe) = 7 Then
sEingabe = "0" & sEingabe
End If
If Len(sEingabe) = 6 Then
sTag = Left(sEingabe, 2)
sMonat = Mid(sEingabe, 3, 2)
sJahr = Right(sEingabe, 2)
If Val(sJahr) 

Private Sub txt11__BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim sDatum    As String
Dim sEingabe  As String
Dim sJahr     As String
Dim sMonat    As String
Dim sTag      As String
If Not Me.txt11.Value = "" Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
On Error GoTo Fehler
sEingabe = CStr(CLng(Trim(Me.txt11.Value)))
If Left(Me.txt11.Value, 1) = "0" Or _
Len(sEingabe) = 5 Or Len(sEingabe) = 7 Then
sEingabe = "0" & sEingabe
End If
If Len(sEingabe) = 6 Then
sTag = Left(sEingabe, 2)
sMonat = Mid(sEingabe, 3, 2)
sJahr = Right(sEingabe, 2)
If Val(sJahr) 

Private Sub txt106_Change()
If txt17.Text = 3 And txt106.Text = "ja" And txt111.Text = "" And txt116.Text = "" Then
txt20.Text = "Offen DV2,DV3"
If txt106.Text = "ja" And txt111.Text = "" And txt116.Text = "" And txt121.Text = "" And txt126. _
Text = "" And txt131.Text = "" And txt17.Text = 6 Then
txt20.Text = "Offen DV2 - DV6"
txt20.Text = ""
End If
End If
End Sub

Private Sub txt111_Change()
If txt106.Text = "ja" And txt111.Text = "ja" And txt116.Text = "" And txt17.Text = 3 Then
txt20.Text = "Offen DV3"
If txt106.Text = "ja" And txt111.Text = "ja" And txt116.Text = "" And txt121.Text = "" And  _
txt126.Text = "" And txt131.Text = "" And txt17.Text = 6 Then
txt20.Text = "Offen DV3 - DV6"
End If
End If
End Sub

Private Sub txt116_Change()
If txt106.Text = "ja" And txt111.Text = "ja" And txt116.Text = "ja" And txt17.Text = 3 Then
txt20.Text = "Fertig"
If txt106.Text = "ja" And txt111.Text = "ja" And txt116.Text = "ja" And txt121.Text = "" And  _
txt126.Text = "" And txt131.Text = "" And txt17.Text = 6 Then
txt20.Text = "Offen DV4 - DV6"
End If
End If
End Sub

Private Sub txt121_Change()
If txt106.Text = "ja" And txt111.Text = "ja" And txt116.Text = "ja" And txt121.Text = "ja" And  _
txt126.Text = "" And txt131.Text = "" And txt17.Text = 6 Then
txt20.Text = "Offen DV5,DV6"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub txt126_Change()
If txt106.Text = "ja" And txt111.Text = "ja" And txt116.Text = "ja" And txt121.Text = "ja" And  _
txt126.Text = "ja" And txt131.Text = "" And txt17.Text = 6 Then
txt20.Text = "Offen DV6"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub txt131_Change()
If txt106.Text = "ja" And txt111.Text = "ja" And txt116.Text = "ja" And txt121.Text = "ja" And  _
txt126.Text = "ja" And txt131.Text = "ja" And txt17.Text = 6 Then
txt20.Text = "Fertig"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub txt132_BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim sDatum    As String
Dim sEingabe  As String
Dim sJahr     As String
Dim sMonat    As String
Dim sTag      As String
If Not Me.txt132.Value = "" Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
On Error GoTo Fehler
sEingabe = CStr(CLng(Trim(Me.txt132.Value)))
If Left(Me.txt132.Value, 1) = "0" Or _
Len(sEingabe) = 5 Or Len(sEingabe) = 7 Then
sEingabe = "0" & sEingabe
End If
If Len(sEingabe) = 6 Then
sTag = Left(sEingabe, 2)
sMonat = Mid(sEingabe, 3, 2)
sJahr = Right(sEingabe, 2)
If Val(sJahr) 

Private Sub txt16__BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim sDatum    As String
Dim sEingabe  As String
Dim sJahr     As String
Dim sMonat    As String
Dim sTag      As String
If Not Me.txt16.Value = "" Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
On Error GoTo Fehler
sEingabe = CStr(CLng(Trim(Me.txt16.Value)))
If Left(Me.txt16.Value, 1) = "0" Or _
Len(sEingabe) = 5 Or Len(sEingabe) = 7 Then
sEingabe = "0" & sEingabe
End If
If Len(sEingabe) = 6 Then
sTag = Left(sEingabe, 2)
sMonat = Mid(sEingabe, 3, 2)
sJahr = Right(sEingabe, 2)
If Val(sJahr) 

Private Sub txt136_Change()
If txt22.Text = 3 And txt136.Text = "ja" And txt141.Text = "" And txt146.Text = "" Then
txt25.Text = "Offen DV2,DV3"
If txt136.Text = "ja" And txt141.Text = "" And txt146.Text = "" And txt151.Text = "" And txt156. _
Text = "" And txt161.Text = "" And txt22.Text = 6 Then
txt25.Text = "Offen DV2 - DV6"
txt25.Text = ""
End If
End If
End Sub

Private Sub txt141_Change()
If txt136.Text = "ja" And txt141.Text = "ja" And txt146.Text = "" And txt22.Text = 3 Then
txt25.Text = "Offen DV3"
If txt136.Text = "ja" And txt141.Text = "ja" And txt146.Text = "" And txt151.Text = "" And  _
txt156.Text = "" And txt161.Text = "" And txt22.Text = 6 Then
txt25.Text = "Offen DV3 - DV6"
End If
End If
End Sub

Private Sub txt146_Change()
If txt136.Text = "ja" And txt141.Text = "ja" And txt146.Text = "ja" And txt22.Text = 3 Then
txt25.Text = "Fertig"
If txt136.Text = "ja" And txt141.Text = "ja" And txt146.Text = "ja" And txt151.Text = "" And  _
txt156.Text = "" And txt161.Text = "" And txt22.Text = 6 Then
txt25.Text = "Offen DV4 - DV6"
End If
End If
End Sub

Private Sub txt151_Change()
If txt136.Text = "ja" And txt141.Text = "ja" And txt146.Text = "ja" And txt151.Text = "ja" And  _
txt156.Text = "" And txt161.Text = "" And txt22.Text = 6 Then
txt25.Text = "Offen DV5,DV6"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub txt156_Change()
If txt136.Text = "ja" And txt141.Text = "ja" And txt146.Text = "ja" And txt151.Text = "ja" And  _
txt156.Text = "ja" And txt161.Text = "" And txt22.Text = 6 Then
txt25.Text = "Offen DV6"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub txt161_Change()
If txt136.Text = "ja" And txt141.Text = "ja" And txt146.Text = "ja" And txt151.Text = "ja" And  _
txt156.Text = "ja" And txt161.Text = "ja" And txt22.Text = 6 Then
txt25.Text = "Fertig"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub txt162_BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim sDatum    As String
Dim sEingabe  As String
Dim sJahr     As String
Dim sMonat    As String
Dim sTag      As String
If Not Me.txt162.Value = "" Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
On Error GoTo Fehler
sEingabe = CStr(CLng(Trim(Me.txt162.Value)))
If Left(Me.txt162.Value, 1) = "0" Or _
Len(sEingabe) = 5 Or Len(sEingabe) = 7 Then
sEingabe = "0" & sEingabe
End If
If Len(sEingabe) = 6 Then
sTag = Left(sEingabe, 2)
sMonat = Mid(sEingabe, 3, 2)
sJahr = Right(sEingabe, 2)
If Val(sJahr) 

Private Sub txt192_BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim sDatum    As String
Dim sEingabe  As String
Dim sJahr     As String
Dim sMonat    As String
Dim sTag      As String
If Not Me.txt192.Value = "" Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
On Error GoTo Fehler
sEingabe = CStr(CLng(Trim(Me.txt192.Value)))
If Left(Me.txt192.Value, 1) = "0" Or _
Len(sEingabe) = 5 Or Len(sEingabe) = 7 Then
sEingabe = "0" & sEingabe
End If
If Len(sEingabe) = 6 Then
sTag = Left(sEingabe, 2)
sMonat = Mid(sEingabe, 3, 2)
sJahr = Right(sEingabe, 2)
If Val(sJahr) 

Private Sub txt21__BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim sDatum    As String
Dim sEingabe  As String
Dim sJahr     As String
Dim sMonat    As String
Dim sTag      As String
If Not Me.txt21.Value = "" Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
On Error GoTo Fehler
sEingabe = CStr(CLng(Trim(Me.txt21.Value)))
If Left(Me.txt21.Value, 1) = "0" Or _
Len(sEingabe) = 5 Or Len(sEingabe) = 7 Then
sEingabe = "0" & sEingabe
End If
If Len(sEingabe) = 6 Then
sTag = Left(sEingabe, 2)
sMonat = Mid(sEingabe, 3, 2)
sJahr = Right(sEingabe, 2)
If Val(sJahr) 

Private Sub txt26__BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim sDatum    As String
Dim sEingabe  As String
Dim sJahr     As String
Dim sMonat    As String
Dim sTag      As String
If Not Me.txt26.Value = "" Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
On Error GoTo Fehler
sEingabe = CStr(CLng(Trim(Me.txt26.Value)))
If Left(Me.txt26.Value, 1) = "0" Or _
Len(sEingabe) = 5 Or Len(sEingabe) = 7 Then
sEingabe = "0" & sEingabe
End If
If Len(sEingabe) = 6 Then
sTag = Left(sEingabe, 2)
sMonat = Mid(sEingabe, 3, 2)
sJahr = Right(sEingabe, 2)
If Val(sJahr) 

Private Sub txt3_BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim sDatum    As String
Dim sEingabe  As String
Dim sJahr     As String
Dim sMonat    As String
Dim sTag      As String
If Not Me.txt3.Value = "" Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
On Error GoTo Fehler
sEingabe = CStr(CLng(Trim(Me.txt3.Value)))
If Left(Me.txt3.Value, 1) = "0" Or _
Len(sEingabe) = 5 Or Len(sEingabe) = 7 Then
sEingabe = "0" & sEingabe
End If
If Len(sEingabe) = 6 Then
sTag = Left(sEingabe, 2)
sMonat = Mid(sEingabe, 3, 2)
sJahr = Right(sEingabe, 2)
If Val(sJahr) > 15 Then
sJahr = "19" & sJahr
sJahr = "20" & sJahr
End If
ElseIf Len(sEingabe) = 8 Then
sTag = Left(sEingabe, 2)
sMonat = Mid(sEingabe, 3, 2)
sJahr = Right(sEingabe, 4)
End If
sDatum = sTag & "." & sMonat & "." & sJahr
If IsDate(sDatum) Then
Me.txt3.Value = sDatum
With txt3
.Value = ""
.SelStart = 0
.SelLength = Len(.Text)
End With
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
On Error GoTo 0
End If
If Not IsDate(txt3.Text) Then
MsgBox "Bitte ein richtiges Datum eingeben, Eingabe entweder 010215 oder 01.02.15 oder 01. _
With txt3
.Value = ""
.SelStart = 0
.SelLength = Len(.Text)
End With
End If
Exit Sub
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

Private Sub txt31__BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim sDatum    As String
Dim sEingabe  As String
Dim sJahr     As String
Dim sMonat    As String
Dim sTag      As String
If Not Me.txt31.Value = "" Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
On Error GoTo Fehler
sEingabe = CStr(CLng(Trim(Me.txt31.Value)))
If Left(Me.txt31.Value, 1) = "0" Or _
Len(sEingabe) = 5 Or Len(sEingabe) = 7 Then
sEingabe = "0" & sEingabe
End If
If Len(sEingabe) = 6 Then
sTag = Left(sEingabe, 2)
sMonat = Mid(sEingabe, 3, 2)
sJahr = Right(sEingabe, 2)
If Val(sJahr) 

Private Sub txt42_BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim sDatum    As String
Dim sEingabe  As String
Dim sJahr     As String
Dim sMonat    As String
Dim sTag      As String
If Not Me.txt42.Value = "" Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
On Error GoTo Fehler
sEingabe = CStr(CLng(Trim(Me.txt42.Value)))
If Left(Me.txt42.Value, 1) = "0" Or _
Len(sEingabe) = 5 Or Len(sEingabe) = 7 Then
sEingabe = "0" & sEingabe
End If
If Len(sEingabe) = 6 Then
sTag = Left(sEingabe, 2)
sMonat = Mid(sEingabe, 3, 2)
sJahr = Right(sEingabe, 2)
If Val(sJahr) 
Private Sub txt46_Change()
If txt46.Text = "ja" And txt51.Text = "" And txt56.Text = "" And txt7.Text = 3 Then
txt10.Text = "Offen DV2,DV3"
If txt46.Text = "ja" And txt51.Text = "" And txt56.Text = "" And txt61.Text = "" And txt66.Text  _
= "" And txt71.Text = "" And txt7.Text = 6 Then
txt10.Text = "Offen DV2 - DV6"
txt10.Text = ""
End If
End If
End Sub

Private Sub txt51_Change()
If txt46.Text = "ja" And txt51.Text = "ja" And txt56.Text = "" And txt7.Text = 3 Then
txt10.Text = "Offen DV3"
If txt46.Text = "ja" And txt51.Text = "ja" And txt56.Text = "" And txt61.Text = "" And txt66. _
Text = "" And txt71.Text = "" And txt7.Text = 6 Then
txt10.Text = "Offen DV3 - DV6"
End If
End If
End Sub

Private Sub txt56_Change()
If txt46.Text = "ja" And txt51.Text = "ja" And txt56.Text = "ja" And txt7.Text = 3 Then
txt10.Text = "Fertig"
If txt46.Text = "ja" And txt51.Text = "ja" And txt56.Text = "ja" And txt61.Text = "" And txt66. _
Text = "" And txt71.Text = "" And txt7.Text = 6 Then
txt10.Text = "Offen DV4 - DV6"
End If
End If
End Sub

Private Sub txt6_BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim sDatum    As String
Dim sEingabe  As String
Dim sJahr     As String
Dim sMonat    As String
Dim sTag      As String
If Not Me.txt6.Value = "" Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
On Error GoTo Fehler
sEingabe = CStr(CLng(Trim(Me.txt6.Value)))
If Left(Me.txt6.Value, 1) = "0" Or _
Len(sEingabe) = 5 Or Len(sEingabe) = 7 Then
sEingabe = "0" & sEingabe
End If
If Len(sEingabe) = 6 Then
sTag = Left(sEingabe, 2)
sMonat = Mid(sEingabe, 3, 2)
sJahr = Right(sEingabe, 2)
If Val(sJahr) 

Private Sub txt61_Change()
If txt46.Text = "ja" And txt51.Text = "ja" And txt56.Text = "ja" And txt61.Text = "ja" And  _
txt66.Text = "" And txt71.Text = "" And txt7.Text = 6 Then
txt10.Text = "Offen DV5,DV6"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub txt66_Change()
If txt46.Text = "ja" And txt51.Text = "ja" And txt56.Text = "ja" And txt61.Text = "ja" And  _
txt66.Text = "ja" And txt71.Text = "" And txt7.Text = 6 Then
txt10.Text = "Offen DV6"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub txt71_Change()
If txt46.Text = "ja" And txt51.Text = "ja" And txt56.Text = "ja" And txt61.Text = "ja" And  _
txt66.Text = "ja" And txt71.Text = "ja" And txt7.Text = 6 Then
txt10.Text = "Fertig"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub txt72_BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim sDatum    As String
Dim sEingabe  As String
Dim sJahr     As String
Dim sMonat    As String
Dim sTag      As String
If Not Me.txt72.Value = "" Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
On Error GoTo Fehler
sEingabe = CStr(CLng(Trim(Me.txt72.Value)))
If Left(Me.txt72.Value, 1) = "0" Or _
Len(sEingabe) = 5 Or Len(sEingabe) = 7 Then
sEingabe = "0" & sEingabe
End If
If Len(sEingabe) = 6 Then
sTag = Left(sEingabe, 2)
sMonat = Mid(sEingabe, 3, 2)
sJahr = Right(sEingabe, 2)
If Val(sJahr) 

Private Sub txt76_Change()
If txt12.Text = 3 And txt76.Text = "ja" And txt81.Text = "" And txt86.Text = "" Then
txt15.Text = "Offen DV2,DV3"
If txt76.Text = "ja" And txt81.Text = "" And txt86.Text = "" And txt91.Text = "" And txt96.Text  _
= "" And txt101.Text = "" And txt12.Text = 6 Then
txt15.Text = "Offen DV2 - DV6"
txt15.Text = ""
End If
End If
End Sub

Private Sub txt81_Change()
If txt76.Text = "ja" And txt81.Text = "ja" And txt86.Text = "" And txt12.Text = 3 Then
txt15.Text = "Offen DV3"
If txt76.Text = "ja" And txt81.Text = "ja" And txt86.Text = "" And txt91.Text = "" And txt96. _
Text = "" And txt101.Text = "" And txt12.Text = 6 Then
txt15.Text = "Offen DV3 - DV6"
End If
End If
End Sub

Private Sub txt86_Change()
If txt76.Text = "ja" And txt81.Text = "ja" And txt86.Text = "ja" And txt12.Text = 3 Then
txt15.Text = "Fertig"
If txt76.Text = "ja" And txt81.Text = "ja" And txt86.Text = "ja" And txt91.Text = "" And txt96. _
Text = "" And txt101.Text = "" And txt12.Text = 6 Then
txt15.Text = "Offen DV4 - DV6"
End If
End If
End Sub

Private Sub txt91_Change()
If txt76.Text = "ja" And txt81.Text = "ja" And txt86.Text = "ja" And txt91.Text = "ja" And  _
txt96.Text = "" And txt101.Text = "" And txt12.Text = 6 Then
txt15.Text = "Offen DV5,DV6"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub txt96_Change()
If txt76.Text = "ja" And txt81.Text = "ja" And txt86.Text = "ja" And txt91.Text = "ja" And  _
txt96.Text = "ja" And txt101.Text = "" And txt12.Text = 6 Then
txt15.Text = "Offen DV6"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub txtsuchen_Change()
Dim i As Integer
With ListBox1
For i = 0 To .ListCount - 1
If Not InStr(.List(i), txtsuchen.Text) = 0 Then
.Selected(i) = True
End If
End With
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
If ListBox1.ListCount > 0 Then ListBox1.ListIndex = 0
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_initialize()
Dim lZeile As Long
txt1 = ""
txt2 = ""
txt3 = ""
txt4 = ""
txt5 = ""
txt6 = ""
txt7 = ""
txt8 = ""
txt9 = ""
txt10 = ""
txt11 = ""
txt12 = ""
txt13 = ""
txt14 = ""
txt15 = ""
txt16 = ""
txt17 = ""
txt18 = ""
txt19 = ""
txt20 = ""
txt21 = ""
txt22 = ""
txt23 = ""
txt24 = ""
txt25 = ""
txt26 = ""
txt27 = ""
txt28 = ""
txt29 = ""
txt30 = ""
txt31 = ""
txt32 = ""
txt33 = ""
txt34 = ""
txt35 = ""
txt36 = ""
txt37 = ""
txt38 = ""
txt39 = ""
txt40 = ""
txt41 = ""
txt42 = ""
txt43 = ""
txt44 = ""
txt45 = ""
txt46 = ""
txt47 = ""
txt48 = ""
txt49 = ""
txt50 = ""
txt51 = ""
txt52 = ""
txt53 = ""
txt54 = ""
txt55 = ""
txt56 = ""
txt57 = ""
txt58 = ""
txt59 = ""
txt60 = ""
txt61 = ""
txt62 = ""
txt63 = ""
txt64 = ""
txt65 = ""
txt66 = ""
txt67 = ""
txt68 = ""
txt69 = ""
txt70 = ""
txt71 = ""
txt72 = ""
txt73 = ""
txt74 = ""
txt75 = ""
txt76 = ""
txt77 = ""
txt78 = ""
txt79 = ""
txt80 = ""
txt81 = ""
txt82 = ""
txt83 = ""
txt84 = ""
txt85 = ""
txt86 = ""
txt87 = ""
txt88 = ""
txt89 = ""
txt90 = ""
txt91 = ""
txt92 = ""
txt93 = ""
txt94 = ""
txt95 = ""
txt96 = ""
txt97 = ""
txt98 = ""
txt99 = ""
txt100 = ""
txt101 = ""
txt102 = ""
txt103 = ""
txt104 = ""
txt105 = ""
txt106 = ""
txt107 = ""
txt108 = ""
txt109 = ""
txt111 = ""
txt112 = ""
txt113 = ""
txt113 = ""
txt114 = ""
txt115 = ""
txt116 = ""
txt117 = ""
txt118 = ""
txt119 = ""
txt120 = ""
txt121 = ""
txt122 = ""
txt123 = ""
txt124 = ""
txt125 = ""
txt126 = ""
txt127 = ""
txt128 = ""
txt129 = ""
txt130 = ""
txt131 = ""
txt132 = ""
txt133 = ""
txt134 = ""
txt135 = ""
txt136 = ""
txt137 = ""
txt138 = ""
txt139 = ""
txt140 = ""
txt141 = ""
txt142 = ""
txt143 = ""
txt144 = ""
txt145 = ""
txt146 = ""
txt147 = ""
txt148 = ""
txt149 = ""
txt150 = ""
txt151 = ""
txt152 = ""
txt153 = ""
txt154 = ""
txt155 = ""
txt156 = ""
txt157 = ""
txt158 = ""
txt159 = ""
txt160 = ""
txt161 = ""
txt162 = ""
txt163 = ""
txt164 = ""
txt165 = ""
txt166 = ""
txt167 = ""
txt168 = ""
txt169 = ""
txt170 = ""
txt171 = ""
txt172 = ""
txt173 = ""
txt174 = ""
txt175 = ""
txt176 = ""
txt177 = ""
txt178 = ""
txt179 = ""
txt180 = ""
txt181 = ""
txt182 = ""
txt183 = ""
txt184 = ""
txt185 = ""
txt186 = ""
txt187 = ""
txt188 = ""
txt189 = ""
txt190 = ""
txt191 = ""
txt192 = ""
txt193 = ""
txt194 = ""
txt195 = ""
txt196 = ""
txt197 = ""
txt198 = ""
txt199 = ""
txt200 = ""
txt201 = ""
txt202 = ""
txt203 = ""
txt204 = ""
txt205 = ""
txt206 = ""
txt207 = ""
txt208 = ""
txt209 = ""
txt211 = ""
txt212 = ""
txt213 = ""
txt213 = ""
txt214 = ""
txt215 = ""
txt216 = ""
txt217 = ""
txt218 = ""
txt219 = ""
txt220 = ""
txt221 = ""
lZeile = 2
Do While Trim(CStr(Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 1).Value))  ""
ListBox1.AddItem Trim(CStr(Tabelle1.Cells(lZeile, 1).Value))
lZeile = lZeile + 1
End Sub

AW: Aufruf einer Userform führt zum Absturz von Excel
06.10.2015 16:50:27
Hallo, da hast du natürlich vollkommen recht, ich wollte nur die Datei nicht hochladen wegen den sensitiven Einträgen darin. Aber hier einiges an Code.

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