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20+ Jahre Excel-Kompetenz: Von Anwendern, für Anwender

MSCAL.OCX Kalender

MSCAL.OCX Kalender
22.08.2016 10:34:12
man kann sich ja das unter den Steuerelementen diesen MSCAL.OCX Kalender auswählen und in eine UserForm bauen. Jetzt möchte ich den Kalender etwas anpassen damit ich die Funktionen zuweisen kann. Ich weiß aber nicht wie die Elemente in dem Kalender heiße. Wie z.b die Dropdownliste wo die Monate drin stehen.
Der Kalender heißt in den Eigenschaften Calendar1. Kann mir einer sagen wie ich den Kalender die Zuweisugen machen kann?

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erkläre doch mal..
22.08.2016 12:44:56
was Du mit dem Kalender machen willst.
Dann kann Dir sicher besser geholfen werden und es werden Endlosbeiträge wie Dein
letzter vermieden...........
AW: hier als offen-siehe Link...
22.08.2016 13:50:43
ich habe jetzt einen Kalender erstellt als Frame nach dieser Vorlage. Ich weiß aber nicht wo der befehl ist für diese ComboBox anzeige vom Monat. Damit ich eine weitere Funktion den Monaten einfügen kann sprich feiertagsanzeige zu diesem Monat.
Option Explicit
Function Migration_of_Calendar_Classes(fUserForm As Object) As String
Dim s As String
Dim oc As Object
Dim c As Object 'MSACAL.Calendar
For Each oc In fUserForm.Controls
If TypeName(oc) = "Calendar" Then
s = s & "Private WithEvents " & oc.Name & " As cCalendar" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
End If
If Len(s) = 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
s = "'Copy these declarations to the source code window of your userform: " & fUserForm.Name & vbNewLine & s
s = s & vbNewLine
s = s & vbNewLine
s = s & "'" & String(100, "#") & vbNewLine
s = s & vbNewLine
s = s & "'Subroutine for setting up the new calendar object(s)." & vbNewLine
s = s & "'The below subroutine should be called from the " & vbNewLine
s = s & "'UserForm_Initialize() event handler of your userform: " & fUserForm.Name & vbNewLine
s = s & vbNewLine
s = s & "

Private Sub Setup_Calendar_Classes_for_" & fUserForm.Name & "()" & vbNewLine
For Each oc In fUserForm.Controls
If TypeName(oc) = "Calendar" Then
Set c = oc
s = s & vbNewLine
s = s & "    'Setting Object Class:" & vbNewLine
s = s & "    Set " & c.Name & " = New cCalendar" & vbNewLine
s = s & vbNewLine
s = s & "    'Changed Property Values:" & vbNewLine
s = s & "    With " & c.Name & vbNewLine
If c.BackColor  &H8000000F Then _
s = s & "        .BackColor = " & c.BackColor & vbNewLine
If c.ControlTipText  "" Then _
s = s & "        .ControlTipText = """ & c.ControlTipText & """" & vbNewLine
If c.DayFont.Name  "Arial" Then _
s = s & "        .DayFont.Name = """ & c.DayFont.Name & """" & vbNewLine
If c.DayFont.Size  8 Then _
s = s & "        .DayFont.Size = " & c.DayFont.Size & vbNewLine
If c.DayFont.Bold = False Then _
s = s & "        .DayFont.Bold = False" & vbNewLine
If c.DayFont.Italic = True Then _
s = s & "        .DayFont.Italic = True" & vbNewLine
If c.DayFont.Strikethrough = True Then _
s = s & "        .DayFont.Strikethrough = True " & vbNewLine
If c.DayFont.Underline = True Then _
s = s & "        .DayFont.Underline = True " & vbNewLine
If c.DayFontColor  0 Then _
s = s & "        .DayFontColor = " & c.DayFontColor & vbNewLine
If c.DayLength  1 Then _
s = s & "        .DayLength = " & c.DayLength & vbNewLine
If c.FirstDay  1 Then _
s = s & "        .FirstDay = " & c.FirstDay & vbNewLine
If c.GridFont.Name  "Arial" Then _
s = s & "        .GridFont.Name = """ & c.GridFont.Name & """" & vbNewLine
If c.GridFont.Size  8 Then _
s = s & "        .GridFont.Size = " & c.GridFont.Size & vbNewLine
If c.GridFont.Bold = False Then _
s = s & "        .GridFont.Bold = False" & vbNewLine
If c.GridFont.Italic = True Then _
s = s & "        .GridFont.Italic = True" & vbNewLine
If c.GridFont.Strikethrough = True Then _
s = s & "        .GridFont.Strikethrough = True " & vbNewLine
If c.GridFont.Underline = True Then _
s = s & "        .GridFont.Underline = = True " & vbNewLine
If c.GridFontColor  &HA00000 Then _
s = s & "        .GridFontColor = " & c.GridFontColor & vbNewLine
If c.MonthLength  1 Then _
s = s & "        .MonthLength = " & c.MonthLength & vbNewLine
If c.ShowDateSelectors = False Then _
s = s & "        .ShowDateSelectors = False" & vbNewLine
If c.ShowDays = False Then _
s = s & "        .ShowDays = False" & vbNewLine
If c.ShowTitle = False Then _
s = s & "        .ShowTitle = False" & vbNewLine
If c.ShowHorizontalGrid = False Then _
s = s & "        .ShowHorizontalGrid = Not Compatible" & vbNewLine
If c.TabStop = False Then _
s = s & "        .TabStop = False" & vbNewLine
If c.Tag  "" Then _
s = s & "        .Tag = """ & c.Tag & """" & vbNewLine
If c.TitleFont.Name  "Arial" Then _
s = s & "        .TitleFont.Name = """ & c.TitleFont.Name & """" & vbNewLine
If c.TitleFont.Size  8 Then _
s = s & "        .TitleFont.Size = " & c.TitleFont.Size & vbNewLine
If c.TitleFont.Bold = False Then _
s = s & "        .TitleFont.Bold = False" & vbNewLine
If c.TitleFont.Italic = True Then _
s = s & "        .TitleFont.Italic = True" & vbNewLine
If c.TitleFont.Strikethrough = True Then _
s = s & "        .TitleFont.Strikethrough = True " & vbNewLine
If c.TitleFont.Underline = True Then _
s = s & "        .TitleFont.Underline = = True " & vbNewLine
If c.TitleFontColor  10485760 Then _
s = s & "        .TitleFontColor = " & c.TitleFontColor & vbNewLine
If c.ValueIsNull = True Then _
s = s & "        .ValueIsNull = True" & vbNewLine
If c.Visible = False Then _
s = s & "        .Visible = False" & vbNewLine
s = s & "    'Code for putting your calendar into an existing frame:" & vbNewLine
s = s & "    '    .Add_Calendar_into_Frame " & fUserForm.Name & "." & vbNewLine
s = s & vbNewLine
s = s & "    'Code for creating the new Calendar item on form " & fUserForm.Name &  _
s = s & "    'Position Property Values:" & vbNewLine
s = s & "        .Left = " & c.Left & vbNewLine
s = s & "        .Top = " & c.Top & vbNewLine
s = s & "        .Height = " & c.Height & vbNewLine
s = s & "        .Width = " & c.Width & vbNewLine
s = s & "    'Adding to the form:" & vbNewLine
s = s & "        .Add " & fUserForm.Name & vbNewLine
s = s & "    End With " & vbNewLine
End If
s = s & "End Sub
Migration_of_Calendar_Classes = s
End Function
Option Explicit
'# Event Triggered By Main Object
Public Event AfterUpdate()
Public Event BeforeUpdate(ByRef Cancel As Integer)
Public Event Click()
Public Event DblClick()
Public Event KeyDown( _
ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, _
ByVal Shift As Integer)
'# Members for Main Object
Private WithEvents CBxY As MSForms.ComboBox
Private WithEvents CBxM As MSForms.ComboBox
Private CLb As MSForms.Label
Private mDayButtons() As cCalendar
Private mLabelButtons() As cCalendar
Private PTitleNewFont As MSForms.NewFont
Private PDayNewFont As MSForms.NewFont
Private PGridNewFont As MSForms.NewFont
'# Members for Button Object
Private WithEvents CmB As MSForms.CommandButton
Private CmBl As MSForms.Label
Private CmBlNum As MSForms.Label
Private mcMain As cCalendar
'# For Properties
Private lPFontSize As Long
Private lPMonthLength As calMonthLength
Private lPDayLength As Long
Private bPYearFirst As Boolean
Private lPTitleFontColor As Long
Private lPGridFontColor As Long
Private lPDayFontColor As Long
Private lPFirstDay As calDayOfWeek
Private dValue As Date
Private lPBackColor As Long
Private lPMonth As Long
Private lPYear As Long
Private lPDay As Long
Private lPHeaderBackColor As Long
Private lPUseDefaultBackColors As Boolean
Private bPVisible As Boolean
Private sPHeight As Single
Private sPWidth As Single
Private sPTop As Single
Private sPLeft As Single
Private lPSaturdayBackColor As Long
Private lPSundayBackColor As Long
Private lPSelectedBackColor As Long
Private sPControlTipText As String
Private bPTabStop As Boolean
Private lPTabIndex As Long
Private sPTag As String
Private bPShowDays As Boolean
Private bPShowTitle As Boolean
Private bPShowDateSelectors As Boolean
Private bPValueIsNull As Boolean
Private bPRightToLeft As Boolean
Private bPMACFix As Boolean 'Fix MAC transparency errors
Private bPSaturdaySelectable As Boolean
Private bPSundaySelectable As Boolean
Private Const cDayFontColorSelected As Long = &H80000012 'Button text - Black
Private Const cDayFontColorInactive As Long = &H80000011 'Disabled text - Dark gray
Private Const cDefaultWidth As Single = 216
Private Const cDefaultHeight As Single = 144
Public Enum calDayOfWeek
dwMonday = 1
dwTuesday = 2
dwWednesday = 3
dwThursday = 4
dwFriday = 5
dwSaturday = 6
dwSunday = 7
End Enum
Public Enum calMonthLength '(Used for month and day names too.)
mlLocalLong = 0 'Local name, long form
mlLocalShort = 1 'Local name, short form
mlENLong = 2 'English name, long form
mlENShort = 3 'English name, short form
End Enum
'# Properties for Main object - Not available
Public Property Get GridCellEffect() As Long
'Property Blank - not work
'Determines the effect used to display the grid.
End Property
Public Property Get GridLinesColor() As Long
'Property Blank - not work
'Determines the color used to display the lines in the grid.
End Property
Public Property Get ShowHorizontalGrid() As Boolean
'Property Blank - not work
'Specifies whether the calendar display horizontal gridlines.
End Property
Public Property Get ShowVerticalGrid() As Boolean
'Property Blank - not work
'Specifies whether to display vertical gridlines.
End Property
Public Property Get HelpContextID() As Long
'Property Blank - not work
'Specifies Help identifier
End Property
'# Properties for Main object
Public Property Get Tag() As String
Tag = sPTag
End Property
Public Property Let Tag(sTag As String)
sPTag = sTag
End Property
Public Property Get Parent() As control
If bInit Then
Set Parent = CBxY.Parent.Parent
Set Parent = Nothing
End If
End Property
Public Property Get ValueIsNull() As Boolean
ValueIsNull = bPValueIsNull
End Property
Public Property Let ValueIsNull(ByVal bValueIsNull As Boolean)
bPValueIsNull = bValueIsNull
If bInit Then
Value = Value
End If
End Property
Public Property Get ShowTitle() As Boolean
ShowTitle = bPShowTitle
End Property
Public Property Let ShowTitle(ByVal bShowTitle As Boolean)
bPShowTitle = bShowTitle
If bInit Then
CLb.Visible = bPShowTitle
Call Move
End If
End Property
Public Property Get ShowDays() As Boolean
ShowDays = bPShowDays
End Property
Public Property Let ShowDays(ByVal bShowDays As Boolean)
Dim i As Long
bPShowDays = bShowDays
If bInit Then
For i = 0 To 6
mLabelButtons(i).Obj_CmBl.Visible = bShowDays
Call Move
End If
End Property
Public Property Get ShowDateSelectors() As Boolean
ShowDateSelectors = bPShowDateSelectors
End Property
Public Property Let ShowDateSelectors(ByVal bShowDateSelectors As Boolean)
bPShowDateSelectors = bShowDateSelectors
If bInit Then
CBxY.Visible = bShowDateSelectors
CBxM.Visible = bShowDateSelectors
Call Move
End If
End Property
Public Property Get TabIndex() As Long
TabIndex = lPTabIndex
End Property
Public Property Let TabIndex(ByVal lTabIndex As Long)
lPTabIndex = lTabIndex
If bInit Then
CBxY.Parent.TabIndex = lTabIndex
End If
End Property
Public Property Get TabStop() As Boolean
TabStop = bPTabStop
End Property
Public Property Let TabStop(ByVal bTabStop As Boolean)
bPTabStop = bTabStop
If bInit Then
CBxY.Parent.TabStop = bTabStop
End If
End Property
Public Property Get ControlTipText() As String
ControlTipText = sPControlTipText
End Property
Public Property Let ControlTipText(ByVal sControlTipText As String)
Dim i As Long
sPControlTipText = sControlTipText
If bInit Then
For i = 0 To 6
mLabelButtons(i).Obj_CmBl.ControlTipText = sControlTipText
For i = 0 To 41
mDayButtons(i).Obj_Cmb.ControlTipText = sControlTipText
CBxM.ControlTipText = sControlTipText
CBxY.ControlTipText = sControlTipText
CLb.ControlTipText = sControlTipText
'CBxY.Parent.ControlTipText = sControlTipText
End If
End Property
Public Property Get GridFont() As MSForms.NewFont
Set GridFont = PGridNewFont
End Property
Public Property Set GridFont(ByRef clGridNewFont As MSForms.NewFont)
Set PGridNewFont = clGridNewFont
End Property
Public Property Get DayFont() As MSForms.NewFont
Set DayFont = PDayNewFont
End Property
Public Property Set DayFont(ByRef clDayNewFont As MSForms.NewFont)
Set PDayNewFont = clDayNewFont
End Property
Public Property Get TitleFont() As MSForms.NewFont
Set TitleFont = PTitleNewFont
End Property
Public Property Set TitleFont(ByRef clTitleNewFont As MSForms.NewFont)
Set PTitleNewFont = clTitleNewFont
End Property
Public Property Get Visible() As Boolean
Visible = bPVisible
End Property
Public Property Let Visible(ByVal bVisible As Boolean)
bPVisible = bVisible
If bInit Then
CBxY.Parent.Visible = bVisible
End If
End Property
Public Property Get Left() As Single
Left = sPLeft
End Property
Public Property Let Left(ByVal sLeft As Single)
sPLeft = sLeft
If bInit Then
CBxY.Parent.Left = sLeft
End If
End Property
Public Property Get Top() As Single
Top = sPTop
End Property
Public Property Let Top(ByVal ssTop As Single)
sPTop = ssTop
If bInit Then
CBxY.Parent.Top = ssTop
End If
End Property
Public Property Get Height() As Single
Height = sPHeight
End Property
Public Property Let Height(ByVal sHeight As Single)
sPHeight = sHeight
If bInit Then
CBxY.Parent.Height = sHeight
Call Move
End If
End Property
Public Property Get Width() As Single
Width = sPWidth
End Property
Public Property Let Width(ByVal sWidth As Single)
'sWidth = Zero_Negative_Value(sWidth)
sPWidth = sWidth
If bInit Then
CBxY.Parent.Width = sWidth
Call Move
End If
End Property
Public Property Get BackColor() As Long
BackColor = lPBackColor
End Property
Public Property Let BackColor(ByVal lBackColor As Long)
lPBackColor = lBackColor
If bInit Then
CBxY.Parent.BackColor = lBackColor
End If
End Property
Public Property Get HeaderBackColor() As Long
HeaderBackColor = lPHeaderBackColor
End Property
Public Property Let HeaderBackColor(ByVal lHeaderBackColor As Long)
Dim i As Long
lPHeaderBackColor = lHeaderBackColor
UseDefaultBackColors = False
End Property
Public Property Get UseDefaultBackColors() As Boolean
UseDefaultBackColors = lPUseDefaultBackColors
End Property
Public Property Let UseDefaultBackColors(ByVal lUseDefaultBackColors As Boolean)
lPUseDefaultBackColors = lUseDefaultBackColors
Call Refresh
End Property
Public Property Get SaturdayBackColor() As Long
SaturdayBackColor = lPSaturdayBackColor
End Property
Public Property Let SaturdayBackColor(ByVal lSaturdayBackColor As Long)
lPSaturdayBackColor = lSaturdayBackColor
UseDefaultBackColors = False
End Property
Public Property Get SundayBackColor() As Long
SundayBackColor = lPSundayBackColor
End Property
Public Property Let SundayBackColor(ByVal lSundayBackColor As Long)
lPSundayBackColor = lSundayBackColor
UseDefaultBackColors = False
End Property
Public Property Get SelectedBackColor() As Long
SelectedBackColor = lPSelectedBackColor
End Property
Public Property Let SelectedBackColor(ByVal lSelectedBackColor As Long)
lPSelectedBackColor = lSelectedBackColor
Call Refresh
End Property
Public Property Get SaturdaySelectable() As Boolean
SaturdaySelectable = bPSaturdaySelectable
End Property
Public Property Let SaturdaySelectable(ByVal bSaturdaySelectable As Boolean)
bPSaturdaySelectable = bSaturdaySelectable
Call Refresh
End Property
Public Property Get SundaySelectable() As Boolean
SundaySelectable = bPSundaySelectable
End Property
Public Property Let SundaySelectable(ByVal bSundaySelectable As Boolean)
bPSundaySelectable = bSundaySelectable
Call Refresh
End Property
Public Property Get FirstDay() As calDayOfWeek
FirstDay = lPFirstDay
End Property
Public Property Let FirstDay(ByVal vbFirstDay As calDayOfWeek)
Select Case vbFirstDay
Case 1 To 7
Case Else
vbFirstDay = 1
End Select
lPFirstDay = vbFirstDay
If bInit Then
Call ApplyWeekDayLabelChanges
Call Refresh
End If
End Property
Public Property Get DayFontColor() As Long
DayFontColor = lPDayFontColor
End Property
Public Property Let DayFontColor(ByVal lFontColor As Long)
Dim i As Long
lPDayFontColor = lFontColor
If bInit Then
For i = 0 To 6
mLabelButtons(i).Obj_CmBl.ForeColor = lFontColor
End If
End Property
Public Property Get GridFontColor() As Long
GridFontColor = lPGridFontColor
End Property
Public Property Let GridFontColor(ByVal lFontColor As Long)
lPGridFontColor = lFontColor
Call Refresh
End Property
Public Property Let TitleFontColor(ByVal lFontColor As Long)
lPTitleFontColor = lFontColor
If bInit Then
CLb.ForeColor = lFontColor
End If
End Property
Public Property Get TitleFontColor() As Long
TitleFontColor = lPTitleFontColor
End Property
Public Property Get Month() As Long
Month = lPMonth
End Property
Public Property Let Month(ByVal lMonth As Long)
If lMonth = 0 Then
Value = Empty
If lMonth lMonth = fMin(lMonth, 12)
Value = SumMonthsToDate(dValue, lMonth - lPMonth)
End If
lPMonth = lMonth
End Property
Public Property Get Year() As Long
Year = lPYear
End Property
Public Property Let Year(ByVal lYear As Long)
If lYear = 0 Then
Value = Empty
Value = VBA.DateSerial(CheckYear(lYear), VBA.Month(dValue), VBA.Day(dValue))
End If
lPYear = lYear
End Property
Public Property Get Day() As Long
Day = lPDay
End Property
Public Property Let Day(ByVal lDay As Long)
If lDay = 0 Then
Value = Empty
If lDay lDay = fMin(lDay, VBA.Day(VBA.DateSerial(VBA.Year(dValue), VBA.Month(dValue) + 1, 0)))
Value = VBA.DateSerial(VBA.Year(dValue), VBA.Month(dValue), lDay)
End If
lPDay = lDay
End Property
Public Property Get Value() As Variant
If bPValueIsNull Then
Value = Empty
Value = dValue
End If
End Property
Public Property Let Value(ByVal newDate As Variant)
Dim Cancel As Integer '*** Integer for backward compatibility
If CheckValue(newDate) = False Then newDate = Empty
RaiseEvent BeforeUpdate(Cancel)
If Cancel = 0 Then 'Not canceled.
If bInit And Not IsEmpty(newDate) Then
CBxY.ListIndex = VBA.Year(newDate) - 1904
CBxM.ListIndex = VBA.Month(newDate) - 1
End If
If (bPValueIsNull = IsEmpty(newDate)) Or (newDate dValue) Then
If Not IsEmpty(newDate) Then
dValue = newDate
End If
bPValueIsNull = IsEmpty(newDate)
Call Refresh
End If
RaiseEvent AfterUpdate
End If
End Property
Public Property Get DayLength() As calMonthLength
DayLength = lPDayLength
End Property
Public Property Let DayLength(ByVal bDayLength As calMonthLength)
lPDayLength = bDayLength
If bInit Then
Call ApplyWeekDayLabelChanges
End If
End Property
Public Property Get MonthLength() As calMonthLength
MonthLength = lPMonthLength
End Property
Public Property Let MonthLength(ByVal iMonthLength As calMonthLength)
lPMonthLength = iMonthLength
If bInit Then
CBxM.List = fMonthName(CLng(iMonthLength))
Value = Value
End If
End Property
Public Property Get YearFirst() As Boolean
YearFirst = bPYearFirst
End Property
Public Property Let YearFirst(ByVal bYearFirst As Boolean)
bPYearFirst = bYearFirst
Call RenderLabel
End Property
Public Property Get MACFix() As Boolean
End Property
Public Property Let MACFix(ByVal bMACFix As Boolean)
bPMACFix = bMACFix
Call Refresh
End Property
Public Property Get RightToLeft() As Boolean
RightToLeft = bPRightToLeft
End Property
Public Property Let RightToLeft(ByVal bRightToLeft As Boolean)
bPRightToLeft = bRightToLeft
If bInit Then
Call ApplyWeekDayLabelChanges
Call Refresh
End If
End Property
'# Properties for Day button objects
Public Property Set Main(ByVal theMain As cCalendar)
Set mcMain = theMain
End Property
Private Property Get Main() As cCalendar
Set Main = mcMain
End Property
Public Property Get Obj_Cmb() As MSForms.CommandButton
Set Obj_Cmb = CmB
End Property
Public Property Set Obj_Cmb(ByVal vNewValue As MSForms.CommandButton)
Set CmB = vNewValue
End Property
Public Property Get Obj_CmBl() As MSForms.Label
Set Obj_CmBl = CmBl
End Property
Public Property Set Obj_CmBl(ByVal vNewValue As MSForms.Label)
Set CmBl = vNewValue
End Property
Public Property Set Obj_CmBlNum(ByVal vNewValue As MSForms.Label)
Set CmBlNum = vNewValue
End Property
Public Property Get Obj_CmBlNum() As MSForms.Label
Set Obj_CmBlNum = CmBlNum
End Property
'# Public Methods
Public Sub AboutBox()
MsgBox "Autori: r, Kris, Gabor"
End Sub

Public Sub Add(ByVal fForm As MSForms.UserForm)
Dim cFrame As MSForms.Frame
Set cFrame = fForm.Controls.Add("Forms.Frame.1")
With cFrame
.Width = IIf(sPWidth 

Public Sub Add_Calendar_into_Frame(ByVal cFrame As MSForms.Frame)
Dim i As Long
Dim v(199) As Variant
Dim w As Variant
Dim dTemp As Date
For i = 0 To 199
v(i) = CStr(1904 + i)
With cFrame
.BackColor = BackColor
.Caption = ""
.SpecialEffect = 0
'.Top = IIf(sPTop = -1, .Top, sPTop)
'.Left = IIf(sPLeft = -1, .Left, sPLeft)
'.Width = IIf(sPWidth 

Private Sub ApplyWeekDayLabelChanges()
Dim i As Long
Dim w
w = fWeekdayName(CInt(lPDayLength))
For i = 0 To 6
If bPRightToLeft Then
mLabelButtons(6 - i).Obj_CmBl.Caption = w((i + lPFirstDay - 1) Mod 7)
mLabelButtons(i).Obj_CmBl.Caption = w((i + lPFirstDay - 1) Mod 7)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub ApplyFontChanges()
Dim font As MSForms.NewFont
Dim i As Long
If Not PDayNewFont Is Nothing Then
For i = 0 To 6
With mLabelButtons(i).Obj_CmBl
If .font.Bold  DayFont.Bold Then _
.font.Bold = DayFont.Bold
If .font.Weight  DayFont.Weight Then _
.font.Weight = DayFont.Weight
If .font.Charset  DayFont.Charset Then _
.font.Charset = DayFont.Charset
If .font.Italic  DayFont.Italic Then _
.font.Italic = DayFont.Italic
If .font.Name  DayFont.Name Then _
.font.Name = DayFont.Name
If .font.Size  DayFont.Size Then _
.font.Size = DayFont.Size
If DayFont.Strikethrough Then _
.font.Strikethrough = True
If DayFont.Underline Then _
.font.Underline = True
End With
End If
If Not PGridNewFont Is Nothing Then
For i = 0 To 41
If Not bPMACFix Then
Set font = mDayButtons(i).Obj_CmBlNum.font
Set font = mDayButtons(i).Obj_Cmb.font
End If
With font
If .Bold  GridFont.Bold Then _
.Bold = GridFont.Bold
If .Weight  GridFont.Weight Then _
.Weight = GridFont.Weight
If .Charset  GridFont.Charset Then _
.Charset = GridFont.Charset
If .Italic  GridFont.Italic Then _
.Italic = GridFont.Italic
If .Name  GridFont.Name Then _
.Name = GridFont.Name
If .Size  GridFont.Size Then _
.Size = GridFont.Size
If GridFont.Strikethrough Then _
.Strikethrough = True
If GridFont.Underline Then _
.Underline = True
End With
End If
If Not PTitleNewFont Is Nothing Then
With CLb
If .font.Bold  TitleFont.Bold Then _
.font.Bold = TitleFont.Bold
If .font.Weight  TitleFont.Weight Then _
.font.Weight = TitleFont.Weight
If .font.Charset  TitleFont.Charset Then _
.font.Charset = TitleFont.Charset
If .font.Italic  TitleFont.Italic Then _
.font.Italic = TitleFont.Italic
If .font.Name  TitleFont.Name Then _
.font.Name = TitleFont.Name
If .font.Size  TitleFont.Size Then _
.font.Size = TitleFont.Size
If TitleFont.Strikethrough Then _
.font.Strikethrough = True
If TitleFont.Underline Then _
.font.Underline = True
End With
End If
End Sub

Public Sub Move( _
Optional vLeft, _
Optional vTop, _
Optional vWidth, _
Optional vHeight, _
Optional vLayout)
Dim i As Long, l As Currency, b As Currency, lc As Currency, bc As Currency
Dim t As Long, b_ym As Currency, b_combo_m As Currency
Const h_combo As Long = 16
Const b_combo_y As Long = 42
b_combo_m = IIf(lPMonthLength = mlENShort Or lPMonthLength = mlLocalShort, 42, 66) '66
b_ym = b_combo_y + 2 + b_combo_m
If bInit Then
t = IIf(ShowDays, 7, 6)
With CBxY.Parent 'Frame
sPTop = IIf(IsMissing(vTop), IIf(Top = -1, .Top, Top), vTop)
sPLeft = IIf(IsMissing(vLeft), IIf(Left = -1, .Left, Left), vLeft)
sPHeight = IIf(IsMissing(vHeight), IIf(Height = -1, .Height, Height), vHeight)
sPWidth = IIf(IsMissing(vWidth), IIf(Width = -1, .Width, Width), vWidth)
l = Height
b = Width
l = Zero_Negative_Value(l - IIf(ShowTitle Or ShowDateSelectors, h_combo, 0) - 1)
lc = CCur(l / t)
bc = CCur(b / 7)
b = bc * 7
End With
If ShowTitle Then
With CLb
.Width = Zero_Negative_Value(IIf(ShowDateSelectors, b - b_ym, b))
.Height = h_combo
.Left = 0
End With
End If
If ShowDateSelectors Then
With CBxY
.Width = b_combo_y
.Height = h_combo
.Left = IIf(ShowTitle, CLb.Width, Int((b - b_ym) / 2)) + _
IIf(YearFirst, 0, b_combo_m + 2)
End With
With CBxM
.Width = b_combo_m
.Height = h_combo
.Left = IIf(ShowTitle, CLb.Width, Int((b - b_ym) / 2)) + _
IIf(YearFirst, b_combo_y + 2, 0)
End With
End If
If ShowDays Then
For i = 0 To 6
With mLabelButtons(i).Obj_CmBl
.Top = IIf(ShowTitle Or ShowDateSelectors, h_combo + 2, 0)
.Left = (i Mod 7) * bc - IIf(i > 0, 1, 0)
.Height = lc
.Width = bc + IIf(i > 0, 1, 0)
End With
End If
For i = 0 To 41
With mDayButtons(i).Obj_Cmb
.Top = Int(i / 7) * lc + _
IIf(ShowTitle Or ShowDateSelectors, h_combo + 2, 0) + _
IIf(ShowDays, lc, 0)
.Left = (i Mod 7) * bc
.Height = lc
.Width = bc
End With
With mDayButtons(i).Obj_CmBl
.Top = mDayButtons(i).Obj_Cmb.Top
.Left = mDayButtons(i).Obj_Cmb.Left
.Height = mDayButtons(i).Obj_Cmb.Height
.Width = mDayButtons(i).Obj_Cmb.Width
End With
With mDayButtons(i).Obj_CmBlNum
.Top = Int(i / 7) * lc + _
IIf(ShowTitle Or ShowDateSelectors, h_combo, 0) + _
IIf(ShowDays, lc, 0) + 6
.Left = (i Mod 7) * bc + 3
.Height = Zero_Negative_Value(lc - 6)
.Width = Zero_Negative_Value(bc - 6)
End With
sPHeight = IIf(IsMissing(Height), cDefaultHeight, Height)
sPWidth = IIf(IsMissing(Width), cDefaultWidth, Width)
End If
End Sub

Public Sub NextDay()
Dim d As Date
d = dValue + 1
d = VBA.DateSerial(CheckYear(VBA.Year(d)), VBA.Month(d), VBA.Day(d))
Value = d
End Sub

Public Sub NextWeek()
Dim d As Date
d = dValue + 7
d = VBA.DateSerial(CheckYear(VBA.Year(d)), VBA.Month(d), VBA.Day(d))
Value = d
End Sub

Public Sub NextMonth()
Value = SumMonthsToDate(dValue, 1)
End Sub

Public Sub NextYear()
Dim d As Date
d = VBA.DateSerial(CheckYear(VBA.Year(dValue) + 1), VBA.Month(dValue), VBA.Day(dValue))
Value = d
End Sub

Public Sub PreviousDay()
Dim d As Date
d = dValue - 1
d = VBA.DateSerial(CheckYear(VBA.Year(d)), VBA.Month(d), VBA.Day(d))
Value = d
End Sub

Public Sub PreviousWeek()
Dim d As Date
d = dValue - 7
d = VBA.DateSerial(CheckYear(VBA.Year(d)), VBA.Month(d), VBA.Day(d))
Value = d
End Sub

Public Sub PreviousMonth()
Value = SumMonthsToDate(dValue, -1)
End Sub

Public Sub PreviousYear()
Dim d As Date
d = VBA.DateSerial(CheckYear(VBA.Year(dValue) - 1), VBA.Month(dValue), VBA.Day(dValue))
Value = d
End Sub

Public Sub Today()
Value = VBA.Date
End Sub

Public Sub Refresh()
If bInit Then
Call Refresh_Panel(VBA.Month(dValue), VBA.Year(dValue))
Call ApplyFontChanges
End If
End Sub

'# Events for Main Object Components
Private Sub CBxY_Change()
Refresh_Panel CBxM.ListIndex + 1, CBxY.ListIndex + 1904
End Sub

Private Sub CBxM_Change()
Refresh_Panel CBxM.ListIndex + 1, CBxY.ListIndex + 1904
End Sub

Private Sub CmB_Click()
Main.Value = dValue
Call Main.Event_click
End Sub

Private Sub CmB_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Call Main.Event_DblClick
End Sub
Private Sub CmB_KeyDown( _
ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, _
ByVal Shift As Integer)
Dim newDate As Date
'38 Up
'37 Left
'39 Right
'40 Down
newDate = dValue
Select Case KeyCode
Case 37
If bPRightToLeft Then
newDate = newDate + 1
newDate = newDate - 1
End If
Case 39
If bPRightToLeft Then
newDate = newDate - 1
newDate = newDate + 1
End If
Case 38
newDate = newDate - 7
Case 40
newDate = newDate + 7
Case 9
End Select
If newDate  dValue Then
Main.Value = newDate
KeyCode = 0
Call Main.Event_KeyDown(KeyCode, Shift)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
bPShowDays = True
bPShowTitle = True
bPShowDateSelectors = True
dValue = VBA.Date
lPMonth = VBA.Month(VBA.Date)
lPYear = VBA.Year(VBA.Date)
lPDay = VBA.Day(VBA.Date)
lPFontSize = 9
lPMonthLength = 1
lPDayLength = 1
bPYearFirst = False
lPTitleFontColor = &H40C0&
lPGridFontColor = &H4000&
lPDayFontColor = &H40C0&
lPFirstDay = 1
lPBackColor = &HC0FFC0                             'Back color
lPHeaderBackColor = &HC0C000
lPUseDefaultBackColors = False
lPSaturdayBackColor = &HC0FFFF
lPSundayBackColor = &HC0FFFF
lPSelectedBackColor = &HFF00&
bPVisible = True
sPHeight = -1
sPWidth = -1
sPTop = -1
sPLeft = -1
sPControlTipText = ""
bPRightToLeft = False
bPSaturdaySelectable = True
bPSundaySelectable = True
Set TitleFont = New MSForms.NewFont
With TitleFont
.Name = "Arial"
.Size = lPFontSize + 4
.Bold = True
End With
Set DayFont = New MSForms.NewFont
With DayFont
.Name = "Arial"
.Size = lPFontSize + 2
.Bold = True
End With
Set GridFont = New MSForms.NewFont
With GridFont
.Name = "Arial"
.Size = lPFontSize + 1
.Bold = True
End With
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Erase mDayButtons
Erase mLabelButtons
Set mcMain = Nothing
Set PTitleNewFont = Nothing
Set PDayNewFont = Nothing
Set PGridNewFont = Nothing
Set CBxY = Nothing
Set CBxM = Nothing
Set CmB = Nothing
Set CLb = Nothing
Set CmBl = Nothing
End Sub
'# Private Function
Private Function ArraY_Days(ByVal lMonth As Long, ByVal lYear As Long)
Dim v(0 To 41) As Date, i As Long, g As Long, l As Long, p As Long, t As Date
i = VBA.DateTime.Weekday(VBA.DateSerial(lYear, lMonth, 1), 1 + lPFirstDay Mod 7) - 1
If i = 0 Then i = 7
g = VBA.Day(VBA.DateSerial(lYear, lMonth + 1, 0)) + i
p = 1
For l = i To 0 Step -1
v(l) = VBA.DateSerial(lYear, lMonth, p)
p = p - 1
p = 0
For l = i To g
p = p + 1
v(l) = VBA.DateSerial(lYear, lMonth, p)
For l = g To 41
v(l) = VBA.DateSerial(lYear, lMonth, p)
p = p + 1
If bPRightToLeft Then
For l = 0 To 5
For i = 0 To 2
t = v(l * 7 + i)
v(l * 7 + i) = v(l * 7 + (6 - i))
v(l * 7 + (6 - i)) = t
End If
ArraY_Days = v
End Function

Private Sub RenderLabel()
Dim b As Currency, b_ym As Currency, b_combo_m As Long
Const b_combo_y As Long = 42
b_combo_m = IIf(lPMonthLength = mlENShort Or lPMonthLength = mlLocalShort, 42, 66) '66
b_ym = b_combo_y + 2 + b_combo_m
If bInit Then
b = CBxY.Parent.Width
If bPYearFirst Then
CLb.Caption = CBxY.Value & " " & CBxM.Value
CLb.Caption = CBxM.Value & " " & CBxY.Value
End If
CLb.Width = Zero_Negative_Value(IIf(ShowDateSelectors, b - b_ym, b))
CBxM.Width = b_combo_m
CBxY.Left = IIf(ShowTitle, CLb.Width, CCur((b - b_ym) / 2)) + _
IIf(YearFirst, 0, b_combo_m + 2)
CBxM.Left = IIf(ShowTitle, CLb.Width, CCur((b - b_ym) / 2)) + _
IIf(YearFirst, b_combo_y + 2, 0)
'CBxY.Left = IIf(ShowTitle, CLb.Width, IIf(CLb.Width, Int(CLb.Width / 2), 0)) + _
'           IIf(YearFirst, 0, b_combo_m + 2)
'CBxM.Left = IIf(ShowTitle, CLb.Width, IIf(CLb.Width, Int(CLb.Width / 2), 0)) + _
'           IIf(YearFirst, b_combo_y + 2, 0)
End If
End Sub

Private Function bInit() As Boolean
If Not CBxY Is Nothing Then bInit = True
End Function
Private Function SumMonthsToDate(dDate As Date, Optional lMonth As Long = 1) As Date
Dim d As Date
d = VBA.DateSerial( _
VBA.Year(dDate), _
VBA.Month(dDate) + lMonth, _
fMin( _
VBA.Day(dDate), _
VBA.Day( _
VBA.DateSerial( _
VBA.Year(dDate), _
VBA.Month(dDate) + 1 + VBA.Abs(lMonth), _
If d = VBA.DateSerial(CheckYear(VBA.Year(d)), VBA.Month(d), VBA.Day(d)) Then
SumMonthsToDate = d
SumMonthsToDate = dDate
End If
End Function

Private Function fMin(vFirstValue, ParamArray vValues())
Dim i As Long
fMin = vFirstValue
If IsMissing(vValues) = False Then
For i = 0 To UBound(vValues)
If fMin > vValues(i) Then
fMin = vValues(i)
End If
End If
End Function

Private Function fMonthName(lIndex As Long)
Dim m(11), i As Long, v As Variant
lIndex = lIndex Mod 4
If Int(lIndex / 2) Then
If lIndex Mod 2 Then
v = Array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", _
"Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec")
v = Array("January", "February", "March", _
"April", "May", "June", "July", "August", _
"September", "October", "November", "December")
End If
fMonthName = v
For i = 0 To 11
m(i) = VBA.Strings.MonthName(i + 1, lIndex Mod 2)
fMonthName = m
End If
End Function
Private Function fWeekdayName(lIndex As Long)
Dim m(6), i As Long, v As Variant
lIndex = lIndex Mod 4
If Int(lIndex / 2) Then
If lIndex Mod 2 Then
v = Array("Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun")
v = Array("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", _
"Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday")
End If
fWeekdayName = v
For i = 0 To 6
m(i) = VBA.Strings.WeekdayName(i + 1, lIndex Mod 2, vbMonday)
fWeekdayName = m
End If
End Function
Private Function CheckYear(ByVal lYear As Long) As Long
Select Case lYear
Case Is 
'# Private Sub
Public Sub Event_DblClick()
RaiseEvent DblClick
End Sub

Public Sub Event_click()
RaiseEvent Click
End Sub

Public Sub Event_KeyDown( _
ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, _
ByVal Shift As Integer)
RaiseEvent KeyDown(KeyCode, Shift)
End Sub

Private Sub Refresh_Properities()
With Me
.BackColor = .BackColor
.ControlTipText = .ControlTipText
.DayFontColor = .DayFontColor
.DayLength = .DayLength
.GridFontColor = .GridFontColor
.MonthLength = .MonthLength
If .UseDefaultBackColors = False Then
.SaturdayBackColor = .SaturdayBackColor
.SundayBackColor = .SundayBackColor
.HeaderBackColor = .HeaderBackColor
End If
.ShowDateSelectors = .ShowDateSelectors
.ShowDays = .ShowDays
.ShowTitle = .ShowTitle
.TabIndex = .TabIndex
.TabStop = .TabStop
.TitleFontColor = .TitleFontColor
.ValueIsNull = .ValueIsNull
.YearFirst = .YearFirst
End With
End Sub

Private Sub Refresh_Selected_Day(ByVal dValue As Date)
Dim i As Long, c As MSForms.Label
For i = 0 To 41
If mDayButtons(i).Value = dValue And Not bPValueIsNull Then
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
If Not bPMACFix Then
With mDayButtons(i).Obj_CmBl
.BackStyle = fmBackStyleOpaque
.BackColor = lPSelectedBackColor
.ForeColor = cDayFontColorSelected
End With
With mDayButtons(i).Obj_Cmb
.BackStyle = fmBackStyleOpaque
.BackColor = lPSelectedBackColor
.ForeColor = cDayFontColorSelected
End With
End If
lPMonth = VBA.Month(dValue)
lPYear = VBA.Year(dValue)
lPDay = VBA.Day(dValue)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Refresh_Panel(ByVal lMonth As Long, ByVal lYear As Long)
Dim v As Variant, i As Long, l As Long
Dim iDay As Long
If bInit Then
v = ArraY_Days(lMonth, lYear)
For i = 0 To 41
mDayButtons(i).Value = v(i)
If Not bPMACFix Then 'MAC: no label - command button text
'# Normal mode
' Text day label
With mDayButtons(i).Obj_CmBlNum
If .Caption  VBA.Day(v(i)) Then
.Caption = VBA.Day(v(i))
End If
If lMonth = VBA.Month(v(i)) Then
If .ForeColor  GridFontColor Then
.ForeColor = GridFontColor
End If
If .ForeColor  cDayFontColorInactive Then
.ForeColor = cDayFontColorInactive
End If
End If
End With
' Day background label
With mDayButtons(i).Obj_CmBl
iDay = VBA.DateTime.Weekday(v(i))
If .BackStyle = fmBackStyleOpaque Then
.BackStyle = fmBackStyleTransparent
End If
If UseDefaultBackColors = False Then
If iDay = vbSaturday Then
If .BackColor  lPSaturdayBackColor Then
.BackColor = lPSaturdayBackColor
End If
If .BackStyle  fmBackStyleOpaque Then
.BackStyle = fmBackStyleOpaque
End If
ElseIf iDay = vbSunday Then
If .BackColor  lPSundayBackColor Then
.BackColor = lPSundayBackColor
End If
If .BackStyle  fmBackStyleOpaque Then
.BackStyle = fmBackStyleOpaque
End If
End If
End If
If Not SaturdaySelectable And iDay = vbSaturday Then
mDayButtons(i).Obj_Cmb.Enabled = False
ElseIf Not SundaySelectable And iDay = vbSunday Then
mDayButtons(i).Obj_Cmb.Enabled = False
mDayButtons(i).Obj_Cmb.Enabled = True
End If
End With
' Button not altered
With mDayButtons(i).Obj_Cmb
If .Caption  "" Then 'After MACFix
.Caption = ""
End If
If .BackStyle  fmBackStyleTransparent Then 'Button visible
.BackStyle = fmBackStyleTransparent
End If
End With
'# MAC Fix mode
With mDayButtons(i).Obj_CmBlNum
If .Caption  "" Then
.Caption = ""
End If
End With
With mDayButtons(i).Obj_CmBl
If .BackStyle = fmBackStyleOpaque Then
.BackStyle = fmBackStyleTransparent
End If
End With
With mDayButtons(i).Obj_Cmb
If .Caption  VBA.Day(v(i)) Then
.Caption = VBA.Day(v(i))
End If
If lMonth = VBA.Month(v(i)) Then
If .ForeColor  GridFontColor Then
.ForeColor = GridFontColor
End If
If .ForeColor  cDayFontColorInactive Then
.ForeColor = cDayFontColorInactive
End If
End If
If .BackStyle  fmBackStyleOpaque Then 'Button visible
.BackStyle = fmBackStyleOpaque
End If
If UseDefaultBackColors = False Then
iDay = VBA.DateTime.Weekday(v(i))
If iDay = vbSaturday Then
If .BackColor  lPSaturdayBackColor Then
.BackColor = lPSaturdayBackColor
End If
ElseIf iDay = vbSunday Then
If .BackColor  lPSundayBackColor Then
.BackColor = lPSundayBackColor
End If
If .BackColor  BackColor Then
.BackColor = BackColor
End If
End If
If .BackColor  BackColor Then
.BackColor = BackColor
End If
End If
End With
End If
If CheckValue(v(i)) = False Then
mDayButtons(i).Obj_Cmb.Locked = True
If mDayButtons(i).Obj_Cmb.Locked = True Then
mDayButtons(i).Obj_Cmb.Locked = False
End If
End If
If UseDefaultBackColors = False Then
For l = 0 To 6
If mLabelButtons(l).Obj_CmBl.BackStyle = fmBackStyleTransparent Then
mLabelButtons(l).Obj_CmBl.BackStyle = fmBackStyleOpaque
End If
If mLabelButtons(l).Obj_CmBl.BackColor  lPHeaderBackColor Then
mLabelButtons(l).Obj_CmBl.BackColor = lPHeaderBackColor
End If
For l = 0 To 6
If mLabelButtons(l).Obj_CmBl.BackStyle = fmBackStyleOpaque Then
mLabelButtons(l).Obj_CmBl.BackStyle = fmBackStyleTransparent
End If
End If
If lMonth = VBA.Month(dValue) And lYear = VBA.Year(dValue) Then
Call Refresh_Selected_Day(dValue)
lPMonth = 0
lPYear = 0
lPDay = 0
End If
End If
End Sub

Private Function CheckValue(d) As Boolean
If VarType(d) = vbDate Then
Select Case d
Case 1462 To 74510
CheckValue = CLng(d) = d
End Select
End If
End Function

Private Function Zero_Negative_Value(sNumber As Single) As Single
If sNumber > 0 Then
Zero_Negative_Value = sNumber
End If
End Function

AW: hier als offen-siehe Link...
22.08.2016 14:56:48
Ich habe es GESCHAFFT!!!!
Endlich nach langem suchen und probieren

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