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ListBox Filtern + sortieren

ListBox Filtern + sortieren
20.11.2017 16:31:20
Hallo Leute,
ich möchte per Button_Click, oder am besten wärend der Laufzeit,
eine ListBox Aktualisieren.
Meine Tabelle mit Daten ist folgenden aufgebaut:
ID | Bekleidungsart_1 | Beikle..._2 | Bekle..._3 |
Wobei die Bekleidungsart Felder mit Kommagetrennten Werten
gefüllt sind, die wie folgt aufgebaut sind:
Menge | Größe | Zusatzinfo
Ich habe nun 3 Comboboxen:
Art, Größe, Zusatz
Wenn eine Art ausgewählt wird, sollen erstmal nur noch alle Datensätze dieser art erscheinen. (Das funktioniert)
Mein Problem ist es momentan, die Daten Sinnvoll zu filtern, zu sortieren und in
der Listbox zu refreshen.
Einen Ansatz dafür habe ich zwar, der ist jedoch furchtbar und ich komme
einfach auf keine bessere Lösung, sitze gerade voll auf dem Hirn...
Habt ihr Ideen für mich?
Meine Ansätze sind nicht durchdacht und mir platzt bald der schädel...
Sollte ich mich von der Listbox entfernen und einfach nur die Combobox Daten filtern?
Hier ist eine Bsp.Mappe:
(Ohne Code)
Hier ist ein test code:
Option Explicit
Private worksheet_ As Worksheet
Private Agent As New VBAgent
Private ID_List As Variant
Sub a()
Set worksheet_ = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Depot")
bySize 3
End Sub
Private Sub bySize(ByVal col_ As Long)
Dim tmp() As String, i As Long
Dim dict As New Dictionary
Dim rng As Range
Dim t As String
Dim var_ As Variant
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim a() As String
With worksheet_
Set rng = .Range(.Cells(2, 1), .Cells(LastRow(col_), 6))
For i = 2 To rng.Rows.Count
tmp = Split(rng.Cells(i, col_).Value, ";")
If Not dict.Exists(tmp(1)) Then
dict.Add tmp(1), rng.Cells(i, 1).Value & ";" & tmp(0) & ";" & tmp(2)
t = dict(tmp(1)) & "\" & rng.Cells(i, 1).Value & ";" & tmp(0) & ";" & tmp(2)
dict(tmp(1)) = t
End If
Next i
End With
Agent.SortDictionary dict, True
For Each var_ In dict.Keys
a = Split(dict(var_), "\")
For Each varItem In a
tmp = Split(varItem, ";")
With frm_IO.ListBox1
.AddItem tmp(0)
.List(.ListCount - 1, 1) = tmp(1)
.List(.ListCount - 1, 2) = tmp(2)
End With
Next varItem
Next var_
End Sub
Private Function LastRow(ByVal col_ As Long) As Long
LastRow = worksheet_.Cells(worksheet_.Rows.Count, col_).End(xlUp).Row
End Function

Hier ist die Sortierfunktion des Dictionary (aus dem Web gezogen!):
Hier der Link zur Seite:
Public Sub SortDictionary(dict As Scripting.Dictionary, _
SortByKey As Boolean, _
Optional Descending As Boolean = False, _
Optional CompareMode As VbCompareMethod = vbTextCompare)
' SortDictionary
' This sorts a Dictionary object. If SortByKey is False, the
' the sort is done based on the Items of the Dictionary, and
' these items must be simple data types. They may not be
' Object, Arrays, or User-Defined Types. If SortByKey is True,
' the Dictionary is sorted by Key value, and the Items in the
' Dictionary may be Object as well as simple variables.
' If sort by key is True, all element of the Dictionary
' must have a non-blank Key value. If Key is vbNullString
' the procedure will terminate.
' By defualt, sorting is done in Ascending order. You can
' sort by Descending order by setting the Descending parameter
' to True.
' By default, text comparisons are done case-INSENSITIVE (e.g.,
' "a" = "A"). To use case-SENSITIVE comparisons (e.g., "a"  "A")
' set CompareMode to vbBinaryCompare.
' Note: This procedure requires the
' QSortInPlace function, which is described and available for
' download at .
Dim Ndx As Long
Dim KeyValue As String
Dim ItemValue As Variant
Dim Arr() As Variant
Dim KeyArr() As String
Dim VTypes() As VbVarType
Dim V As Variant
Dim SplitArr As Variant
Dim TempDict As Scripting.Dictionary
' Ensure Dict is not Nothing.
If dict Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
End If
' If the number of elements
' in Dict is 0 or 1, no
' sorting is required.
If (dict.Count = 0) Or (dict.Count = 1) Then
Exit Sub
End If
' Create a new TempDict.
Set TempDict = New Scripting.Dictionary
If SortByKey = True Then
' We're sorting by key. Redim the Arr
' to the number of elements in the
' Dict object, and load that array
' with the key names.
ReDim Arr(0 To dict.Count - 1)
For Ndx = 0 To dict.Count - 1
Arr(Ndx) = dict.Keys(Ndx)
Next Ndx
' Sort the key names.
QSortInPlace InputArray:=Arr, LB:=-1, UB:=-1, Descending:=Descending, CompareMode:= _
' Load TempDict. The key value come from
' our sorted array of keys Arr, and the
' Item comes from the original Dict object.
For Ndx = 0 To dict.Count - 1
KeyValue = Arr(Ndx)
TempDict.Add Key:=KeyValue, Item:=dict.Item(KeyValue)
Next Ndx
' Set the passed in Dict object
' to our TempDict object.
Set dict = TempDict
' This is the end of processing.
' Here, we're sorting by items. The Items must
' be simple data types. They may NOT be Objects,
' arrays, or UserDefineTypes.
' First, ReDim Arr and VTypes to the number
' of elements in the Dict object. Arr will
' hold a string containing
'   Item & vbNullChar & Key
' This keeps the association between the
' item and its key.
ReDim Arr(0 To dict.Count - 1)
ReDim VTypes(0 To dict.Count - 1)
For Ndx = 0 To dict.Count - 1
If (IsObject(dict.Items(Ndx)) = True) Or _
(IsArray(dict.Items(Ndx)) = True) Or _
VarType(dict.Items(Ndx)) = vbUserDefinedType Then
Exit Sub
End If
' Here, we create a string containing
'       Item & vbNullChar & Key
' This preserves the associate between an item and its
' key. Store the VarType of the Item in the VTypes
' array. We'll use these values later to convert
' back to the proper data type for Item.
Arr(Ndx) = dict.Items(Ndx) & vbNullChar & dict.Keys(Ndx)
VTypes(Ndx) = VarType(dict.Items(Ndx))
Next Ndx
' Sort the array that contains the
' items of the Dictionary along
' with their associated keys
QSortInPlace InputArray:=Arr, LB:=-1, UB:=-1, Descending:=Descending, CompareMode:= _
For Ndx = LBound(Arr) To UBound(Arr)
' Loop trhogh the array of sorted
' Items, Split based on vbNullChar
' to get the Key from the element
' of the array Arr.
SplitArr = Split(Arr(Ndx), vbNullChar)
' It may have been possible that item in
' the dictionary contains a vbNullChar.
' Therefore, use UBound to get the
' key value, which will necessarily
' be the last item of SplitArr.
' Then Redim Preserve SplitArr
' to UBound - 1 to get rid of the
' Key element, and use Join
' to reassemble to original value
' of the Item.
KeyValue = SplitArr(UBound(SplitArr))
ReDim Preserve SplitArr(LBound(SplitArr) To UBound(SplitArr) - 1)
ItemValue = Join(SplitArr, vbNullChar)
' Join will set ItemValue to a string
' regardless of what the original
' data type was. Test the VTypes(Ndx)
' value to convert ItemValue back to
' the proper data type.
Select Case VTypes(Ndx)
Case vbBoolean
ItemValue = CBool(ItemValue)
Case vbByte
ItemValue = CByte(ItemValue)
Case vbCurrency
ItemValue = CCur(ItemValue)
Case vbDate
ItemValue = CDate(ItemValue)
Case vbDecimal
ItemValue = CDec(ItemValue)
Case vbDouble
ItemValue = CDbl(ItemValue)
Case vbInteger
ItemValue = CInt(ItemValue)
Case vbLong
ItemValue = CLng(ItemValue)
Case vbSingle
ItemValue = CSng(ItemValue)
Case vbString
ItemValue = CStr(ItemValue)
Case Else
ItemValue = ItemValue
End Select
' Finally, add the Item and Key to
' our TempDict dictionary.
TempDict.Add Key:=KeyValue, Item:=ItemValue
Next Ndx
End If
' Set the passed in Dict object
' to our TempDict object.
Set dict = TempDict
End Sub

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AW: ListBox Filtern + sortieren
20.11.2017 19:56:49
Deine Beispieldatei hat weder Comboboxen noch eine Listbox oder irgendwelchen Code.

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