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zeile mit VBA auf mehreren Blättern verschieben

zeile mit VBA auf mehreren Blättern verschieben
31.01.2019 09:39:07
Hallo zusammen,
ich habe ein Makro mit dem kann man eine markierte Zeile mit ALT+Pfeiltasten hoch und runter verschieben.
Jetzt möchte ich das die gleichen Zeile auf Tabelle 5 und Tabelle 6 auch verschoben werden.
Es wäre toll wenn mir einer helfen könnte. Vielen Dank im voraus.
Gruß Nefantus
Sub moveSelection(Optional Direction As String = "up")
On Error GoTo ErrExit
Dim rng As Range, objTarget As Worksheet, objSh As Worksheet
Dim rngMove As Range
Dim lngFirst As Long, lngLast As Long, lngMove As Long, lngOld As Long, lngNew As Long
Dim intMove As Integer
On Error GoTo ErrExit
Set rng = Selection
Set objTarget = rng.Parent
lngFirst = rng.Cells(1, 1).Row
lngLast = lngFirst + rng.Rows.Count - 1
With objTarget
If LCase(Direction) = "up" Then
If lngFirst = 1 Then GoTo ErrExit
lngMove = lngFirst - 1
lngOld = lngFirst - 1
lngNew = lngLast
intMove = -1
If lngLast = Rows.Count Then GoTo ErrExit
lngMove = lngFirst + 1
lngOld = lngLast + 1
lngNew = lngFirst
intMove = 1
End If
Set objSh = Worksheets.Add
.Range(.Cells(lngOld, 1), .Cells(lngOld, Columns.Count)).Copy objSh.Cells(1, 1)
Set rngMove = .Range(.Cells(lngFirst, 1), .Cells(lngLast, Columns.Count))
rngMove.Copy .Cells(lngMove, 1)
objSh.Range(objSh.Cells(1, 1), objSh.Cells(1, Columns.Count)).Copy .Cells(lngNew, 1)
rng.Offset(intMove, 0).Select
End With
GMS True
Set objSh = Nothing
Set rng = Nothing
End Sub Sub moveUP()
End Sub
Sub moveDOWN()
moveSelection "down"
End Sub
Public Sub GMS(Optional ByVal Modus As Boolean = False)
Static lngCalc As Long
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = Modus
.EnableEvents = Modus
.DisplayAlerts = Modus
.EnableCancelKey = IIf(Modus, 1, 0)
If Not Modus Then lngCalc = .Calculation
If Modus And lngCalc = 0 Then lngCalc = -4105
.Calculation = IIf(Modus, lngCalc, -4135)
.Cursor = IIf(Modus, -4143, 2)
End With
End Sub

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AW: zeile mit VBA auf mehreren Blättern verschieben
01.02.2019 18:55:04
..kannst ja mal testen...
Option Explicit

Public Sub moveSelection(Optional ByVal opvstrDirection As String = "up")
Dim avntSheetNames() As Variant
Dim rngSelection As Range, objTarget As Worksheet, objSh As Worksheet
Dim rngMove As Range
Dim lngFirst As Long, lngLast As Long, lngMove As Long
Dim lngOld As Long, lngNew As Long, ialngIndex As Long
Dim intMove As Integer

On Error GoTo ErrExit
Call GMS
avntSheetNames = Array("Tabelle5", "Tabelle6") '// <<<<Tabellennamen anpassen....>>>!!!!!!! 
Set rngSelection = Selection
Set objTarget = rngSelection.Parent

lngFirst = rngSelection.Cells(1, 1).Row
lngLast = lngFirst + rngSelection.Rows.Count - 1

If LCase$(opvstrDirection) = "up" Then
    If lngFirst = 1 Then GoTo ErrExit
    lngMove = lngFirst - 1
    lngOld = lngFirst - 1
    lngNew = lngLast
    intMove = -1
    If lngLast = objTarget.Rows.Count Then GoTo ErrExit
    lngMove = lngFirst + 1
    lngOld = lngLast + 1
    lngNew = lngFirst
    intMove = 1
End If

Set objSh = Worksheets.Add
objSh.Visible = xlSheetHidden
For ialngIndex = 0 To Ubound(avntSheetNames) + 1
    If ialngIndex > 0 Then Set objTarget = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(avntSheetNames(ialngIndex - 1))
    With objTarget
        Call .Range(.Cells(lngOld, 1), .Cells(lngOld, .Columns.Count)).Copy( _
            Destination:=objSh.Cells(1 + ialngIndex, 1))
        Set rngMove = .Range(.Cells(lngFirst, 1), .Cells(lngLast, .Columns.Count))
        Call rngMove.Copy(Destination:=.Cells(lngMove, 1))
        Call objSh.Range(objSh.Cells(1 + ialngIndex, 1), _
            objSh.Cells(1 + ialngIndex, .Columns.Count)).Copy( _
            Destination:=.Cells(lngNew, 1))
    End With
Call objSh.Delete
Call rngSelection.Offset(intMove, 0).Select

Call GMS(True)
Set objSh = Nothing
Set objTarget = Nothing
Set rngSelection = Nothing
Set rngMove = Nothing
End Sub

Public Sub moveUP()
Call moveSelection
End Sub

Public Sub moveDOWN()
Call moveSelection("down")
End Sub

Public Sub GMS(Optional ByVal opvblnModus As Boolean)
  Static slngCalc As Long
  With Application
        .ScreenUpdating = opvblnModus
        .EnableEvents = opvblnModus
        .DisplayAlerts = opvblnModus
        .EnableCancelKey = IIf(opvblnModus, 1, 0)
        If Not opvblnModus Then slngCalc = .Calculation
        If opvblnModus And slngCalc = 0 Then slngCalc = -4105
        .Calculation = IIf(opvblnModus, slngCalc, -4135)
        .Cursor = IIf(opvblnModus, -4143, 2)
  End With
End Sub

VBA/HTML - CodeConverter für Office-Foren
AddIn für Excel/Word 2000-2010 - komplett in VBA geschrieben von Lukas Mosimann
Projektbetreuung durch mumpel

Code erstellt und getestet in Office 14

Gruß, Mullit
AW: zeile mit VBA auf mehreren Blättern verschieb.
04.02.2019 13:39:31
Danke Mullit Perfekt.

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