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Excel-Forum (Archiv)
20+ Jahre Excel-Kompetenz: Von Anwendern, für Anwender

Mehrere unterschiedliche Werte in einer Zelle such

Mehrere unterschiedliche Werte in einer Zelle such
03.08.2019 21:36:27
Hallo zusammen,
Ich möchte aus einer Zelle, mehrere unterschiedliche Werte auslesen und anzeigen lassen. Im Beispiel unten, was dem Inhalt einer Zelle entspricht, möchte ich z.B. (1PC1), (3PC1), (4PC1), (7PC1), bis (24PC1) auslesen und anzeigen lassen.
Je nach Zelle sind mal nur ein Code oder dann eben wie in dem Bsp. 7 Stück drinnen.
Da es 60 Zellen sind und das ganze dann insgesamt 41 mal, mit unterschiedlichen Nummern, hätte ich gerne eine Excel-Lösung. Von Hand bin ich ewig dran...
Mit suchen gibt es zwar eine Option, aber ich habe immer nur den ersten Wert..
Vielen Dank
'- Throughout the years, AIM has consciously been mainstreaming ethics, global social responsibility, and sustainable management in its degree program curricula. This we do by ensuring that key components of responsible management education are reflected in degree programs’ learning goals and objectives. While there are core courses that explicitly address learning goals pertaining to ethics (e.g. MBA’s Ethics course) and an understanding of regional and global business, entrepreneurial, and development perspectives (e.g. MBA’s Asian Business Systems and Development of Social Enterprise, and the MDM’s Analyzing the Development Environment), our other programs find different ways to integrate global social responsibility and related concepts in curricula. In 2015, we started reviewing our degree program curricula, with the aim of further strengthening our entire program portfolio and ensuring that we provide our students with competitive management education aligned with our mission of educating leaders for Asia’s business and society. (...) For both the MBA and MDM, recommendations based on the programs’ review will be considered to ensure that these continue to address responsible management education principles (1PC1)
- new elective course, Business and Society: Values and Ethics. (...), it draws on a wide array of methods – case discussions featuring current issues (e.g. Haiti and Japan post-earthquake recovery), simulations (e.g. in one session, students simulated a scenario where they were in a “drowning situation” in the AIM swimming pool and had to defend why they were the ones that had to be saved), multi-media (YouTube and film showing), and a live case – to allow students to critically reflect on real-world scenarios where they have to deal with different people, contexts, and dilemmas that invoke ethical considerations. The interaction between MDM and MBA students further enhances learning opportunities, as the students bring in different backgrounds and perspectives. (3PC1)
- Our MBA program, for example runs a regular immersion activity, in partnership with the Gawad Kalinga (GK) Foundation, a social enterprise that aims to “end poverty by first restoring the dignity of the poor”, through social education, justice, and business (4PC1)
- AIM’s ME program, which went on a brief hiatus while it was being redesigned, has been relaunched and will be offered in September 2016. The program caters to leaders of entrepreneurial businesses and focuses on developing practical skills and realistic approaches to value creation and growth. (7PC1)
- AIM has continued to build its collection of learning materials, including teaching cases, industry notes, and supplementary materials throughout the period covered in the report. (10PC1)
- AIM will continue to make sure that knowledge gained from training opportunities are integrated in responsible management education curricula. For example, in 2013, AIM had sent faculty to a training program with the Harvard Program on Negotiations (PON). Plans are being made to offer an elective on Mediating Disputes, a key skill which our students could apply in future leadership roles in business and development contexts. (15PC1)
- Recognizing the importance of collaborating with academic partners in the areas of research, executive education, program delivery, and student and faculty exchange, (23PC1)
- AIM has maintained its accreditation status with the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). (24PC1)

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AW: vereinfachtes Beispiel
03.08.2019 22:55:52
Teste mal in einem neuen, leeren sheet:

Sub F_en()
Range("A1") = "abc (1PC1) def (22PC1) ghi"
With CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
.Global = True
.IgnoreCase = False
.MultiLine = True
.Pattern = ".\d{1,2}PC1."
For i = 1 To Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Tx = "abc (1PC1) def (22PC1) ghi"
Set RR = .Execute(Tx)
For r = 0 To RR.Count - 1
Cells(i, 2) = Cells(i, 2) & RR(r) & ", "
Next r
Next i
End With
End Sub

AW: vereinfachtes Beispiel
04.08.2019 01:29:21
Hallo Fennek,
Vielen Dank für die schnelle Hilfe, also nach erstem Test macht es schon mal was es soll und ich bin am lernen VBA zu "verstehen", obwohl ;-)
Wie nimmt es bei Tx den Text automatisch? oder muss ich dort alles kopieren?
Sorry bin VBA Anfänger
AW: Spalte A
04.08.2019 10:51:26

Sub F_en()
'Range("A1") = "abc (1PC1) def (22PC1) ghi"
With CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
.Global = True
.IgnoreCase = False
.MultiLine = True
.Pattern = ".\d{1,2}PC1."
For i = 1 To Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Set RR = .Execute(Cells(i, 1).value)
For r = 0 To RR.Count - 1
Cells(i, 2) = Cells(i, 2) & RR(r) & ", "
Next r
Next i
End With
End Sub

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