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27.11.2002 16:09:21
Hi zusammen,

wie kann ich mit VBA den COM1 port ansprechen und ASCII zeichen rüberschicken?
Schnelle, gute und ausführliche Antworten sind höchst willkommen. ;-))


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Keine Ahnung (OT)
27.11.2002 16:14:56

Re: ports
27.11.2002 17:02:03
Hi Guenter,

danke, das ist schon mal ein Anfang. Leider motzt mein Rechner, daß er die RSAPI.dll nicht finden kann. Außerdem sind in dem Code die Parameter nicht wirklich beschrieben. Hast Du hierzu noch irgendwelche Ideen?? Danke.



Re: ports
27.11.2002 17:43:12
Hm..mein lieber Anfang ist gut,die Dll ist dabei sogar mit Beschreibung und wenn dein Rechner motzt dann must du die Dll registrieren

Re: ports
27.11.2002 18:17:28
Hi Günter,

sorry, sorry, sorry. Manchmal bin ich mit Blindheit geschlagen.
Habe gerade die restlichen Files als das indentifiziert, was zu fehlen scheinte. Mein Fehler.
Danke nochmals.

bis dann

Re: ports
27.11.2002 20:57:36
Hallo hier ist ein Code von Darren Richards.
Funktioniert einwandfrei ohne irgendeine DLL !

Option Explicit

'Module: ComPort
'Author: Darren Richards
'Date : 11th August '95
'Synopsis : Win32 comms API wrapper for VBA
' OpenComPort - open / configure com port.
' ReadComPort - read available data from com port.
' WriteComPort - write data to com port.
' CloseComPort - close com port.
' StatComPort - get buffer stats for com port.

' API Constants And declarations

' structs used by Win32 comm api

Type DCB '' patched to proper definition VB32 ill-def DR
DCBlength As Long
BaudRate As Long
fdwFlags As Long ' bit field in C
wReserved1 As Integer
XonLim As Integer
XoffLim As Integer
ByteSize As String * 1
Parity As String * 1
StopBits As String * 1
XonChar As String * 1
XoffChar As String * 1
ErrorChar As String * 1
EofChar As String * 1
EvtChar As String * 1
wReserved2 As Integer
End Type

ReadIntervalTimeout As Long
ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier As Long
ReadTotalTimeoutConstant As Long
WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier As Long
WriteTotalTimeoutConstant As Long
End Type

fCtsHold As Long
fDsrHold As Long
fRlsdHold As Long
fXoffHold As Long
fXoffSent As Long
fEof As Long
fTxim As Long
fReserved As Long
cbInQue As Long
cbOutQue As Long
End Type

' kernel defined constants

Public Const OPEN_EXISTING = 3
Public Const GENERIC_READ = &H80000000
Public Const GENERIC_WRITE = &H40000000
Public Const MAXDWORD = &HFFFF

' comms Constants

Public Const PURGE_TXCLEAR = &H4
Public Const PURGE_RXCLEAR = &H8

Public Const CE_RXOVER = &H1 ' Receive Queue overflow
Public Const CE_OVERRUN = &H2 ' Receive Overrun Error
Public Const CE_RXPARITY = &H4 ' Receive Parity Error
Public Const CE_FRAME = &H8 ' Receive Framing error
Public Const CE_BREAK = &H10 ' Break Detected
Public Const CE_TXFULL = &H100 ' TX Queue is full

Public Const SETRTS = 3 ' Set RTS high
Public Const SETDTR = 5 ' Set DTR high

' kernel API file i/o functions

Declare Function CreateFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateFileA" (ByVal _
lpFileName As String, ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal dwShareMode As _
Long, ByVal lpSecurityAttributes As Long, ByVal dwCreationDisposition As _
Long, ByVal dwFlagsAndAttributes As Long, ByVal hTemplateFile As Long) As _
Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
Declare Function GetLastError Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Declare Function WriteFile Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, lpBuffer As _
Any, ByVal nNumberOfBytesToWrite As Long, lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Long, _
ByVal lpOverlapped As Long) As Long
Declare Function ReadFile Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, lpBuffer As _
Any, ByVal nNumberOfBytesToRead As Long, lpNumberOfBytesRead As Long, ByVal _
lpOverlapped As Long) As Long

' Win32 comms functions

Declare Function SetCommState Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hCommDev As Long, lpDCB _
As DCB) As Long
Declare Function SetCommTimeouts Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, _
lpCommTimeouts As COMMTIMEOUTS) As Long
Declare Function PurgeComm Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, ByVal _
dwFlags As Long) As Long
Declare Function BuildCommDCB Lib "kernel32" Alias "BuildCommDCBA" (ByVal _
lpDef As String, lpDCB As DCB) As Long
Declare Function SetCommMask Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, ByVal _
dwEvtMask As Long) As Long
Declare Function ClearCommError Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, _
lpErrors As Long, lpStat As COMSTAT) As Long
Declare Function SetupComm Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, ByVal _
dwInQueue As Long, ByVal dwOutQueue As Long) As Long
Declare Function EscapeCommFunction Lib "kernel32" (ByVal nCid As Long, _
ByVal nFunc As Long) As Long
Declare Function GetCommMask Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, lpEvtMask _
As Long) As Long
Declare Function GetCommModemStatus Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, _
lpModemStat As Long) As Long
Declare Function WaitCommEvent Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, _
lpEvtMask As Long, ByVal lpOverlapped As Long) As Long

'Routine: OpenComPort
' Parameters : strPortName - name of the port to open
' strSettings - port settings in the format
' "baud=9600 parity=N data=8 stop=1"
' lPortHandle - set to port handle on success
' Returns : Boolean representing success
' Synopsis : opens named communications port for synchronous
' i/o. The handle returned should be used in
' subsequent calls
Public Function OpenComPort(strPortName As String, _
strSettings As String, _
lPortHandle As Long) _
As Boolean

Dim tDcb As DCB
Dim hPort As Long
Dim fRet As Boolean

' set the length field of the DCB

tDcb.DCBlength = Len(tDcb)

' get kernel to build a default DCB for us
' based on com settings string

Call BuildCommDCB(strSettings, tDcb)

' open that com port

hPort = CreateFile(strPortName, _
0, _
0, _
0, _

' did we get port open ...


' ... no, get the error code from kernel

Dim lErr As Long

lErr = GetLastError()

Debug.Print "Failed to open comport( err = " & CStr(lErr) & ")"

' setup returns for failure

fRet = False


' ... yes, get port ready for action

' set port state using DCB we built earlier

Call SetCommState(hPort, tDcb)

' set up buffer sizes and re-initialize comm driver

Call SetupComm(hPort, 64000, 64000) ' hPort, InQue, OutQue

' setup timeout parameters for this port

tCto.ReadIntervalTimeout = MAXDWORD '' return with whatever is available
tCto.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0
tCto.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 0

tCto.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0
tCto.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 10000 '' max 10 secs to write data, just to stop locking
'' up application if we gowrong
Call SetCommTimeouts(hPort, tCto)

' turn on DTR / RTS

Call EscapeCommFunction(hPort, SETDTR)
Call EscapeCommFunction(hPort, SETRTS)

' setup returns for success

fRet = True
lPortHandle = hPort

End If

OpenComPort = fRet

End Function

'Routine: WriteComPort
' Parameters : lPortHandle - port handle from OpenComPort
' strData - data to write
' cbData - length of data to write
' Returns : Boolean representing success
' Synopsis : writes data to com port, does not return until
' all data has been written to comport buffer
Public Function WriteComPort(lPortHandle As Long, _
strData As String, _
cbData As Long) _
As Boolean

Dim fWrite As Boolean
Dim cbWritten As Long

' write data to comms port

fWrite = WriteFile(lPortHandle, _
ByVal strData, _
cbData, _
cbWritten, _

' check if that worked

If Not fWrite Then

Dim lErr As Long

' get error from kernel

lErr = GetLastError()

Debug.Print "WriteFile failed ( err = " & CStr(lErr) & " )"

' make sure any comms errors are cleared

Dim tComStat As COMSTAT
Dim lErrFlags As Long

Call ClearCommError(lPortHandle, lErrFlags, tComStat)
Call handleCommError(lPortHandle, lErrFlags)

End If

' return whatever write file returned

WriteComPort = fWrite

End Function

Routine: ReadComPort
' Parameters : lPortHandle - port handle from OpenComPort
' strData - buffer to receive data
' cbRead - set to length of data read
' Returns : Boolean representing success
' Synopsis : reads data from com port, returns immediately
' if no data is available, otherwise gets contents
' of buffer.
Public Function ReadComPort(lPortHandle As Long, _
strData As String, _
cbRead As Long) _
As Boolean

Dim strBuf As String * 1000
Dim cbBuf As Long
Dim fRead As Boolean

cbBuf = Len(strBuf)

' read from port

fRead = ReadFile(lPortHandle, _
ByVal strBuf, _
cbBuf, _
cbRead, _

' check if that worked

If Not fRead Then

Dim lErr As Long

' get error from kernel

lErr = GetLastError()

Debug.Print "ReadFile failed ( err = " & CStr(lErr) & " )"

' make sure any comms errors are cleared

Dim tComStat As COMSTAT
Dim lErrFlags As Long

Call ClearCommError(lPortHandle, lErrFlags, tComStat)
Call handleCommError(lPortHandle, lErrFlags)


' make return into VB string

strData = Left(strBuf, cbRead)

End If

' return whatever ReadFile returned

ReadComPort = fRead

End Function

'Routine: CloseComPort
' Parameters : lPortHandle - port handle from OpenComPort
'Returns: none
' Synopsis : closes com port.

Public Sub CloseComPort(lPortHandle As Long)

Call CloseHandle(lPortHandle)

End Sub

'Routine: StatComPort
' Parameters : lPortHandle - port handle from OpenComPort
' lRxBuffer - number of bytes in receive buffer
' lTxBuffer - number of byte in transmit buffer
'Returns: none
' Synopsis : gets buffers statistics for comport, these are
' returned in lRxBuffer, lTxBuffer.

Public Sub StatComPort(lPortHandle As Long, lRxBuffer As Long, lTxBuffer As Long)

Dim tComStat As COMSTAT
Dim lDummy As Long

' get those statistics

Call ClearCommError(lPortHandle, lDummy, tComStat)

' grab the bits of comstat we are interested in

lRxBuffer = tComStat.cbInQue
lTxBuffer = tComStat.cbOutQue

End Sub

' Routine: handleCommError
' Parameters : lPortHandle - port handle from OpenComPort lErrMask - error mask from ClearCommError
' Returns: none
' Synopsis : used internally to handle comms errors

Private Sub handleCommError(lPortHandle As Long, lErrMask As Long)

If (lErrMask And CE_RXOVER) Then
Debug.Print "Receive overrun detected on com port"
Call PurgeComm(lPortHandle, PURGE_RXCLEAR)
End If
If (lErrMask And CE_OVERRUN) Then
Debug.Print "Byte lost on com port by hardware"
End If
If (lErrMask And CE_RXPARITY) Then
Debug.Print "Parity error detected on com port"
End If
If (lErrMask And CE_FRAME) Then
Debug.Print "Framing error detected on com port"
End If
If (lErrMask And CE_BREAK) Then
Debug.Print "Break condition detected on com port"
End If
If (lErrMask And CE_TXFULL) Then
Debug.Print "Transmit buffer overflow detected"
Call PurgeComm(lPortHandle, PURGE_TXCLEAR)
End If

End Sub


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