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01.08.2003 18:16:02
Peter Malze
hallo leute,
wie kann ich einen eintrag aus der regedit auslesen und in einer textbox anzeigen ? hat einer eine idee ?
danke im voaus

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AW: regedit
01.08.2003 19:05:08
ist es ein vba-Registryeintrag dann verwende "getsetting" und "savesetting". Du findest die Einträge dann unter "HKEY_Current_User"/Software/VB and VBA Programmsettings/
Wenn es allgemeine Schlüssel sind, dann suche im Google nach "VB Registry". Du solltest genug Beispielcodes finden - hier gehts aber nur mit API-Calls.

AW: regedit
01.08.2003 19:37:42
hi sam,
danke, ich schau mal wie ich weiter komme.
also ich versuche mal mein anliegen genauer zu schildern.
ich habe in der regedit über ein anderes programm ein datum hinterlegt, diese datum möchte ich nun in einer textbox anzeigen und zur weiterverarbeitung in meinem makro verwenden.

01.08.2003 19:57:16
ich habe den Code aus dem Internet, damit kannst du nicht nur lesen sondern auch beliebige Schlüssel erstellen oder löschen.
Viel Spaß beim experimentieren!
' --------------------------------------------------------------
' Update the Windows registry.
' Written by Kenneth Ives
' NT tested by Brett Gerhardi
' Perform the four basic functions on the Windows registry.
' Add
' Change
' Delete
' Query
' Important: If you treat all key data strings as being
' case sensitive, you should never have a problem.
' Always backup your registry files (System.dat
' and User.dat) before performing any type of
' modifications
' Software developers vary on where they want to update the
' registry with their particular information. The most common
' This BAS module handles all of my needs for string and
' basic numeric updates in the Windows registry.
' Brett found that NT users must delete each major key
' separately. See bottom of TEST routine for an example.
' --------------------------------------------------------------
' --------------------------------------------------------------
' Private variables
' --------------------------------------------------------------
Private m_lngRetVal As Long

' --------------------------------------------------------------
' Constants required for values in the keys
' --------------------------------------------------------------
Private Const REG_NONE As Long = 0 ' No value type
Private Const REG_SZ As Long = 1 ' nul terminated string
Private Const REG_EXPAND_SZ As Long = 2 ' nul terminated string w/enviornment var
Private Const REG_BINARY As Long = 3 ' Free form binary
Private Const REG_DWORD As Long = 4 ' 32-bit number
Private Const REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN As Long = 4 ' 32-bit number (same as REG_DWORD)
Private Const REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN As Long = 5 ' 32-bit number
Private Const REG_LINK As Long = 6 ' Symbolic Link (unicode)
Private Const REG_MULTI_SZ As Long = 7 ' Multiple Unicode strings
Private Const REG_RESOURCE_LIST As Long = 8 ' Resource list in the resource map
Private Const REG_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR As Long = 9 ' Resource list in the hardware description
' --------------------------------------------------------------
' Registry Specific Access Rights
' --------------------------------------------------------------
Private Const KEY_QUERY_VALUE As Long = &H1
Private Const KEY_SET_VALUE As Long = &H2
Private Const KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY As Long = &H4
Private Const KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS As Long = &H8
Private Const KEY_NOTIFY As Long = &H10
Private Const KEY_CREATE_LINK As Long = &H20
Private Const KEY_ALL_ACCESS As Long = &H3F
' --------------------------------------------------------------
' Constants required for key locations in the registry
' --------------------------------------------------------------
Private Const HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT As Long = &H80000000
Private Const HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA As Long = &H80000004
' --------------------------------------------------------------
' Constants required for return values (Error code checking)
' --------------------------------------------------------------
Private Const ERROR_SUCCESS As Long = 0
Private Const ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED As Long = 5
Private Const ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS As Long = 259
' --------------------------------------------------------------
' Open/Create constants
' --------------------------------------------------------------
Private Const REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE As Long = 0
Private Const REG_OPTION_VOLATILE As Long = &H1
Public Enum RegistryMainKeys
HKEY_USERS = &H80000003
HKEY_DYN_DATA = &H80000006
End Enum
' --------------------------------------------------------------
' Declarations required to access the Windows registry
' --------------------------------------------------------------
Private Declare

Function RegCloseKey Lib "advapi32.dll" (ByVal lngRootKey As Long) As Long
Private Declare 

Function RegCreateKey Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegCreateKeyA" _
(ByVal lngRootKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, phkResult As Long) As Long
Private Declare 

Function RegDeleteKey Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegDeleteKeyA" _
(ByVal lngRootKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String) As Long
Private Declare 

Function RegDeleteValue Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegDeleteValueA" _
(ByVal lngRootKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String) As Long
Private Declare 

Function RegOpenKey Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegOpenKeyA" _
(ByVal lngRootKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, phkResult As Long) As Long
Private Declare 

Function RegQueryValueEx Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegQueryValueExA" _
(ByVal lngRootKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, ByVal lpReserved As Long, _
lpType As Long, lpData As Any, lpcbData As Long) As Long
Private Declare 

Function RegSetValueEx Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegSetValueExA" _
(ByVal lngRootKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, ByVal Reserved As Long, _
ByVal dwType As Long, lpData As Any, ByVal cbData As Long) As Long

Function regDelete_Sub_Key(ByVal lngRootKey As Long, _
ByVal strRegKeyPath As String, _
ByVal strRegSubKey As String)
' Written by Kenneth Ives           
' Important:     If you treat all key data strings as being
'                case sensitive, you should never have a problem.
'                Always backup your registry files (System.dat
'                and User.dat) before performing any type of
'                modifications
' Description:   

Function for removing a 

Sub key.
' Parameters:
'                  HKEY_lOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_USERS, etc
'    strRegKeyPath - is name of the key path you wish to traverse.
'     strRegSubKey - is the name of the key which will be removed.
' Syntax:
'    regDelete_Sub_Key HKEY_CURRENT_USER, _
"Software\AAA-Registry Test\Products", "StringTestData"
' Removes the 

Sub key "StringTestData"
' Define variables
Dim lngKeyHandle As Long
' Make sure the key exist before trying to delete it
If regDoes_Key_Exist(lngRootKey, strRegKeyPath) Then
' Get the key handle
m_lngRetVal = RegOpenKey(lngRootKey, strRegKeyPath, lngKeyHandle)
' Delete the 

Sub key.  If it does not exist, then ignore it.
m_lngRetVal = RegDeleteValue(lngKeyHandle, strRegSubKey)
' Always close the handle in the registry.  We do not want to
' corrupt the registry.
m_lngRetVal = RegCloseKey(lngKeyHandle)
End If
End Function


Function regDoes_Key_Exist(ByVal lngRootKey As Long, _
ByVal strRegKeyPath As String) As Boolean
' Written by Kenneth Ives           
' Important:     If you treat all key data strings as being
'                case sensitive, you should never have a problem.
'                Always backup your registry files (System.dat
'                and User.dat) before performing any type of
'                modifications
' Description:   

Function to see if a key does exist
' Parameters:
'                  HKEY_lOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_USERS, etc
'    strRegKeyPath - is name of the key path you want to test
' Syntax:
'    strKeyQuery = regQuery_A_Key(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, _
'                       "Software\AAA-Registry Test\Products")
' Returns the value of TRUE or FALSE
' Define variables
Dim lngKeyHandle As Long
' Initialize variables
lngKeyHandle = 0
' Query the key path
m_lngRetVal = RegOpenKey(lngRootKey, strRegKeyPath, lngKeyHandle)
' If no key handle was found then there is no key.  Leave here.
If lngKeyHandle = 0 Then
regDoes_Key_Exist = False
regDoes_Key_Exist = True
End If
' Always close the handle in the registry.  We do not want to
' corrupt these files.
m_lngRetVal = RegCloseKey(lngKeyHandle)
End Function


Function regQuery_A_Key(ByVal lngRootKey As Long, _
ByVal strRegKeyPath As String, _
ByVal strRegSubKey As String) As Variant
' Written by Kenneth Ives           
' Important:     If you treat all key data strings as being
'                case sensitive, you should never have a problem.
'                Always backup your registry files (System.dat
'                and User.dat) before performing any type of
'                modifications
' Description:   

Function for querying a 

Sub key value.
' Parameters:
'                  HKEY_lOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_USERS, etc
'    strRegKeyPath - is name of the key path you wish to traverse.
'     strRegSubKey - is the name of the key which will be queryed.
' Syntax:
'    strKeyQuery = regQuery_A_Key(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, _
'                       "Software\AAA-Registry Test\Products", _
' Returns the key value of "StringTestData"
' Define variables
Dim intPosition As Integer
Dim lngKeyHandle As Long
Dim lngDataType As Long
Dim lngBufferSize As Long
Dim lngBuffer As Long
Dim strBuffer As String
' Initialize variables
lngKeyHandle = 0
lngBufferSize = 0
' Query the key path
m_lngRetVal = RegOpenKey(lngRootKey, strRegKeyPath, lngKeyHandle)
' If no key handle was found then there is no key.  Leave here.
If lngKeyHandle = 0 Then
regQuery_A_Key = ""
m_lngRetVal = RegCloseKey(lngKeyHandle)   ' always close the handle
Exit Function
End If
' Query the registry and determine the data type.
m_lngRetVal = RegQueryValueEx(lngKeyHandle, strRegSubKey, 0&, _
lngDataType, ByVal 0&, lngBufferSize)
' If no key handle was found then there is no key.  Leave.
If lngKeyHandle = 0 Then
regQuery_A_Key = ""
m_lngRetVal = RegCloseKey(lngKeyHandle)   ' always close the handle
Exit Function
End If
' Make the API call to query the registry based on the type
' of data.
Select Case lngDataType
Case REG_SZ:       ' String data (most common)
' Preload the receiving buffer area
strBuffer = Space(lngBufferSize)
m_lngRetVal = RegQueryValueEx(lngKeyHandle, strRegSubKey, 0&, 0&, _
ByVal strBuffer, lngBufferSize)
' If NOT a successful call then leave
If m_lngRetVal <> ERROR_SUCCESS Then
regQuery_A_Key = ""
' Strip out the string data
intPosition = InStr(1, strBuffer, Chr(0))  ' look for the first null char
If intPosition > 0 Then
' if we found one, then save everything up to that point
regQuery_A_Key = Left(strBuffer, intPosition - 1)
' did not find one.  Save everything.
regQuery_A_Key = strBuffer
End If
End If
Case REG_DWORD:    ' Numeric data (Integer)
m_lngRetVal = RegQueryValueEx(lngKeyHandle, strRegSubKey, 0&, lngDataType, _
lngBuffer, 4&)  ' 4& = 4-byte word (long integer)
' If NOT a successful call then leave
If m_lngRetVal <> ERROR_SUCCESS Then
regQuery_A_Key = ""
' Save the captured data
regQuery_A_Key = lngBuffer
End If
Case Else:    ' unknown
regQuery_A_Key = ""
End Select
' Always close the handle in the registry.  We do not want to
' corrupt these files.
m_lngRetVal = RegCloseKey(lngKeyHandle)
End Function


Sub regCreate_Key_Value(ByVal lngRootKey As Long, ByVal strRegKeyPath As String, _
ByVal strRegSubKey As String, varRegData As Variant)
' Written by Kenneth Ives           
' Important:     If you treat all key data strings as being
'                case sensitive, you should never have a problem.
'                Always backup your registry files (System.dat
'                and User.dat) before performing any type of
'                modifications
' Description:   

Function for saving string data.
' Parameters:
'                  HKEY_lOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_USERS, etc
'    strRegKeyPath - is name of the key path you wish to traverse.
'     strRegSubKey - is the name of the key which will be updated.
'       varRegData - Update data.
' Syntax:
'    regCreate_Key_Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER, _
'                      "Software\AAA-Registry Test\Products", _
'                      "StringTestData", "22 Jun 1999"
' Saves the key value of "22 Jun 1999" to 

Sub key "StringTestData"
' Define variables
Dim lngKeyHandle As Long
Dim lngDataType As Long
Dim lngKeyValue As Long
Dim strKeyValue As String
' Determine the type of data to be updated
If IsNumeric(varRegData) Then
lngDataType = REG_DWORD
lngDataType = REG_SZ
End If
' Query the key path
m_lngRetVal = RegCreateKey(lngRootKey, strRegKeyPath, lngKeyHandle)
' Update the 

Sub key based on the data type
Select Case lngDataType
Case REG_SZ:       ' String data
strKeyValue = Trim(varRegData) & Chr(0)     ' null terminated
m_lngRetVal = RegSetValueEx(lngKeyHandle, strRegSubKey, 0&, lngDataType, _
ByVal strKeyValue, Len(strKeyValue))
Case REG_DWORD:    ' numeric data
lngKeyValue = CLng(varRegData)
m_lngRetVal = RegSetValueEx(lngKeyHandle, strRegSubKey, 0&, lngDataType, _
lngKeyValue, 4&)  ' 4& = 4-byte word (long integer)
End Select
' Always close the handle in the registry.  We do not want to
' corrupt these files.
m_lngRetVal = RegCloseKey(lngKeyHandle)
End Sub


Function regCreate_A_Key(ByVal lngRootKey As Long, ByVal strRegKeyPath As String)
' Written by Kenneth Ives           
' Important:     If you treat all key data strings as being
'                case sensitive, you should never have a problem.
'                Always backup your registry files (System.dat
'                and User.dat) before performing any type of
'                modifications
' Description:   This 

Function will create a new key
' Parameters:
'                  HKEY_lOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_USERS, etc
'   strRegKeyPath  - is name of the key you wish to create.
'                  to make 

Sub keys, continue to make this
'                  call with each new level.  MS says you
'                  can do this in one call; however, the
'                  best laid plans of mice and men ...
' Syntax:
'   regCreate_A_Key HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\AAA-Registry Test"
'   regCreate_A_Key HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\AAA-Registry Test\Products"
' Define variables
Dim lngKeyHandle As Long
' Create the key.  If it already exist, ignore it.
m_lngRetVal = RegCreateKey(lngRootKey, strRegKeyPath, lngKeyHandle)
' Always close the handle in the registry.  We do not want to
' corrupt these files.
m_lngRetVal = RegCloseKey(lngKeyHandle)
End Function


Function regDelete_A_Key(ByVal lngRootKey As Long, _
ByVal strRegKeyPath As String, _
ByVal strRegKeyName As String) As Boolean
' Written by Kenneth Ives           
' Important:     If you treat all key data strings as being
'                case sensitive, you should never have a problem.
'                Always backup your registry files (System.dat
'                and User.dat) before performing any type of
'                modifications
' Description:   

Function for removing a complete key.
' Parameters:
'                        HKEY_lOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_USERS, etc
'    strRegKeyPath - is name of the key path you wish to traverse.
'   strRegKeyValue - is the name of the key which will be removed.
' Returns a True or False on completion.
' Syntax:
'    regDelete_A_Key HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software", "AAA-Registry Test"
' Removes the key "AAA-Registry Test" and all of its 

Sub keys.
' Define variables
Dim lngKeyHandle As Long
' Preset to a failed delete
regDelete_A_Key = False
' Make sure the key exist before trying to delete it
If regDoes_Key_Exist(lngRootKey, strRegKeyPath) Then
' Get the key handle
m_lngRetVal = RegOpenKey(lngRootKey, strRegKeyPath, lngKeyHandle)
' Delete the key
m_lngRetVal = RegDeleteKey(lngKeyHandle, strRegKeyName)
' If the value returned is equal zero then we have succeeded
If m_lngRetVal = 0 Then regDelete_A_Key = True
' Always close the handle in the registry.  We do not want to
' corrupt the registry.
m_lngRetVal = RegCloseKey(lngKeyHandle)
End If
End Function

Sub TestReg()
' Test Windows registry basic functions.
' Written by Kenneth Ives           
' Rename this to "Main".  Press F8 to step thru the code.   You
' will be able to stop at will and execute Regedit.exe to see
' the results.  Or, you can press F5 and this test procedure
' has its own stops built in.
' Perform the four basic functions on the Windows registry.
'           Add
'           Change
'           Delete
'           Query
' Important:     If you treat all key data strings as being
'                case sensitive, you should never have a problem.
'                Always backup your registry (System.dat and
'                User.dat) before performing any type of updates.
' Rename this procedure back to TEST so as not to intefere if
' this BAS module is used in another application.
' Define variables
Dim lngRootKey As Long
Dim strKeyQuery As Variant    ' we are not sure what type of
' data will be returned
' Initialize variables
strKeyQuery = vbNullString
' See if the key already exist.  If the key does not exist, we
' will create one.  Some people want to automatically create a
' key if it does not exist.  This philosophy can be dangerous.
' Querying the registry is one 

Function and updating is another.
If Not regDoes_Key_Exist(lngRootKey, "Software\AAA-Registry Test") Then
' create the main key and the first 

Sub key
regCreate_A_Key lngRootKey, "Software\AAA-Registry Test"
regCreate_A_Key lngRootKey, "Software\AAA-Registry Test\Products"
End If
' see if the next 

Sub key exist.
If Not regDoes_Key_Exist(lngRootKey, "Software\AAA-Registry Test\Products") Then
' create the first 

Sub key
regCreate_A_Key lngRootKey, "Software\AAA-Registry Test\Products"
End If
' Create a string type 

Sub key
regCreate_Key_Value lngRootKey, "Software\AAA-Registry Test\Products", _
"StringTestData", "22 SEP 1999"
' Create a numeric type 

Sub key
regCreate_Key_Value lngRootKey, "Software\AAA-Registry Test\Products", _
"NumericTestData", 1234567890
' See if we have successfully created the key.  The value of
' of the 

Sub key will be returned.  strKeyQuery is a variant
' because we do not know if the data being returned is string
' or numeric.  Once it is returned then we can manipulate it.
strKeyQuery = regQuery_A_Key(lngRootKey, "Software\AAA-Registry Test\Products", "StringTestData")
strKeyQuery = regQuery_A_Key(lngRootKey, "Software\AAA-Registry Test\Products", "NumericTestData")
' Stop processing here.
' Execute Regedit.exe and verify that all the keys have
' been added to the registry.
' Press F5 or F8 to continue.
' Change the value of the 

Sub key, "StringTestData", from
' "22 SEP 1999" to "September 22, 1999"
regCreate_Key_Value lngRootKey, "Software\AAA-Registry Test\Products", _
"StringTestData", "September 22, 1999"
' See if the 

Sub key has been updated
strKeyQuery = regQuery_A_Key(lngRootKey, "Software\AAA-Registry Test\Products", "StringTestData")
' Stop processing here.
' Execute Regedit.exe and verify that the 

Sub key has
' been updated in the registry.
' Press F5 or F8 to continue.
' Delete the 

Sub key, "NumericTestData", only.
regDelete_Sub_Key lngRootKey, "Software\AAA-Registry Test\Products", "NumericTestData"
' Stop processing here.
' Execute Regedit.exe and verify the 

Sub key ("NumericTestData")
' has been removed from the registry.
' Press F5 or F8 to continue.
' Remove the complete key from the registry.  You do not want
' to remove the "Software" key.  NT users must remove each
' major key component separately as shown below.  Windows 95/98
' users can do this in one step by using the second line only.
If Not regDelete_A_Key(lngRootKey, "Software\AAA-Registry Test", "Products") Then
MsgBox "Failed to delete requested subkey!    ", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Registry Key Delete"
GoTo Normal_Exit:
End If
If Not regDelete_A_Key(lngRootKey, "Software", "AAA-Registry Test") Then
MsgBox "Failed to delete requested main key!    ", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Registry Key Delete"
GoTo Normal_Exit:
End If
' Terminate program.
' Execute Regedit.exe and verify that the key
' ("AAA-Registry Test") and all of its 

Sub keys have been
' removed from the registry.
End Sub

AW: Registry-Funktionen
01.08.2003 20:09:36
hi sam,
puuuhhh da muss ich erstmal durchsteigen, haut mich total um,
aber danke ich lerne gerne weiter dazu

AW: Registry-Funktionen
01.08.2003 22:56:20
mach dir nicht mehr mühe als notwendig. Die meisten Subs habe ich mir nicht einmal angesehen. Sie funktionieren, das ist wichtig. Das einzige was du dir ansehen solltest ist die Testsub. Hier wird die Verwendung erklärt. Sehr umfangreich erklärt, es würde ich wahrscheinlich auch ein 5zeiler reichen...

AW: regedit
01.08.2003 19:35:56
Welcher Schlüssel und was für ein Datentyp soll da
ausgelesen werden?

AW: regedit
01.08.2003 19:46:49
Peter Malze
hi k.Rola,
es soll aus dem schlüssel HKEY_USERS ausglesen werden nach HKEY_USERS kommt der individuelle pfad. es soll ein texttype sein.

AW: regedit
01.08.2003 22:19:03
das ist aber kein kompletter Pfad. Wenn das ein Kollege von dir
gemacht hat, wirds wahrscheinlich in VB VBA- Programm Settings
abgelegt sein. dann musst du dort mal suchen, welcher Subkey das
sein könnte.
Gruß K.Rola

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