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geht das kürzer?

geht das kürzer?
10.01.2005 18:43:15
Hallo ich habe folgendes Problem. Ich habe eine Eingabemaske (UserForm) erstellt, in der der User Daten eingibt. Jetzt müssen diese Daten entsprechend in ein Tabellenblatt eingetragen werden.
Bis jetzt sieht der Code folgendermaßen aus:
If txtPreiscode = Range("BD3") Then
Range("BD5") = txt11
Range("BD6") = txt12
Range("BD7") = txt13
Range("BD8") = txt14
Range("BD9") = txt15
Range("BE5") = txt21
Range("BE6") = txt22
Range("BE7") = txt23
Range("BE8") = txt24
Range("BE9") = txt25
Range("BF5") = txt31
Range("BF6") = txt32
Range("BF7") = txt33
Range("BF8") = txt34
Range("BF9") = txt35
Range("BG5") = txt41
Range("BG6") = txt42
Range("BG7") = txt43
Range("BG8") = txt44
Range("BG9") = txt45
Range("BH5") = txt51
Range("BH6") = txt52
Range("BH7") = txt53
Range("BH8") = txt54
Range("BH9") = txt55
Range("BI5") = txt61
Range("BI6") = txt62
Range("BI7") = txt63
Range("BI8") = txt64
Range("BI9") = txt65
Range("BJ5") = txt71
Range("BJ6") = txt72
Range("BJ7") = txt73
Range("BJ8") = txt74
Range("BJ9") = txt75
Range("BK5") = txt81
Range("BK6") = txt82
Range("BK7") = txt83
Range("BK8") = txt84
Range("BK9") = txt85
Range("BL5") = txt91
Range("BL6") = txt92
Range("BL7") = txt93
Range("BL8") = txt94
Range("BL9") = txt95
Range("BM5") = txt101
Range("BM6") = txt102
Range("BM7") = txt103
Range("BM8") = txt104
Range("BM9") = txt105
End If
If txtPreiscode = Range("BD12") Then
Range("BD14") = txt11
Range("BD15") = txt12
Range("BD16") = txt13
Range("BD17") = txt14
Range("BD18") = txt15
Range("BE14") = txt21
Range("BE15") = txt22
Range("BE16") = txt23
Range("BE17") = txt24
Range("BE18") = txt25
Range("BF14") = txt31
Range("BF15") = txt32
Range("BF16") = txt33
Range("BF17") = txt34
Range("BF18") = txt35
Range("BG14") = txt41
Range("BG15") = txt42
Range("BG16") = txt43
Range("BG17") = txt44
Range("BG18") = txt45
Range("BH14") = txt51
Range("BH15") = txt52
Range("BH16") = txt53
Range("BH17") = txt54
Range("BH18") = txt55
Range("BI14") = txt61
Range("BI15") = txt62
Range("BI16") = txt63
Range("BI17") = txt64
Range("BI18") = txt65
Range("BJ14") = txt71
Range("BJ15") = txt72
Range("BJ16") = txt73
Range("BJ17") = txt74
Range("BJ18") = txt75
Range("BK14") = txt81
Range("BK15") = txt82
Range("BK16") = txt83
Range("BK17") = txt84
Range("BK18") = txt85
Range("BL14") = txt91
Range("BL15") = txt92
Range("BL16") = txt93
Range("BL17") = txt94
Range("BL18") = txt95
Range("BM14") = txt101
Range("BM15") = txt102
Range("BM16") = txt103
Range("BM17") = txt104
Range("BM18") = txt105
End If
If txtPreiscode = Range("BD21") Then
Range("BD23") = txt11
Range("BD24") = txt12
Range("BD25") = txt13
Range("BD26") = txt14
Range("BD27") = txt15
Range("BE23") = txt21
Range("BE24") = txt22
Range("BE25") = txt23
Range("BE26") = txt24
Range("BE27") = txt25
Range("BF23") = txt31
Range("BF24") = txt32
Range("BF25") = txt33
Range("BF26") = txt34
Range("BF27") = txt35
Range("BG23") = txt41
Range("BG24") = txt42
Range("BG25") = txt43
Range("BG26") = txt44
Range("BG27") = txt45
Range("BH23") = txt51
Range("BH24") = txt52
Range("BH25") = txt53
Range("BH26") = txt54
Range("BH27") = txt55
Range("BI23") = txt61
Range("BI24") = txt62
Range("BI25") = txt63
Range("BI26") = txt64
Range("BI27") = txt65
Range("BJ23") = txt71
Range("BJ24") = txt72
Range("BJ25") = txt73
Range("BJ26") = txt74
Range("BJ27") = txt75
Range("BK23") = txt81
Range("BK24") = txt82
Range("BK25") = txt83
Range("BK26") = txt84
Range("BK27") = txt85
Range("BL23") = txt91
Range("BL24") = txt92
Range("BL25") = txt93
Range("BL26") = txt94
Range("BL27") = txt95
Range("BM23") = txt101
Range("BM24") = txt102
Range("BM25") = txt103
Range("BM26") = txt104
Range("BM27") = txt105
End If
If txtPreiscode = Range("BD30") Then
Range("BD32") = txt11
Range("BD33") = txt12
Range("BD34") = txt13
Range("BD35") = txt14
Range("BD36") = txt15
Range("BE32") = txt21
Range("BE33") = txt22
Range("BE34") = txt23
Range("BE35") = txt24
Range("BE36") = txt25
Range("BF32") = txt31
Range("BF33") = txt32
Range("BF34") = txt33
Range("BF35") = txt34
Range("BF36") = txt35
Range("BG32") = txt41
Range("BG33") = txt42
Range("BG34") = txt43
Range("BG35") = txt44
Range("BG36") = txt45
Range("BH32") = txt51
Range("BH33") = txt52
Range("BH34") = txt53
Range("BH35") = txt54
Range("BH36") = txt55
Range("BI32") = txt61
Range("BI33") = txt62
Range("BI34") = txt63
Range("BI35") = txt64
Range("BI36") = txt65
Range("BJ32") = txt71
Range("BJ33") = txt72
Range("BJ34") = txt73
Range("BJ35") = txt74
Range("BJ36") = txt75
Range("BK32") = txt81
Range("BK33") = txt82
Range("BK34") = txt83
Range("BK35") = txt84
Range("BK36") = txt85
Range("BL32") = txt91
Range("BL33") = txt92
Range("BL34") = txt93
Range("BL35") = txt94
Range("BL36") = txt95
Range("BM32") = txt101
Range("BM33") = txt102
Range("BM34") = txt103
Range("BM35") = txt104
Range("BM36") = txt105
End If
If txtPreiscode = Range("BD39") Then
Range("BD41") = txt11
Range("BD42") = txt12
Range("BD43") = txt13
Range("BD44") = txt14
Range("BD45") = txt15
Range("BE41") = txt21
Range("BE42") = txt22
Range("BE43") = txt23
Range("BE44") = txt24
Range("BE45") = txt25
Range("BF41") = txt31
Range("BF42") = txt32
Range("BF43") = txt33
Range("BF44") = txt34
Range("BF45") = txt35
Range("BG41") = txt41
Range("BG42") = txt42
Range("BG43") = txt43
Range("BG44") = txt44
Range("BG45") = txt45
Range("BH41") = txt51
Range("BH42") = txt52
Range("BH43") = txt53
Range("BH44") = txt54
Range("BH45") = txt55
Range("BI41") = txt61
Range("BI42") = txt62
Range("BI43") = txt63
Range("BI44") = txt64
Range("BI45") = txt65
Range("BJ41") = txt71
Range("BJ42") = txt72
Range("BJ43") = txt73
Range("BJ44") = txt74
Range("BJ45") = txt75
Range("BK41") = txt81
Range("BK42") = txt82
Range("BK43") = txt83
Range("BK44") = txt84
Range("BK45") = txt85
Range("BL41") = txt91
Range("BL42") = txt92
Range("BL43") = txt93
Range("BL44") = txt94
Range("BL45") = txt95
Range("BM41") = txt101
Range("BM42") = txt102
Range("BM43") = txt103
Range("BM44") = txt104
Range("BM45") = txt105
End If
If txtPreiscode = Range("BD48") Then
Range("BD50") = txt11
Range("BD51") = txt12
Range("BD52") = txt13
Range("BD53") = txt14
Range("BD54") = txt15
Range("BE50") = txt21
Range("BE51") = txt22
Range("BE52") = txt23
Range("BE53") = txt24
Range("BE54") = txt25
Range("BF50") = txt31
Range("BF51") = txt32
Range("BF52") = txt33
Range("BF53") = txt34
Range("BF54") = txt35
Range("BG50") = txt41
Range("BG51") = txt42
Range("BG52") = txt43
Range("BG53") = txt44
Range("BG54") = txt45
Range("BH50") = txt51
Range("BH51") = txt52
Range("BH52") = txt53
Range("BH53") = txt54
Range("BH54") = txt55
Range("BI50") = txt61
Range("BI51") = txt62
Range("BI52") = txt63
Range("BI53") = txt64
Range("BI54") = txt65
Range("BJ50") = txt71
Range("BJ51") = txt72
Range("BJ52") = txt73
Range("BJ53") = txt74
Range("BJ54") = txt75
Range("BK50") = txt81
Range("BK51") = txt82
Range("BK52") = txt83
Range("BK53") = txt84
Range("BK54") = txt85
Range("BL50") = txt91
Range("BL51") = txt92
Range("BL52") = txt93
Range("BL53") = txt94
Range("BL54") = txt95
Range("BM50") = txt101
Range("BM51") = txt102
Range("BM52") = txt103
Range("BM53") = txt104
Range("BM54") = txt105
End If
If txtPreiscode = Range("BD57") Then
Range("BD59") = txt11
Range("BD60") = txt12
Range("BD61") = txt13
Range("BD62") = txt14
Range("BD63") = txt15
Range("BE59") = txt21
Range("BE60") = txt22
Range("BE61") = txt23
Range("BE62") = txt24
Range("BE63") = txt25
Range("BF59") = txt31
Range("BF60") = txt32
Range("BF61") = txt33
Range("BF62") = txt34
Range("BF63") = txt35
Range("BG59") = txt41
Range("BG60") = txt42
Range("BG61") = txt43
Range("BG62") = txt44
Range("BG63") = txt45
Range("BH59") = txt51
Range("BH60") = txt52
Range("BH61") = txt53
Range("BH62") = txt54
Range("BH63") = txt55
Range("BI59") = txt61
Range("BI60") = txt62
Range("BI61") = txt63
Range("BI62") = txt64
Range("BI63") = txt65
Range("BJ59") = txt71
Range("BJ60") = txt72
Range("BJ61") = txt73
Range("BJ62") = txt74
Range("BJ63") = txt75
Range("BK59") = txt81
Range("BK60") = txt82
Range("BK61") = txt83
Range("BK62") = txt84
Range("BK63") = txt85
Range("BL59") = txt91
Range("BL60") = txt92
Range("BL61") = txt93
Range("BL62") = txt94
Range("BL63") = txt95
Range("BM59") = txt101
Range("BM60") = txt102
Range("BM61") = txt103
Range("BM62") = txt104
Range("BM63") = txt105
End If
If txtPreiscode = Range("BD66") Then
Range("BD68") = txt11
Range("BD69") = txt12
Range("BD70") = txt13
Range("BD71") = txt14
Range("BD72") = txt15
Range("BE68") = txt21
Range("BE69") = txt22
Range("BE70") = txt23
Range("BE71") = txt24
Range("BE72") = txt25
Range("BF68") = txt31
Range("BF69") = txt32
Range("BF70") = txt33
Range("BF71") = txt34
Range("BF72") = txt35
Range("BG68") = txt41
Range("BG69") = txt42
Range("BG70") = txt43
Range("BG71") = txt44
Range("BG72") = txt45
Range("BH68") = txt51
Range("BH69") = txt52
Range("BH70") = txt53
Range("BH71") = txt54
Range("BH72") = txt55
Range("BI68") = txt61
Range("BI69") = txt62
Range("BI70") = txt63
Range("BI71") = txt64
Range("BI72") = txt65
Range("BJ68") = txt71
Range("BJ69") = txt72
Range("BJ70") = txt73
Range("BJ71") = txt74
Range("BJ72") = txt75
Range("BK68") = txt81
Range("BK69") = txt82
Range("BK70") = txt83
Range("BK71") = txt84
Range("BK72") = txt85
Range("BL68") = txt91
Range("BL69") = txt92
Range("BL70") = txt93
Range("BL71") = txt94
Range("BL72") = txt95
Range("BM68") = txt101
Range("BM69") = txt102
Range("BM70") = txt103
Range("BM71") = txt104
Range("BM72") = txt105
End If
If txtPreiscode = Range("BD75") Then
Range("BD77") = txt11
Range("BD78") = txt12
Range("BD79") = txt13
Range("BD80") = txt14
Range("BD81") = txt15
Range("BE77") = txt21
Range("BE78") = txt22
Range("BE79") = txt23
Range("BE80") = txt24
Range("BE81") = txt25
Range("BF77") = txt31
Range("BF78") = txt32
Range("BF79") = txt33
Range("BF80") = txt34
Range("BF81") = txt35
Range("BG77") = txt41
Range("BG78") = txt42
Range("BG79") = txt43
Range("BG80") = txt44
Range("BG81") = txt45
Range("BH77") = txt51
Range("BH78") = txt52
Range("BH79") = txt53
Range("BH80") = txt54
Range("BH81") = txt55
Range("BI77") = txt61
Range("BI78") = txt62
Range("BI79") = txt63
Range("BI80") = txt64
Range("BI81") = txt65
Range("BJ77") = txt71
Range("BJ78") = txt72
Range("BJ79") = txt73
Range("BJ80") = txt74
Range("BJ81") = txt75
Range("BK77") = txt81
Range("BK78") = txt82
Range("BK79") = txt83
Range("BK80") = txt84
Range("BK81") = txt85
Range("BL77") = txt91
Range("BL78") = txt92
Range("BL79") = txt93
Range("BL80") = txt94
Range("BL81") = txt95
Range("BM77") = txt101
Range("BM78") = txt102
Range("BM79") = txt103
Range("BM80") = txt104
Range("BM81") = txt105
End If
Ich brauche aber 30 If-Schleifen und das wird ziemlich mühsam. Ist das kürzer aus möglich? Hier ein paar Eckdaten:
Die Zellen, mit denen txtPreiscode verglichen wird und die dazugehörigen Zeilen, in denen eingefügt wird sind (die Spalten lauten:BD,BE,BF,BG,BH,BI,BJ,BK,BL,BM):
BD3 -&gt 5-9
BD12 -&gt 14-18
BD21 -&gt 23-27
BD30 -&gt 32-36
BD39 -&gt 41-45
BD48 -&gt 50-54
BD57 -&gt 59-63
BD66 -&gt 68-72
BD75 -&gt 77-81
BD84 -&gt 86-90
BD93 -&gt 95-99
BD102 -&gt 104-108
BD111 -&gt 113-117
BD120 -&gt 122-126
BD129 -&gt 131-135
BD138 -&gt 140-144
BD147 -&gt 149-153
BD156 -&gt 158-162
BD165 -&gt 167-171
BD174 -&gt 176-180
BD183 -&gt 185-189
BD192 -&gt 194-198
BD201 -&gt 203-207
BD210 -&gt 212-216
BD219 -&gt 221-225
BD228 -&gt 230-234
BD237 -&gt 239-243
BD246 -&gt 248-252
BD255 -&gt 257-261
BD264 -&gt 266-270
Folgende Einträge gehören in folgende Spalten:
Spalte BD -&gt Einträge txt11-txt15
Spalte BE -&gt Einträge txt21-txt25
Spalte BF -&gt Einträge txt31-txt35
Spalte BG -&gt Einträge txt41-txt45
Spalte BH -&gt Einträge txt51-txt55
Spalte BI -&gt Einträge txt61-txt65
Spalte BJ -&gt Einträge txt71-txt75
Spalte BK -&gt Einträge txt81-txt85
Spalte BL -&gt Einträge txt91-txt95
Spalte BM -&gt Einträge txt101-txt105
Danke für eure Hilfe schon im Vorraus.
P.S.: Beispieldatei geht leider nicht. Habe Datei nicht da. Sorry.

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AW: geht das kürzer?
10.01.2005 19:16:42
Hallo Sebastian!
Sollte funzen:

Sub test()
Dim iRow As Integer
Dim i As Integer, n As Integer, m As Integer
m = 11
For iRow = 3 To 264 Step 9
If txtPreiscode = Cells(iRow, 56) Then
For i = 56 To 65
For n = 2 To 6
Debug.Print Cells(iRow + n, i).Address(0, 0); " = txt" & m
Cells(iRow + n, i) = Controls("txt" & m)
m = m + 1
m = m + 5
Exit For
End If
End Sub

Gruß Sepp
Obwohl Josef schneller war, hier noch mein Code, nachdem ich mir das Hirn schon zermartert habe:
Option Explicit

Sub Add_Values()
Dim Col As Integer, i As Integer, n As Integer
Dim tmpCount As Byte
'Col = Spalte
'für die Textboxen
tmpCount = 10
Select Case txtPreisCode
Case Range("BD3")
'Startspalte BD bis BM
For Col = 56 To 65
'Für die einzelnen Zeilen
For i = 1 To 5
'i = Zeile i
Cells(i, Col) = Me.Controls("Textbox" & i + tmpCount)
Next i
'für die Textboxen muss jeder Durchgang um 10 erhöht werdne
tmpCount = tmpCount + 10
Next i
Case Range("BD12")
'Startspalte BD bis BM
For Col = 56 To 65
'Für die einzelnen Zeilen
For i = 14 To 19
'i = Zeile5
Cells(i, Col) = Me.Controls("Textbox" & i + tmpCount)
Next i
'für die Textboxen muss jeder Durchgang um 10 erhöht werdne
tmpCount = tmpCount + 10
Next i
Case Range("irgendwas")
'Hier musst du den Code halt weiterführen
End Select
End Sub

Gruss Rainer
Sorry Josef, sollte nach oben :-) o.T.
Danke, funktioniert super.
10.01.2005 19:34:17
So hatte ich mir das vorgestellt. Danke. Danke.

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