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Quicksort mit mehreren Sortierschlüsseln

Quicksort mit mehreren Sortierschlüsseln
06.09.2005 10:19:11
Hallo Excelkollegen,
ich habe eine Quicksortroutine, die 2-dimensionale Arrays nach dem angegebenen Sortierschlüssel sortiert.
Wie kann ich die Routine erweitern, um 2 oder 3 Sortierschlüssel zu ermöglichen ?
Danke Stefan.

Sub Quicksort(vntFeld As Variant, _
ByVal lngOrder As Long, _
Optional ByVal lngUGrenze As Long = -1, _
Optional ByVal lngOGrenze As Long = -1)
' geändert Stefan Krähe / 06.09.2005
' Sortiert ein 2D-Array
' 1. Dimension enthält die Felder und 2. Dimension die Datensätze
' Sortiert innerhalb der 2. Dimension
Dim lngUIndex As Long
Dim lngOIndex As Long
Dim lngHelpIndex As Long
Dim vntElement As Variant
Dim strSort As String
Dim varBuffer As Variant
If lngUGrenze = -1 Then lngUGrenze = LBound(vntFeld, 2)
If lngOGrenze = -1 Then lngOGrenze = UBound(vntFeld, 2)
lngUIndex = lngUGrenze
lngOIndex = lngOGrenze
'Vergleichselemente lesen
vntElement = vntFeld(lngOrder, (lngUIndex + lngOIndex) / 2)
Do While vntFeld(lngOrder, lngUIndex) < vntElement
lngUIndex = lngUIndex + 1
Do While vntFeld(lngOrder, lngOIndex) > vntElement
lngOIndex = lngOIndex - 1
If lngUIndex <= lngOIndex Then
'Elemente tauschen
For lngHelpIndex = LBound(vntFeld, 1) To UBound(vntFeld, 1)
varBuffer = vntFeld(lngHelpIndex, lngUIndex)
vntFeld(lngHelpIndex, lngUIndex) = vntFeld(lngHelpIndex, lngOIndex)
vntFeld(lngHelpIndex, lngOIndex) = varBuffer
Next lngHelpIndex
lngUIndex = lngUIndex + 1
lngOIndex = lngOIndex - 1
End If
Loop Until (lngUIndex > lngOIndex)
'Iterativ durchlaufen
If lngUGrenze < lngOIndex Then Call Quicksort(vntFeld, lngOrder, lngUGrenze, lngOIndex)
If lngUIndex < lngOGrenze Then Call Quicksort(vntFeld, lngOrder, lngUIndex, lngOGrenze)
End Sub

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AW: Quicksort mit mehreren Sortierschlüsseln
06.09.2005 10:46:37
Hallo Stefan,
was verstehst du unter Sortierschlüssel? Mit dem Quicksort kannst du aufwärts oder abwärst sortieren.
Excel & VBA – Beispiele
AW: Quicksort mit mehreren Sortierschlüsseln
06.09.2005 11:01:13
Hallo Nepumuk,
mit Sortierschlüssel meine ich dass, was bei .Sort als Key1, Key2 und Key3 angegeben ist.
In meinem Script sollte die Variable folglich nicht lngOrder, sondern lngKey heißen.
Gruß Stefan.
AW: Quicksort mit mehreren Sortierschlüsseln
06.09.2005 11:16:10
Hallo Stefan,
sehe ich das richtig, dass dein Array zwei Zeilen und x Spalten hat?
~ Dim Array(1 to 2, 1 to x)
Und du willst jetzt angeben können, ob nach der ersten oder zweite Zeile sortiert wird?
Excel & VBA – Beispiele
AW: Quicksort mit mehreren Sortierschlüsseln
06.09.2005 11:40:29
Das Array hat 4 Spalten: Kundennummer, Betrag1, Betrag2,Betrag3 und n-Zeilen (n=Kundenzahl)
Dim Array (1 to 4, 1 to n)
Sortiert werden sollen die jeweiligen Datensätze (Kundennummer,Betrag1,Betrag2,Betrag3)
nach Betrag1, wenn dieser gleich, dann Betrag2, wenn dieser gleich, dann Betrag3.
Gruß Stefan.
AW: Quicksort mit mehreren Sortierschlüsseln
06.09.2005 15:10:29
Hallo Stefan,
schwierig!! Reicht's bis Morgen?
Excel & VBA – Beispiele
AW: Quicksort mit mehreren Sortierschlüsseln
06.09.2005 16:51:59
Hallo Nepumuk,
meine Ideen gehen dahin, über die Quicksortroutine eine zweite zu setzen.
Diese soll Quicksort aufrufen und in einem ersten Anlauf alle Daten nach Key 1 sortieren.
Danach will ich das Auszüge mit gleichem Schlüssel aus dem Ergebnisarray als eigenständiges Array in Quicksort geben und diese nach Schlüssel 2 sortieren.
Klar reicht das bis morgen. Ich bin ja froh, dass mir jemand hilft.
Gruß Stefan.
PS: Wenn Du Zeit hast, könnte ich Dir mal die "Anwendung" der Erl-Funktion (meine Fehlerbehandlungsroutine) senden. Vielleicht hast Du noch ein paar Optimierungsvorschläge.
AW: Quicksort mit mehreren Sortierschlüsseln
07.09.2005 20:06:03
Hallo Stefan,
eine zweite Routine würde die erste Sortierfolge wieder zerstören. Ich habe eine Routine die du dir aber auf dein Array anpassen musst. Das Makro sortiert in Zeilen. Dein Array besteht nur aus vier Zeilen und n Spalten. Den Unterschied kannst du mit diesen zwei kleinen Makros sehen:
Public Sub test1()
    Dim a(1 To 2, 1 To 10) As Integer
    Range("A1:B10") = a
End Sub

Public Sub test2()
    Dim a(1 To 2, 1 To 10) As Integer
    Range("A1:J2") = a
End Sub

Die Sortierroutine mit einem kleinen Testmakro:
' **********************************************************************
' Modul: Modul1 Typ: Allgemeines Modul
' **********************************************************************

Option Explicit

Private Const MAX_COUNT = 9999&

Public Sub prctest()
    Dim vntArray(MAX_COUNT, 2) As Variant
    Dim bytSortkey(2) As Byte
    Dim strSortOrder As String
    Dim lngIndex As Long
    For lngIndex = 0 To MAX_COUNT
        vntArray(lngIndex, 0) = Int((100 * Rnd) + 1)
        vntArray(lngIndex, 1) = Int((100 * Rnd) + 1)
        vntArray(lngIndex, 2) = Int((100 * Rnd) + 1)
    bytSortkey(0) = 1 'Spalte 1. Kriterium
    bytSortkey(1) = 2 'Spalte 2. Kriterium
    bytSortkey(2) = 0 'Spalte 3. Kriterium
    strSortOrder = "001" '1 absteigend / 0 aufsteigend
    Call prcQuickSort(LBound(vntArray), UBound(vntArray), 2, _
        bytSortkey(), strSortOrder, vntArray())
    Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(MAX_COUNT + 1, 3)) = vntArray
End Sub

Private Sub prcQuickSort(lngLBound As Long, lngUBound As Long, _
        bytColumns As Byte, bytSortkey() As Byte, _
        strSortOrder As String, vntArray() As Variant)

    Dim lngIndex1 As Long, lngIndex2 As Long
    Dim vntBuffer() As Variant, vntTemp As Variant
    Dim bytIndex As Byte, bytSortKeys As Byte
    Redim vntBuffer(UBound(bytSortkey)) As Variant
    lngIndex1 = lngLBound
    lngIndex2 = lngUBound
    For bytIndex = 0 To UBound(bytSortkey)
        vntBuffer(bytIndex) = vntArray((lngLBound + lngUBound) \ 2, _
        Select Case UBound(bytSortkey)
            Case 0
                Select Case strSortOrder
                    Case "0"
                        Do While vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(0)) < vntBuffer(0)
                            lngIndex1 = lngIndex1 + 1
                        Do While vntBuffer(0) < vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(0))
                            lngIndex2 = lngIndex2 - 1
                    Case "1"
                        Do While vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(0)) > vntBuffer(0)
                            lngIndex1 = lngIndex1 + 1
                        Do While vntBuffer(0) > vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(0))
                            lngIndex2 = lngIndex2 - 1
                End Select
            Case 1
                Select Case strSortOrder
                    Case "00"
                        Do While vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(0)) <= vntBuffer(0)
                            If vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(0)) = vntBuffer(0) And _
                                vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(1)) >= vntBuffer(1) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            lngIndex1 = lngIndex1 + 1
                        Do While vntBuffer(0) <= vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(0))
                            If vntBuffer(0) = vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(0)) And _
                                vntBuffer(1) >= vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(1)) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            lngIndex2 = lngIndex2 - 1
                    Case "10"
                        Do While vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(0)) >= vntBuffer(0)
                            If vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(0)) = vntBuffer(0) And _
                                vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(1)) >= vntBuffer(1) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            lngIndex1 = lngIndex1 + 1
                        Do While vntBuffer(0) >= vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(0))
                            If vntBuffer(0) = vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(0)) And _
                                vntBuffer(1) >= vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(1)) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            lngIndex2 = lngIndex2 - 1
                    Case "01"
                        Do While vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(0)) <= vntBuffer(0)
                            If vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(0)) = vntBuffer(0) And _
                                vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(1)) <= vntBuffer(1) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            lngIndex1 = lngIndex1 + 1
                        Do While vntBuffer(0) <= vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(0))
                            If vntBuffer(0) = vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(0)) And _
                                vntBuffer(1) <= vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(1)) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            lngIndex2 = lngIndex2 - 1
                    Case "11"
                        Do While vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(0)) >= vntBuffer(0)
                            If vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(0)) = vntBuffer(0) And _
                                vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(1)) <= vntBuffer(1) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            lngIndex1 = lngIndex1 + 1
                        Do While vntBuffer(0) >= vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(0))
                            If vntBuffer(0) = vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(0)) And _
                                vntBuffer(1) <= vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(1)) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            lngIndex2 = lngIndex2 - 1
                End Select
            Case 2
                Select Case strSortOrder
                    Case "000"
                        Do While vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(0)) <= vntBuffer(0)
                            If vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(0)) = vntBuffer(0) And _
                                vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(1)) > vntBuffer(1) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            If vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(0)) = vntBuffer(0) And _
                                vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(1)) = vntBuffer(1) And _
                                vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(2)) >= vntBuffer(2) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            lngIndex1 = lngIndex1 + 1
                        Do While vntBuffer(0) <= vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(0))
                            If vntBuffer(0) = vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(0)) And _
                                vntBuffer(1) > vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(1)) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            If vntBuffer(0) = vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(0)) And _
                                vntBuffer(1) = vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(1)) And _
                                vntBuffer(2) >= vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(2)) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            lngIndex2 = lngIndex2 - 1
                    Case "100"
                        Do While vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(0)) >= vntBuffer(0)
                            If vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(0)) = vntBuffer(0) And _
                                vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(1)) > vntBuffer(1) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            If vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(0)) = vntBuffer(0) And _
                                vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(1)) = vntBuffer(1) And _
                                vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(2)) >= vntBuffer(2) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            lngIndex1 = lngIndex1 + 1
                        Do While vntBuffer(0) >= vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(0))
                            If vntBuffer(0) = vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(0)) And _
                                vntBuffer(1) > vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(1)) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            If vntBuffer(0) = vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(0)) And _
                                vntBuffer(1) = vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(1)) And _
                                vntBuffer(2) >= vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(2)) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            lngIndex2 = lngIndex2 - 1
                    Case "010"
                        Do While vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(0)) <= vntBuffer(0)
                            If vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(0)) = vntBuffer(0) And _
                                vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(1)) < vntBuffer(1) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            If vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(0)) = vntBuffer(0) And _
                                vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(1)) = vntBuffer(1) And _
                                vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(2)) >= vntBuffer(2) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            lngIndex1 = lngIndex1 + 1
                        Do While vntBuffer(0) <= vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(0))
                            If vntBuffer(0) = vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(0)) And _
                                vntBuffer(1) < vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(1)) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            If vntBuffer(0) = vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(0)) And _
                                vntBuffer(1) = vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(1)) And _
                                vntBuffer(2) >= vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(2)) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            lngIndex2 = lngIndex2 - 1
                    Case "001"
                        Do While vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(0)) <= vntBuffer(0)
                            If vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(0)) = vntBuffer(0) And _
                                vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(1)) > vntBuffer(1) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            If vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(0)) = vntBuffer(0) And _
                                vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(1)) = vntBuffer(1) And _
                                vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(2)) <= vntBuffer(2) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            lngIndex1 = lngIndex1 + 1
                        Do While vntBuffer(0) <= vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(0))
                            If vntBuffer(0) = vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(0)) And _
                                vntBuffer(1) > vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(1)) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            If vntBuffer(0) = vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(0)) And _
                                vntBuffer(1) = vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(1)) And _
                                vntBuffer(2) <= vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(2)) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            lngIndex2 = lngIndex2 - 1
                    Case "110"
                        Do While vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(0)) >= vntBuffer(0)
                            If vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(0)) = vntBuffer(0) And _
                                vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(1)) < vntBuffer(1) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            If vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(0)) = vntBuffer(0) And _
                                vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(1)) = vntBuffer(1) And _
                                vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(2)) >= vntBuffer(2) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            lngIndex1 = lngIndex1 + 1
                        Do While vntBuffer(0) >= vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(0))
                            If vntBuffer(0) = vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(0)) And _
                                vntBuffer(1) < vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(1)) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            If vntBuffer(0) = vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(0)) And _
                                vntBuffer(1) = vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(1)) And _
                                vntBuffer(2) >= vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(2)) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            lngIndex2 = lngIndex2 - 1
                    Case "011"
                        Do While vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(0)) <= vntBuffer(0)
                            If vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(0)) = vntBuffer(0) And _
                                vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(1)) < vntBuffer(1) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            If vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(0)) = vntBuffer(0) And _
                                vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(1)) = vntBuffer(1) And _
                                vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(2)) <= vntBuffer(2) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            lngIndex1 = lngIndex1 + 1
                        Do While vntBuffer(0) <= vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(0))
                            If vntBuffer(0) = vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(0)) And _
                                vntBuffer(1) < vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(1)) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            If vntBuffer(0) = vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(0)) And _
                                vntBuffer(1) = vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(1)) And _
                                vntBuffer(2) <= vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(2)) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            lngIndex2 = lngIndex2 - 1
                    Case "101"
                        Do While vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(0)) >= vntBuffer(0)
                            If vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(0)) = vntBuffer(0) And _
                                vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(1)) > vntBuffer(1) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            If vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(0)) = vntBuffer(0) And _
                                vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(1)) = vntBuffer(1) And _
                                vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(2)) <= vntBuffer(2) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            lngIndex1 = lngIndex1 + 1
                        Do While vntBuffer(0) >= vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(0))
                            If vntBuffer(0) = vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(0)) And _
                                vntBuffer(1) > vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(1)) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            If vntBuffer(0) = vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(0)) And _
                                vntBuffer(1) = vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(1)) And _
                                vntBuffer(2) <= vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(2)) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            lngIndex2 = lngIndex2 - 1
                    Case "111"
                        Do While vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(0)) >= vntBuffer(0)
                            If vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(0)) = vntBuffer(0) And _
                                vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(1)) < vntBuffer(1) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            If vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(0)) = vntBuffer(0) And _
                                vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(1)) = vntBuffer(1) And _
                                vntArray(lngIndex1, bytSortkey(2)) <= vntBuffer(2) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            lngIndex1 = lngIndex1 + 1
                        Do While vntBuffer(0) >= vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(0))
                            If vntBuffer(0) = vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(0)) And _
                                vntBuffer(1) < vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(1)) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            If vntBuffer(0) = vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(0)) And _
                                vntBuffer(1) = vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(1)) And _
                                vntBuffer(2) <= vntArray(lngIndex2, bytSortkey(2)) _
                                Then Exit Do
                            lngIndex2 = lngIndex2 - 1
                End Select
        End Select
        If lngIndex1 <= lngIndex2 Then
            For bytIndex = 0 To bytColumns
                vntTemp = vntArray(lngIndex1, bytIndex)
                vntArray(lngIndex1, bytIndex) = vntArray(lngIndex2, bytIndex)
                vntArray(lngIndex2, bytIndex) = vntTemp
            lngIndex1 = lngIndex1 + 1
            lngIndex2 = lngIndex2 - 1
        End If
    Loop Until lngIndex1 > lngIndex2
    If lngLBound < lngIndex2 Then Call prcQuickSort(lngLBound, lngIndex2, _
        bytColumns, bytSortkey(), strSortOrder, vntArray())
    If lngIndex1 < lngUBound Then Call prcQuickSort(lngIndex1, lngUBound, _
        bytColumns, bytSortkey(), strSortOrder, vntArray())
End Sub

Excel & VBA – Beispiele
AW: Quicksort mit mehreren Sortierschlüsseln
09.09.2005 09:06:31
Vielen, vielen Dank!
Ich glaube nicht, dass ich das jemals hinbekommen hätte.
Gruß Stefan.

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