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Inhalt zweier Tabellen in einer zusammenfassen
05.01.2006 23:35:58
ich habe zwei Tabellen mit Daten
ich möchte das die gefüllten Zeilen beider Tabellen
in einer dritten untereinander stehen.
Da sich die Daten in den Tabellen ändern, es komen auch welche hinzu,
soll die dritte (Zusammenfassung) regelmäßig aktuallisiert werden,
neue hinzu und Äderungen abgleichen
oder einfach das Makro alle Zeilen die Inhalte haben aus Tabelle 1 und 2
in Tabelle 3, geht das mit Excel ?
Ich habe unter Recherge "Zusammenfassen" nichts passendes gefunden.

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AW: Inhalt zweier Tabellen in einer zusammenfassen
06.01.2006 00:06:45
Hallo Gregor!
' **********************************************************************
' Modul: Modul1 Typ: Allgemeines Modul
' **********************************************************************

Option Explicit

Sub ZweiInEins()
Dim objWS1 As Worksheet, objWS2 As Worksheet
Dim varSheets As Variant
Dim rng As Range
Dim lngLast As Long, lngRow As Long
Dim intIndex As Integer

varSheets = Array("Tabelle1", "Tabelle2") ' Namen der Quelltabellen - Namen anpassen!

Set objWS1 = Sheets("Tabelle3") ' Zieltabelle - Name anpassen!

objWS1.Range("A2:IV65536").Clear ' Ab Zeile 2 - erste Zeile Überschriften!

For intIndex = 0 To UBound(varSheets)
  Set objWS2 = Sheets(varSheets(intIndex))
  With objWS2
    lngLast = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
    For lngRow = 2 To lngLast ' Ab Zeile 2 - erste Zeile Überschriften!
      If Application.CountA(.Rows(lngRow)) > 0 Then
        If rng Is Nothing Then
          Set rng = .Rows(lngRow)
          Set rng = Union(rng, .Rows(lngRow))
        End If
      End If
    If Not rng Is Nothing Then
      rng.Copy objWS1.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
      Set rng = Nothing
    End If
  End With
  Set objWS2 = Nothing

Set objWS1 = Nothing

End Sub

'* Gruß Sepp
'* Rückmeldung wäre nett!

06.01.2006 00:43:04
Hallo Josef
das ist super
Ich brauche allerdings auch noch das Ergebniss in der Zusammenfassung eine
Sortierung nach Nahmen, mit jeweils Zwischensummen:
0 Kreditor Re.Datum Infos Mwst.-Betrag Mwst. Netto Brutto
39 Dieter 07.11.2005 test 81,60 € 16 % 510,00 € 591,60 €
SUMME Dieter 81,60 510,00 591,60
38 Günter 16.11.2005 test 68,97 € 16 % 431,03 € 500,00 €
SUMME Günter 68,97 431,03 500,00
40 Heinz 04.11.2005 test 18,05 € 16 % 112,80 € 130,85 €
42 Heinz 30.12.2005 test 27,59 € 16 % 172,41 € 200,00 €
41 Heinz 30.12.2005 test 27,59 € 16 % 172,41 € 200,00 €
SUMME Heinz 73,22 457,63 530,85
1 mannfred 15.07.2005 test 27,86 € 16 % 174,14 € 202,00 €
SUMME mannfred 27,86 174,14 202,00
0 test 0,00 € 16 % 0,00 € - €
SUMME test 0,00 0,00 0,00
0,00 € 16 % 0,00 €
0,00 € 16 % 0,00 €
SUMME 251,65 1572,80 1824,45
Muster, Tabelle "Alle(2)"
Wozu dient eigentlich: Option Explicit
Option Explicit
06.01.2006 01:04:08
Hi Salut,
wissen macht ah
Danke für den Link,
jetzt weis ich wieder etwas mehr.
AW: Zwischensumme
06.01.2006 02:07:20
Hallo Gregor!
Davon stand aber nichts in deiner ursprünglichen Frage!
Als Ansatz, weiter ausbauen kannst du es selber!
' **********************************************************************
' Modul: Tabelle3 Typ: Element der Mappe(Sheet, Workbook, ...)
' **********************************************************************

Option Explicit

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim objWS1 As Worksheet, objWS2 As Worksheet
Dim varSheets As Variant
Dim rng As Range
Dim lngLast As Long, lngRow As Long
Dim lngIndex As Long

On Error GoTo ErrExit

With Application
  .ScreenUpdating = False
  .EnableEvents = False
  .Calculation = xlCalculationManual
End With

varSheets = Array("Offen", "Bezahlt") ' Namen der Quelltabellen - Namen anpassen!

Set objWS1 = Sheets("Alle") ' Zieltabelle - Name anpassen!

objWS1.Range("A2:IV65536").Clear ' Ab Zeile 2 - erste Zeile Überschriften!

For lngIndex = 0 To UBound(varSheets)
  Set objWS2 = Sheets(varSheets(lngIndex))
  With objWS2
    lngLast = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
    For lngRow = 2 To lngLast ' Ab Zeile 2 - erste Zeile Überschriften!
      If Application.CountA(.Rows(lngRow)) > 0 Then
        If rng Is Nothing Then
          Set rng = .Rows(lngRow)
          Set rng = Union(rng, .Rows(lngRow))
        End If
      End If
    If Not rng Is Nothing Then
      rng.Copy objWS1.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
      Set rng = Nothing
    End If
  End With
  Set objWS2 = Nothing

Set rng = Nothing

With objWS1
  lngLast = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
  lngIndex = 2
  .Range("A1:I" & lngLast).Sort key1:=.Range("B1"), key2:=.Range("C1"), Header:=xlGuess
  lngRow = 2
    If .Cells(lngRow + 1, 2) <> .Cells(lngRow, 2) Or .Cells(lngRow + 1, 2) = "" Then
      .Range(.Cells(lngRow + 1, 1), .Cells(lngRow + 1, 9)).Insert
      .Cells(lngRow + 1, 3) = "SUMME"
      .Cells(lngRow + 1, 4) = .Cells(lngRow, 2)
      .Cells(lngRow + 1, 5) = Application.Sum(.Range(.Cells(lngIndex, 5), .Cells(lngRow, 5)))
      .Cells(lngRow + 1, 5).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00 $"
      .Cells(lngRow + 1, 7) = Application.Sum(.Range(.Cells(lngIndex, 7), .Cells(lngRow, 7)))
      .Cells(lngRow + 1, 7).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00 $"
      .Cells(lngRow + 1, 8) = Application.Sum(.Range(.Cells(lngIndex, 8), .Cells(lngRow, 8)))
      .Cells(lngRow + 1, 8).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00 $"
      .Range(.Cells(lngRow + 1, 3), .Cells(lngRow + 1, 8)).Font.Size = 10
      If rng Is Nothing Then
        Set rng = .Range(.Cells(lngIndex, 5), .Cells(lngRow, 5))
        Set rng = Union(rng, .Range(.Cells(lngIndex, 5), .Cells(lngRow, 5)))
      End If
      With .Range(.Cells(lngRow + 1, 1), .Cells(lngRow + 1, 9))
        .Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
        .Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone
        .Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlNone
        .Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = xlNone
        .Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = xlNone
        .Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).LineStyle = xlNone
      End With
      With .Range(.Cells(lngRow + 1, 3), .Cells(lngRow + 1, 8))
        .Interior.ColorIndex = 36
        With .Borders(xlEdgeLeft)
          .LineStyle = xlContinuous
          .Weight = xlMedium
        End With
        With .Borders(xlEdgeTop)
          .LineStyle = xlContinuous
          .Weight = xlMedium
        End With
        With .Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
          .LineStyle = xlContinuous
          .Weight = xlMedium
        End With
        With .Borders(xlEdgeRight)
          .LineStyle = xlContinuous
          .Weight = xlMedium
        End With
        With .Borders(xlInsideVertical)
          .LineStyle = xlContinuous
          .Weight = xlThin
        End With
      End With
      lngIndex = lngRow + 2
      lngRow = lngRow + 1
    End If
    lngRow = lngRow + 1
  Loop While lngRow < .Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row + 1
  lngRow = lngRow + 4
  .Cells(lngRow, 3) = "SUMME"
  Cells(lngRow, 3).Font.Bold = True
  .Cells(lngRow, 5) = Application.Sum(rng)
  .Cells(lngRow, 5).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00 $"
  .Cells(lngRow, 7) = Application.Sum(rng.Offset(0, 2))
  .Cells(lngRow, 7).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00 $"
  .Cells(lngRow, 8) = Application.Sum(rng.Offset(0, 3))
  .Cells(lngRow, 8).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00 $"
  .Range(.Cells(lngRow, 3), .Cells(lngRow, 8)).Font.Size = 10
  With .Range(.Cells(lngRow, 1), .Cells(lngRow, 9))
    .Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
    .Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone
    .Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlNone
    .Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = xlNone
    .Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlNone
    .Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = xlNone
    .Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = xlNone
    .Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).LineStyle = xlNone
  End With
  With .Range(.Cells(lngRow, 3), .Cells(lngRow, 8))
    .Interior.ColorIndex = 36
    With .Borders(xlEdgeLeft)
      .LineStyle = xlContinuous
      .Weight = xlMedium
    End With
    With .Borders(xlEdgeTop)
      .LineStyle = xlContinuous
      .Weight = xlMedium
    End With
    With .Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
      .LineStyle = xlContinuous
      .Weight = xlMedium
    End With
    With .Borders(xlEdgeRight)
      .LineStyle = xlContinuous
      .Weight = xlMedium
    End With
    With .Borders(xlInsideVertical)
      .LineStyle = xlContinuous
      .Weight = xlThin
    End With
  End With
End With

Set objWS1 = Nothing


With Application
  .ScreenUpdating = True
  .EnableEvents = True
  .Calculation = xlAutomatic
End With

End Sub

'* Gruß Sepp
'* Rückmeldung wäre nett!

AW: Zwischensumme
06.01.2006 07:58:12
Danke Josef,
ich wollte die Fragestellung nicht zu umfangreich machen
und nicht mehrere Frage zugleich stellen.
Aber ich danke dir vielmals für diese Lösung,
funktioniert super.

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