Sub WriteInMsgBoxes()
Dim cln As New Collection
Dim arrAct As Variant
Dim intNo As Integer, intCounter As Integer
Dim txt As String, strMsg As String
Dim bln As Boolean
intNo = FreeFile
Open ThisWorkbook.Path & "\TextImport.txt" For Input As #intNo
Do Until EOF(intNo)
If bln = False Then
Line Input #intNo, txt
arrAct = SplitString(txt, ",")
For intCounter = 1 To UBound(arrAct)
cln.Add arrAct(intCounter)
Next intCounter
Line Input #intNo, txt
arrAct = SplitString(txt, ",")
For intCounter = 1 To UBound(arrAct)
strMsg = strMsg & cln(intCounter) & ": " & _
arrAct(intCounter) & vbLf
Next intCounter
End If
If bln Then MsgBox strMsg
bln = True
strMsg = ""
Close intNo
End Sub
Sub WriteInHTML()
Dim arrAct As Variant
Dim intSource As Integer, intTarget As Integer, intCounter As Integer
Dim txt As String, strTag As String
Dim bln As Boolean
intTarget = FreeFile
Open ThisWorkbook.Path & "\TextImport.htm" For Output As #intTarget
Print #intTarget, "<html><body><table>"
intSource = FreeFile
Open ThisWorkbook.Path & "\TextImport.txt" For Input As #intSource
Do Until EOF(intSource)
If bln Then strTag = "td" Else strTag = "th"
Line Input #intSource, txt
arrAct = SplitString(txt, ",")
Print #intTarget, "<tr>"
For intCounter = 1 To UBound(arrAct)
Print #intTarget, "<" & strTag & ">" & arrAct(intCounter) & "</" & strTag & ">"
Next intCounter
Print #intTarget, "</tr>"
bln = True
Close intSource
Print #intTarget, "</table></body></html>"
Close intTarget
Shell "hh " & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\TextImport.htm", vbMaximizedFocus
End Sub
Sub WriteInWks()
Dim cln As New Collection
Dim arrAct As Variant
Dim intSource As Integer, intRow As Integer, intCol As Integer
Dim txt As String
intSource = FreeFile
Open ThisWorkbook.Path & "\TextImport.txt" For Input As #intSource
Do Until EOF(intSource)
Line Input #intSource, txt
arrAct = SplitString(txt, ",")
intRow = intRow + 1
For intCol = 1 To UBound(arrAct)
Cells(intRow, intCol).Value = arrAct(intCol)
Next intCol
Close intSource
Rows(1).Font.Bold = True
End Sub
In einem Standardmodul:
Public garr() As String
Public gint As Integer
Im Klassenmodul der UserForm:
Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub cmdWeiter_Click()
Dim intCounter As Integer
If gint <= 4 Then gint = gint + 1 Else gint = 1
For intCounter = 1 To 5
Controls("TextBox" & intCounter).Text = garr(gint, intCounter)
Next intCounter
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim arrAct As Variant
Dim intSource As Integer, intCounter As Integer, intRow As Integer
Dim txt As String
Dim bln As Boolean
gint = 0
intSource = FreeFile
Open ThisWorkbook.Path & "\TextImport.txt" For Input As #intSource
Do Until EOF(intSource)
Line Input #intSource, txt
arrAct = SplitString(txt, ",")
If bln = False Then
For intCounter = 1 To UBound(arrAct)
Controls("Label" & intCounter).Caption = _
arrAct(intCounter) & ":"
Next intCounter
ReDim garr(1 To 5, 1 To UBound(arrAct))
intRow = intRow + 1
For intCounter = 1 To UBound(arrAct)
garr(intRow, intCounter) = arrAct(intCounter)
Next intCounter
End If
bln = True
Close intSource
End Sub
Für alle vorstehende Routinen wird die folgende benutzerdefinierte Funktion in einem Standardmodul benötigt (Die Funktion macht unabhängig von der erst ab XL2000 verfügbaren VBA-Funktion Split:
Function SplitString(ByVal txt As String, strSeparator As String)
Dim arr() As String
Dim intCounter As Integer
intCounter = intCounter + 1
ReDim Preserve arr(1 To intCounter)
If InStr(txt, strSeparator) Then
arr(intCounter) = Left(txt, InStr(txt, strSeparator) - 1)
txt = Right(txt, Len(txt) - InStr(txt, strSeparator))
arr(intCounter) = txt
Exit Do
End If
SplitString = arr
End Function