Sub ArtikelEintrag()
Dim oEdt As EditBox
Dim vRow As Variant
With ActiveDialog
Set oEdt = .EditBoxes("edtNumber")
If Len(oEdt.Text) = 6 Then
vRow = Application.Match(oEdt.Text, Columns(1), 0)
If IsError(vRow) Then
MsgBox "Artikelnummer wurde nicht gefunden!"
oEdt.Text = ""
.Labels("lblItem").Caption = Cells(vRow, 2).Value
End If
End If
End With
End Sub
Sub ArtikelAuswahl()
Dim oDpd As DropDown
Dim vRow As Variant
With ActiveDialog
Set oDpd = .DropDowns("dpdNumber")
.Labels("lblItem").Caption = oDpd.List(oDpd.ListIndex)
End With
End Sub