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Excel-Forum (Archiv)
20+ Jahre Excel-Kompetenz: Von Anwendern, für Anwender

Dateien prüfen

Dateien prüfen
18.01.2020 11:36:22
Hallo zusammen,
habe ein Problem, das Makro funktioniert soweit sehr gut (es vergleicht die Excel Liste mit dem Ordner in dem sich die Excel dateien befinden), aber ich möchte das auch der Name gefunden wird wenn er vielleicht falsch geschrieben wurde oder mit einem Bindestrich vielleicht da steht - jetzt findet er nur das was auch genauso geschrieben wurde.
Sub Dateien_prüfen()
Dim i As Long ' Zählwert für Reihe
Const sPath As String = "C:\Users\" 'ANPASSEN
Const sSpalte As Long = 1 'Spalte 1 im Reparaturbuch
'Alle Zellen der angebenen Spalte durchlaufen
For i = 1 To Cells(Rows.Count, sSpalte).End(xlUp).Row
'Ist ein Zelleninhalt vorhanden?
If Cells(i, sSpalte) > "" Then
'Ist die Datei im angegebenen Ordner vorhanden?
If Dir(sPath & Cells(i, sSpalte) & ".xlsx") > "" Then
'wenn ja, dann Zeile grau hinterlegen
Cells(i, 1).EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = 15
'wenn nein, dann Zeile rot hinterlegen
Cells(i, 1).EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = 0
Cancel = True
End If
End If
Next i
End Sub
Hoffe jemand hat eine Idee, wie man das in das Makro verpaken kann,
lg Jacqueline

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AW: Dateien prüfen
18.01.2020 12:23:24
Hallo Jacqueline,
Du musst Excel schon mitteilen was falsch geschrieben ist, diese Information hat Excel nicht.
Also würde ih schreiben da gibt es keine Lösung.

AW: Dateien prüfen
18.01.2020 13:06:02
Hallo Hajo,
er soll zum Beispiel das so machen:
In der Liste steht hans und er findet es nicht weil es vielleicht so geschrieben wurde hanz dann soll er das trotzdem ausgeben...meinst du nicht das man das mit einer variablen ausgeben kann - nach dem Motto finde was so ähnlich ist? :)
LG Jacqueline
AW: Dateien prüfen
18.01.2020 13:21:04
Hallo Jacqueline,
alle Schreibfehler findet mein Programm nicht, aber die meisten.
Teste mal:
' **********************************************************************
' Modul: bas_Diffuse_Search Typ: Allgemeines Modul
' **********************************************************************

Option Explicit
Option Compare Text

Private Type DMValue
    strBaseWord As String
    Primary As String
    Secondary As String
    HasAlternate As Boolean
End Type

Sub Dateien_prüfen()
    Dim i As Long ' Zählwert für Reihe
    Dim strTemp As String, strFilename As String
    Dim blnFound As Boolean
    Const sPath As String = "C:\Users\" 'ANPASSEN
    Const sSpalte As Long = 1 'Spalte 1 im Reparaturbuch
    'Alle Zellen der angebenen Spalte durchlaufen
    For i = 1 To Cells(Rows.Count, sSpalte).End(xlUp).Row
        'Ist ein Zelleninhalt vorhanden?
        If Not IsEmpty(Cells(i, sSpalte).Value) Then
            'Ist die Datei im angegebenen Ordner vorhanden?
            If Dir$(sPath & Cells(i, sSpalte) & ".xlsx") <> vbNullString Then
                'wenn ja, dann Zeile grau hinterlegen
                Cells(i, 1).EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = 15
                strTemp = Transform(Cells(i, sSpalte).Value & ".xlsx")
                strFilename = Dir$(sPath & "*.xlsx")
                Do Until strFilename = vbNullString
                    If Transform(strFilename) = strTemp Then
                        blnFound = True
                        Exit Do
                    End If
                    strFilename = Dir$
                If blnFound Then
                    Cells(i, 1).EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = 15
                    Cells(i, sSpalte).Value = Left$(strFilename, InStrRev(strFilename, ".") - 1)
                    blnFound = False
                    Cells(i, 1).EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = 0
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Next i
End Sub

Private Function Transform( _
        pstrCompareText As String) As Variant

    Dim udtDMValue As DMValue
    udtDMValue = DoubleMetaphone(pstrCompareText)
    Transform = udtDMValue.Primary
End Function

Private Function DoubleMetaphone( _
        ByVal strInputString As String) As DMValue

    Dim lngCurrentPosition As Long, lngLast As Long
    Dim strCurrentChar As String, strTmpPrimary As String, strTmpSecondary As String
    lngCurrentPosition = 1
    lngLast = Len(strInputString)
    strTmpPrimary = vbNullString
    strTmpSecondary = vbNullString
    DoubleMetaphone.strBaseWord = strInputString
    strInputString = UCase$(strInputString)
    strInputString = strInputString & " "
    If ContainsAnyOf(Left$(strInputString, 2), "GN", "KN", "PN", "WR", "PS") Then _
        lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 1
    If Left$(strInputString, 1) = "X" Then
        strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "S"
        strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "S"
        lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 1
    End If
    Do Until lngCurrentPosition > lngLast
        strCurrentChar = Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition, 1)
        Select Case strCurrentChar
            Case "A", "E", "I", "O", "U", "Y"
                If lngCurrentPosition = 1 Then
                    strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "A"
                    strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "A"
                End If
                lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 1
            Case "B"
                strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "P"
                strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "P"
                If Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 1) = "B" Then
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 1
                End If
            Case "Ç"
                strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "S"
                strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "S"
                lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 1
            Case "C"
                If lngCurrentPosition > 2 _
                    And (Not Cbool(InStr(1, "AEIOUY", MyMid(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition - 2, 1)))) _
                    And MyMid(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition - 1, 3) = "ACH" _
                    And ((Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 2, 1) <> "I") _
                    And (Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 2, 1) <> "E" _
                    Or (MyMid(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition - 2, 6) = "BACHER" _
                    Or MyMid(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition - 2, 6) = "MACHER"))) Then
                    strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "K"
                    strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "K"
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                    GoTo get_out_of_select
                End If
                If lngCurrentPosition = 1 And Left$(strInputString, 6) = "CAESAR" Then
                    strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "S"
                    strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "S"
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                    GoTo get_out_of_select
                End If
                If Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition, 4) = "CHIA" Then
                    strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "K"
                    strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "K"
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                    GoTo get_out_of_select
                End If
                If Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition, 2) = "CH" Then
                    If lngCurrentPosition > 1 And Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition, 4) = "CHAE" Then
                        strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "K"
                        strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "X"
                        lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                        GoTo get_out_of_select
                    End If
                    If (lngCurrentPosition = 1 _
                        And ((Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 5) = "HARAC" _
                        Or Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 5) = "HARIS") _
                        Or ContainsAnyOf(Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 3), "HOR", "HYM", "HIA", "HEM") _
                        And Mid$(strInputString, 1, 5) <> "CHORE")) Then
                        strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "K"
                        strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "K"
                        lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                        GoTo get_out_of_select
                    End If
                    If (Left$(strInputString, 4) = "VAN " Or Left$(strInputString, 4) = "VON " _
                        Or Left$(strInputString, 3) = "SCH") _
                        Or ContainsAnyOf(MyMid(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition - 2, 6), "ORCHES", "ARCHIT", "ORCHID") _
                        Or InStr(1, "TS", MyMid(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 2, 1)) _
                        Or (((InStr(1, "AOUE", MyMid(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition - 1, 1)) > 0) Or lngCurrentPosition = 1) _
                        And InStr(1, "LRNMBHFVW ", Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 2, 1))) Then
                        strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "K"
                        strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "K"
                        If lngCurrentPosition > 1 Then
                            If Left$(strInputString, 2) = "MC" Then
                                strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "K"
                                strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "K"
                                strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "X"
                                strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "K"
                            End If
                            strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "X"
                            strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "X"
                        End If
                    End If
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                    GoTo get_out_of_select
                End If
                If Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition, 2) = "CZ" _
                    And MyMid(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition - 2) <> "CZ" Then
                    strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "S"
                    strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "X"
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                    GoTo get_out_of_select
                End If
                If Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 3) = "CIA" Then
                    strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "X"
                    strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "X"
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 3
                    GoTo get_out_of_select
                End If
                If (Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition, 2) = "CC") _
                    And Not (lngCurrentPosition = 1 And Left$(strInputString, 1) = "M") Then
                    If InStr(1, "IEH", Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 2, 1)) _
                        And Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 2, 2) <> "HU" Then
                        If lngCurrentPosition = 2 And Left$(strInputString, 1) = "A" _
                            Or (MyMid(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition - 1, 5) = "UCCEE" _
                            Or MyMid(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition - 1, 5) = "UCCES") Then
                            strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "KS"
                            strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "KS"
                            strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "X"
                            strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "X"
                        End If
                        lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 3
                        GoTo get_out_of_select
                        strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "K"
                        strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "K"
                        lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                        GoTo get_out_of_select
                    End If
                End If
                If ContainsAnyOf(Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition, 2), "CK", "CG", "CQ") Then
                    strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "K"
                    strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "K"
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                    GoTo get_out_of_select
                End If
                If ContainsAnyOf(Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition, 2), "CI", "CE", "CY") Then
                    If ContainsAnyOf(Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition, 3), "CIO", "CIE", "CIA") Then
                        strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "S"
                        strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "X"
                        strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "S"
                        strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "S"
                    End If
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                    GoTo get_out_of_select
                End If
                strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "K"
                strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "K"
                If ContainsAnyOf(Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 2), " C", " Q", " G") Then
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 3
                    If InStr(1, "CKQ", Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 1)) _
                        And (Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 2) = "CE" _
                        Or Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 2) = "CI") Then
                        lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                        lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 1
                    End If
                End If
            Case "D"
                If Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition, 2) = "DG" Then
                    If InStr(1, "EIY", Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 2, 1)) Then
                        ' e.g. "edge"
                        strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "J"
                        strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "J"
                        lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 3
                        GoTo get_out_of_select
                        strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "TK"
                        strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "TK"
                        lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                        GoTo get_out_of_select
                    End If
                End If
                If Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition, 2) = "DT" _
                    Or Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition, 2) = "DD" Then
                    strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "T"
                    strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "T"
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                    GoTo get_out_of_select
                End If
                strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "T"
                strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "T"
                lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 1
            Case "F"
                If Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 1) = "F" Then
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 1
                End If
                strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "F"
                strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "F"
            Case "G"
                If Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 1) = "H" Then
                    If lngCurrentPosition > 1 And InStr(1, "AEIOUY", MyMid(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition - 1, 1)) < 1 Then
                        strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "K"
                        strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "K"
                        lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                        GoTo get_out_of_select
                    End If
                    If lngCurrentPosition < 4 Then
                        If lngCurrentPosition = 1 Then
                            If Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 2, 1) = "I" Then
                                strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "J"
                                strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "J"
                                strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "K"
                                strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "K"
                                lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                                GoTo get_out_of_select
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                    If (lngCurrentPosition > 2 And ContainsAnyOf(MyMid(strInputString, _
                        (lngCurrentPosition - 2), 1), "B", "H", "D") _
                        Or (lngCurrentPosition > 3 And ContainsAnyOf(MyMid(strInputString, _
                        (lngCurrentPosition - 3), 1), "B", "H", "D")) _
                        Or (lngCurrentPosition > 4 And ContainsAnyOf(MyMid(strInputString, _
                        (lngCurrentPosition - 4), 1), "B", "H"))) Then
                        lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                        GoTo get_out_of_select
                        If (lngCurrentPosition > 3 _
                            And MyMid(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition - 1, 1) = "U" _
                            And ContainsAnyOf(MyMid(strInputString, (lngCurrentPosition - 3), 1), _
                            "C", "G", "L", "R", "T")) Then
                            strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "F"
                            strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "F"
                            If (lngCurrentPosition > 1 And MyMid(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition - 1, 1) <> "I") Then
                                strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "K"
                                strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "K"
                            End If
                        End If
                        lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                        GoTo get_out_of_select
                    End If
                End If
                If MyMid(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 1) = "N" Then
                    If lngCurrentPosition = 2 And InStr(1, "AEIOUY", Left$(strInputString, 1)) _
                        And (IsSlavoGermanic(strInputString) = False) Then
                        strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "KN"
                        strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "N"
                        If (MyMid(strInputString, (lngCurrentPosition + 2), 2) <> "EY") _
                            And MyMid(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 1) <> "Y" _
                            And Not IsSlavoGermanic(strInputString) Then
                            strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "N"
                            strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "KN"
                            strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "KN"
                            strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "KN"
                        End If
                    End If
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                    GoTo get_out_of_select
                End If
                If MyMid(strInputString, (lngCurrentPosition + 1), 2) = "LI" _
                    And Not IsSlavoGermanic(strInputString) Then
                    strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "KL"
                    strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "L"
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                    GoTo get_out_of_select
                End If
                If (lngCurrentPosition = 1 _
                    And (MyMid(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 1) = "Y" _
                    Or ContainsAnyOf(Mid$(strInputString, (lngCurrentPosition + 1), 2), _
                    "ES", "EP", "EB", "EL", "EY", "IB", "IL", "IN", "IE", "EI", "ER"))) Then
                    strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "K"
                    strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "J"
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                    GoTo get_out_of_select
                End If
                ' -ger-, -gy-
                If ((MyMid(strInputString, (lngCurrentPosition + 1), 2) = "ER") _
                    Or (MyMid(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 1) = "Y")) _
                    And (Not ContainsAnyOf(MyMid(strInputString, 1, 6), "DANGER", "RANGER", "MANGER")) _
                    And (InStr(1, "EI", MyMid(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition - 1, 1)) < 1) _
                    And (Not ContainsAnyOf(MyMid(strInputString, (lngCurrentPosition - 1), 3), "RGY", "OGY")) Then
                    strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "K"
                    strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "J"
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                    GoTo get_out_of_select
                End If
                If InStr(1, "EIY", (MyMid(strInputString, (lngCurrentPosition + 1), 1))) _
                    Or ContainsAnyOf(MyMid(strInputString, (lngCurrentPosition - 1), 4), "AGGI", "OGGI") Then
                    If ((ContainsAnyOf(MyMid(strInputString, 1, 4), "VAN ", "VON ") _
                        Or MyMid(strInputString, 1, 3) = "SCH") _
                        Or MyMid(strInputString, (lngCurrentPosition + 1), 2) = "ET") Then
                        strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "K"
                        strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "K"
                    End If
                    If MyMid(strInputString, (lngCurrentPosition + 1), 4) = "IER " Then
                        strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "J"
                        strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "J"
                        strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "J"
                        strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "K"
                    End If
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                    GoTo get_out_of_select
                End If
                If MyMid(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 1) = "G" Then
                    strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "K"
                    strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "K"
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                    GoTo get_out_of_select
                    strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "K"
                    strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "K"
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 1
                    GoTo get_out_of_select
                End If
            Case "H"
                If lngCurrentPosition = 1 Or Cbool(InStr(1, "AEIOUY", MyMid(strInputString, _
                    lngCurrentPosition - 1, 1))) Then
                    If InStr(1, "AEIOUY", Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 1)) Then
                        strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "H"
                        strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "H"
                        lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                        GoTo get_out_of_select
                    End If
                End If
                lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 1
            Case "J"
                If Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition, 4) = "JOSE" Or Left$(strInputString, 4) = "SAN " Then
                    If ((lngCurrentPosition = 1) And ((Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 4, 1) = " ") _
                        Or (Left$(strInputString, 4) = "SAN "))) Then
                        strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "H"
                        strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "H"
                        strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "J"
                        strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "H"
                    End If
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 1
                    GoTo get_out_of_select
                End If
                If (lngCurrentPosition = 1) And (Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition, 4) <> "JOSE") Then
                    strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "J"
                    strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "A"
                    If InStr(1, "AEIOUY", MyMid(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition - 1, 1)) > 0 _
                        And (IsSlavoGermanic(strInputString) = False) _
                        And InStr(1, "AO", Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 1)) Then
                        strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "J"
                        strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "H"
                        If lngCurrentPosition = lngLast Then
                            strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "J"
                            If (InStr(1, "LTKSNMBZ", Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 1)) < 1) _
                                And (InStr(1, "SKL", MyMid(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition - 1, 1)) < 1) Then
                                strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "J"
                                strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "J"
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
                If Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 1) = "J" Then
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 1
                End If
            Case "K"
                If Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 1) = "K" Then
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 1
                End If
                strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "K"
                strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "K"
            Case "L"
                If Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 1) = "L" Then
                    If (((lngCurrentPosition = lngLast - 2) _
                        And ContainsAnyOf(MyMid(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition - 1, 4), "ILLO", "ILLA", "ALLE")) _
                        Or ((ContainsAnyOf(MyMid(strInputString, lngLast - 1, 2), "AS", "OS") _
                        Or InStr(1, "AO", Mid$(strInputString, lngLast, 1))) _
                        And MyMid(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition - 1, 4) = "ALLE")) Then
                        strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "L"
                        lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                        GoTo get_out_of_select
                    End If
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 1
                End If
                strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "L"
                strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "L"
            Case "M"
                If (MyMid(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition - 1, 3) = "UMB" _
                    And (lngCurrentPosition + 1 = lngLast _
                    Or Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 2, 2) = "ER")) _
                    Or Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 1) = "M" Then
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 1
                End If
                strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "M"
                strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "M"
            Case "N"
                If Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 1) = "N" Then
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 1
                End If
                strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "N"
                strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "N"
            Case "Ñ"
                strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "N"
                strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "N"
                lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 1
                GoTo get_out_of_select
            Case "P"
                If Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 1) = "H" _
                    Or Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 1) = "F" Then
                    strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "F"
                    strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "F"
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                    GoTo get_out_of_select
                End If
                If InStr(1, "PB", Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 1)) Then
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 1
                End If
                strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "P"
                strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "P"
            Case "Q"
                If Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 1) = "Q" Then
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 1
                End If
                strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "K"
                strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "K"
            Case "R"
                If lngCurrentPosition = lngLast _
                    And Not IsSlavoGermanic(strInputString) _
                    And MyMid(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition - 2, 2) = "IE" _
                    And MyMid(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition - 4, 2) <> "ME" _
                    And MyMid(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition - 4, 2) <> "MA" Then
                    strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "R"
                    strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "R"
                    strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "R"
                End If
                If Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 1) = "R" Then
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 1
                End If
            Case "S"
                If MyMid(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition - 1, 3) = "ISL" _
                    Or MyMid(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition - 1, 3) = "YSL" Then
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 1
                    GoTo get_out_of_select
                End If
                If lngCurrentPosition = 1 And Left$(strInputString, 5) = "SUGAR" Then
                    strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "X"
                    strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "S"
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 1
                    GoTo get_out_of_select
                End If
                If Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition, 2) = "SH" Then
                    If ContainsAnyOf(Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 4), _
                        "HEIM", "HOEK", "HOLM", "HOLZ") Then
                        strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "S"
                        strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "S"
                        strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "X"
                        strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "X"
                    End If
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                    GoTo get_out_of_select
                End If
                If Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition, 3) = "SIO" _
                    Or Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition, 3) = "SIA" _
                    Or Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition, 4) = "SIAN" Then
                    If IsSlavoGermanic(strInputString) = False Then
                        strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "S"
                        strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "X"
                        strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "S"
                        strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "S"
                    End If
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 3
                    GoTo get_out_of_select
                End If
                If (lngCurrentPosition = 1) _
                    And InStr(1, "MNLW", Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 1)) _
                    Or Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 1) = "Z" Then
                    strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "S"
                    strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "X"
                    If Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 1) = "Z" Then
                        lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                        lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 1
                    End If
                    GoTo get_out_of_select
                End If
                If Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition, 2) = "SC" Then
                    If Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 2, 1) = "H" Then
                        If ContainsAnyOf(Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 3, 2), _
                            "OO", "ER", "EN", "UY", "ED", "EM") Then
                            If Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 3, 2) = "ER" _
                                Or Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 3, 2) = "EN" Then
                                strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "X"
                                strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "SK"
                                strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "SK"
                                strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "SK"
                            End If
                            lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 3
                            GoTo get_out_of_select
                            If lngCurrentPosition = 1 _
                                And (InStr(1, "AEIOUYW", Mid$(strInputString, 4, 1)) < 1) Then
                                strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "X"
                                strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "S"
                                strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "X"
                                strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "X"
                            End If
                            lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 3
                            GoTo get_out_of_select
                        End If
                    ElseIf Cbool(InStr(1, "IEY", Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 2, 1))) Then
                        strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "S"
                        strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "S"
                        lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 3
                        GoTo get_out_of_select
                    End If
                    strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "SK"
                    strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "SK"
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 3
                    GoTo get_out_of_select
                End If
                If lngCurrentPosition = lngLast _
                    And (MyMid(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition - 2, 2) = "AI" _
                    Or MyMid(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition - 2, 2) = "OI") Then
                    strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "S"
                    strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "S"
                    strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "S"
                End If
                If InStr(1, "SZ", Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 1)) Then
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 1
                End If
            Case "T"
                If Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition, 4) = "TION" Then
                    strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "X"
                    strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "X"
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 3
                    GoTo get_out_of_select
                End If
                If Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition, 3) = "TIA" _
                    Or Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition, 3) = "TCH" Then
                    strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "X"
                    strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "X"
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 3
                    GoTo get_out_of_select
                End If
                If Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition, 2) = "TH" _
                    Or Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition, 3) = "TTH" Then
                    If Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 2, 2) = "OM" _
                        Or Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 2, 2) = "AM" _
                        Or Left$(strInputString, 4) = "VAN " _
                        Or Left$(strInputString, 4) = "VON " _
                        Or Left$(strInputString, 3) = "SCH" Then
                        strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "T"
                        strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "T"
                        strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "0"
                        strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "T"
                    End If
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                    GoTo get_out_of_select
                End If
                If InStr(1, "TD", Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 1)) Then
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 1
                End If
                strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "T"
                strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "T"
            Case "V"
                If Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 1) = "V" Then
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 1
                End If
                strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "F"
                strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "F"
                GoTo get_out_of_select
            Case "W"
                If Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition, 2) = "WR" Then
                    strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "R"
                    strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "R"
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                    GoTo get_out_of_select
                End If
                If lngCurrentPosition = 1 _
                    And (InStr(1, "AEIOUY", Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 1)) _
                    Or Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition, 2) = "WH") Then
                    If InStr(1, "AEIOUY", Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 1)) Then
                        strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "A"
                        strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "F"
                        strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "A"
                        strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "A"
                    End If
                End If
                If (lngCurrentPosition = lngLast And InStr(1, "AEIOUY", _
                    MyMid(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition - 1, 1)) _
                    Or ContainsAnyOf(MyMid(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition - 1, 5), _
                    "EWSKI", "EWSKY", "OWSKI", "OWSKY") _
                    Or Left$(strInputString, 3) = "SCH") Then
                    strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "F"
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 1
                    GoTo get_out_of_select
                End If
                If Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition, 4) = "WICZ" _
                    Or Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition, 4) = "WITZ" Then
                    strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "TS"
                    strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "FX"
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 4
                    GoTo get_out_of_select
                End If
                lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 1
            Case "X"
                If Not (lngCurrentPosition = lngLast _
                    And (MyMid(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition - 3, 3) = "IAU" _
                    Or MyMid(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition - 3, 3) = "IAU" _
                    Or MyMid(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition - 2, 2) = "AU" _
                    Or MyMid(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition - 2, 2) = "OU")) Then
                    strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "KS"
                    strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "KS"
                End If
                If InStr(1, "CX", Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 1)) Then _
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 1
                lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 1
            Case "Z"
                If Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 1) = "H" Then
                    strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "J"
                    strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "J"
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                    GoTo get_out_of_select
                End If
                If (ContainsAnyOf(Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 2), "ZO", "ZI", "ZA") _
                    Or (IsSlavoGermanic(strInputString) _
                    And (lngCurrentPosition > 1 _
                    And MyMid(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition - 1, 1) <> "T"))) Then
                    strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "S"
                    strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "TS"
                    strTmpPrimary = strTmpPrimary & "S"
                    strTmpSecondary = strTmpSecondary & "S"
                End If
                If Mid$(strInputString, lngCurrentPosition + 1, 1) = "Z" Then
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 2
                    lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 1
                End If
            Case Else
                lngCurrentPosition = lngCurrentPosition + 1
        End Select
    DoubleMetaphone.Primary = strTmpPrimary
    DoubleMetaphone.Secondary = strTmpSecondary
    If strTmpPrimary <> strTmpSecondary Then DoubleMetaphone.HasAlternate = True
End Function

Private Function MyMid( _
        ByVal strInputString As String, _
        ByVal Start As Long, _
        Optional ByVal Length As Long) As String

    If Start < 1 Then
        MyMid = vbNull
        MyMid = Mid$(strInputString, Start, Length)
    End If
End Function

Private Function IsSlavoGermanic( _
        ByVal strInputString As String) As Boolean

    If ContainsAnyOf(strInputString, "W", "K", "CZ", "WITZ") Then _
        IsSlavoGermanic = True
End Function

Private Function ContainsAnyOf( _
        ByVal strBaseStringToSearch As String, _
        ParamArray vntSubstringsToSearchFor() As Variant) As Boolean

    Dim vntCurrentlySearching As Variant
    For Each vntCurrentlySearching In vntSubstringsToSearchFor()
        If Cbool(InStr(1, strBaseStringToSearch, vntCurrentlySearching)) Then
            ContainsAnyOf = True
            Exit For
        End If
End Function

AW: Dateien prüfen
18.01.2020 14:02:43
Hi Nepumuk
da hast du die aber Mühe gemacht!
Werde es mal testen und gebe Rückmeldung,
lg Jacqueline
AW: Dateien prüfen
18.01.2020 14:17:14
Hi Nepumuk
funktioniert leider nicht, es kommt die Fehlermeldung:
Benutzerdefinierter Typ nicht definiert
Private Function DoubleMetaphone( _
ByVal strInputString As String) As DMValue

lg Jacqueline
AW: Dateien prüfen
18.01.2020 14:24:33
Hallo Jacqueline,
du musst schon den gesamten Code übernehmen.
AW: Dateien prüfen
20.01.2020 01:30:51
Nein, leider macht er gar nichts...gar keine Anzeige bzw. Markierung...
AW: Dateien prüfen
20.01.2020 08:02:23
Hallo Jacqueline,
poste mal ein paar Zeilen mit fasch geschriebenen Einträgen wie sie in der Tabelle stehen und die dazugehörigen richtigen Dateinamen.
AW: Dateien prüfen
22.01.2020 13:40:13
Hi Nepomuk,
ja das ist folgendes

Private Function DoubleMetaphone( _
ByVal strInputString As String) As DMValue

AW: Dateien prüfen
22.01.2020 14:26:10
Hi Nepomuk,
ja das ist folgendes

Private Function DoubleMetaphone( _
ByVal strInputString As String) As DMValue


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