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Fehlermeldung mit unterschiedlichen XL-Versionen

Fehlermeldung mit unterschiedlichen XL-Versionen
31.05.2006 16:15:09
Hallo liebes Forum,
ich habe eine XL-Datei mit Userforms und Makros erstellt in Excel 2003. Wenn ich die Userforms und Makros auf einem Rechner mit Office 2000 laufen lassen möchte, erscheint der Fehler 9 und beim Debuggen wird die Zeile "UserForm1.Show" gelb markiert. Kennt Office 2000 den Befehl UserForm1.Show nicht? Falls nicht, wie könnte das umgangen werden?
Danke für die Hilfe.
Viele Grüsse

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AW: Fehlermeldung mit unterschiedlichen XL-Versionen
31.05.2006 16:20:44
du verwendest im Code der Userform wahrscheinlich Eigenschaften/Methoden, die es in
Excel 2000 noch nicht gab. Am einfachsten mal den Code posten.
mfg Gerd
AW: Fehlermeldung mit unterschiedlichen XL-Versionen
31.05.2006 16:28:43
Hallo Gerd,
danke für deinen Hinweis. Eigentlich ist mein Level Excel gut - VBA Anfänger, nur gibt es diesen Level leider nicht. Darum verstehe ich nicht, was den Code posten heisst. Bitte erkläre mir das.
AW: Fehlermeldung mit unterschiedlichen XL-Versionen
31.05.2006 16:46:49
einfach den Code aus deiner Userform kopieren und hier einfügen.
mfg Gerd
AW: Fehlermeldung mit unterschiedlichen XL-Versionen
31.05.2006 17:10:09
Hallo Gerd,
der Code ist riesig. Ich habe ihn auch nicht selbst geschrieben. Vielleicht kannst du etwas damit anfangen.
Public MVALÜ As Integer
Public MELDUNG_DE As String
Public MELDUNG_EN As String
Public HANDLER As Boolean
Public Fehlerprüfer As Boolean

Private Sub Back_Click()
If MultiPage1.Value = 7 Then
MultiPage1.Value = 6
Fward.Enabled = True
Exit Sub
End If
Fward.Enabled = True
If MultiPage1.Value = 1 Then
Back.Enabled = False
MultiPage1.Value = MultiPage1.Value - 1
Leistungsart.Value = ""
Exit Sub
Select Case MultiPage1.Value
Case Is = 2
S3_Land0.Value = ""
S3_Land1.Value = ""
S3_OP1.Value = False
S3_OP2.Value = False
Select Case S6_OP11.Value
Case Is = True
MultiPage1.Value = 5
Case Is = False
MultiPage1.Value = 1
End Select
Case Is = 3
S4_Land0.Value = ""
S4_Incoterm.Value = ""
MultiPage1.Value = 2
Case Is = 4
S5_OP1.Value = False
S5_OP2.Value = False
S5_Land0.Value = ""
S5_Land1.Value = ""
MultiPage1.Value = 1
Case Is = 5
S6_OP1.Value = False
S6_OP11.Value = False
S6_OP12.Value = False
S6_OP2.Value = False
S6_Land0.Value = ""
MultiPage1.Value = 1
Case Is = 6
S7_Land0.Value = ""
S7_Land1.Value = ""
S7_Land2.Value = ""
S7_Land3.Value = ""
S7_Land4.Value = ""
If S4_Land0.Value <> "" Then MultiPage1.Value = 3 Else
If S4_Incoterm.Value <> "" Then MultiPage1.Value = 3 Else
If S5_OP1.Value = True Then MultiPage1.Value = 4 Else
If S5_OP2.Value = True Then MultiPage1.Value = 4 Else
If S6_OP12.Value = True Then MultiPage1.Value = 5 Else
If S6_OP2.Value = True Then MultiPage1.Value = 5
Case Is = 8
MultiPage1.Value = MVALÜ
Back.Enabled = False
End Select
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Beginn_Click()
If Sprachwahl.Value = "Deutsch" Then
Frage = "Wollen Sie zurück zum Anfang?" & Chr(10) & "Sämtliche Eingaben werden gelöscht!"
Frage = "Do you want to go back to the beginning?" & Chr(10) & "All entries will be deleted!"
End If
Stil = vbOKCancel + vbQuestion
If Sprachwahl.Value = "Deutsch" Then
Titel_frage = "Formular neu starten?"
Titel_frage = "Restart form?"
End If
Hinweis = MsgBox(Frage, Stil, Titel)
If Hinweis = vbCancel Then
Exit Sub
MultiPage1.Value = 0
Back.Enabled = False
Fward.Enabled = True
Beginn.Enabled = False
Leistungsart.Value = ""
S3_Land0.Value = ""
S3_Land1.Value = ""
S3_OP1.Value = False
S3_OP2.Value = False
S4_Land0.Value = ""
S4_Incoterm.Value = ""
S5_OP1.Value = False
S5_OP2.Value = False
S5_Land0.Value = ""
S5_Land1.Value = ""
S6_OP11.Value = False
S6_OP12.Value = False
S6_OP1.Value = False
S6_OP2.Value = False
S6_Land0.Value = ""
S7_Land0.Value = ""
S7_Land1.Value = ""
S7_Land2.Value = ""
S7_Land3.Value = ""
S7_Land4.Value = ""
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Frame4_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub Fward_Click()
GoSub Prüfung_Mussfelder
If MultiPage1.Value = 6 Then
End If
Back.Enabled = True
Beginn.Enabled = True
Select Case MultiPage1.Value
Case Is = 0
MultiPage1.Value = 1
Fward.Enabled = False
Case Is = 1
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("B7").Value = Leistungsart.Value
Select Case Leistungsart.ListIndex
Case Is = 0
MultiPage1.Value = 2
Case Is = 1
MultiPage1.Value = 4
Case Is = 2
MultiPage1.Value = 5
End Select
Case Is = 2
MultiPage1.Value = 3
Case Is = 3
MultiPage1.Value = 6
Case Is = 4
MultiPage1.Value = 6
Case Is = 5
If S6_OP11.Value = True Then
MultiPage1.Value = 2
Else: MultiPage1.Value = 6
End If
End Select
Exit Sub
Dim Frögli, Titeli, Stili, Antwörtli
If Sprachwahl.Value = "English" Then Frögli = "Please fill in the mask completely!" Else Frögli = "Bitte füllen Sie die Maske vollständig aus!"
If Sprachwahl.Value = "English" Then Titeli = "Information incomplete" Else Titeli = "Informationen unvollständig"
Stili = vbOKOnly + vbExclamation
Select Case MultiPage1.Value
Case Is = 2
If S3_Land0.Value = "" Then
Fehlerprüfer = True
ElseIf S3_Land1.Value = "" Then
Fehlerprüfer = True
ElseIf S3_OP1.Value = False And S3_OP2.Value = False Then
Fehlerprüfer = True
Fehlerprüfer = False
End If
If Fehlerprüfer = True Then Antwörtli = MsgBox(Frögli, Stili, Titeli) Else
Case Is = 3
If S4_Land0.Value = "" Then
Fehlerprüfer = True
ElseIf S4_Incoterm.Value = "" Then
Fehlerprüfer = True
Fehlerprüfer = False
End If
If Fehlerprüfer = True Then Antwörtli = MsgBox(Frögli, Stili, Titeli) Else
Case Is = 4
If S5_OP1.Value = False And S5_OP2.Value = False Then
Fehlerprüfer = True
ElseIf S5_Land0.Value = "" Then
Fehlerprüfer = True
ElseIf S5_Land1.Value = "" Then
Fehlerprüfer = True
Fehlerprüfer = False
End If
If Fehlerprüfer = True Then Antwörtli = MsgBox(Frögli, Stili, Titeli) Else
Case Is = 5
If S6_OP11.Value = False And S6_OP12.Value = False And S6_OP2.Value = False Then
Fehlerprüfer = True
ElseIf S6_Land0.Enabled = True And S6_Land0.Value = "" Then
Fehlerprüfer = True
Fehlerprüfer = False
End If
If Fehlerprüfer = True Then Antwörtli = MsgBox(Frögli, Stili, Titeli) Else
Case Is = 6
If S7_Land0.Value = "" Then
Fehlerprüfer = True
ElseIf S7_Land1.Value = "" Then
Fehlerprüfer = True
Fehlerprüfer = False
End If
If Fehlerprüfer = True Then Antwörtli = MsgBox(Frögli, Stili, Titel) Else
End Select
If Antwörtli = vbOK Then
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Help1_Click()
MVALÜ = MultiPage1.Value
MultiPage1.Value = 8
Fward.Enabled = False
Back.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub Help2_Click()
Dim Frage1, Stil1, Titel1, Antwort
Dim Help2Pfad As String
Dim Help2VAR As Object
Dim Help2DAT As Object
If Sprachwahl.Value = "Deutsch" Then Frage1 = "Wollen Sie diese Datei öffnen?" Else Frage1 = "Would you like to open this file?"
If Sprachwahl.Value = "Deutsch" Then Titel1 = "Datei öffnen" Else Titel1 = "Open file"
Stil1 = vbYesNo
Antwort = MsgBox(Frage1, Stil1, Titel1)
If Antwort = vbYes Then
Help2Pfad = "\\uzn430\cms_cf\fa\mwst\Ustkonforme_Rechnung"
Set Help2DAT = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Help2DAT.Visible = True
Set Help2VAR = Help2DAT.Documents.Open(Help2Pfad)
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Help3_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub Help4_Click()
Application.Run ("Hyperlink")
End Sub

Private Sub Leistungsart_Change()
Fward.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub S1_Bemerkung2_Change()
End Sub

Private Sub Mail_WS_Click()
Dim Frage, Stil, Antwort, Titel
If Sprachwahl.Value = "Deutsch" Then
Titel = "Mail senden?"
Frage = "Wollen Sie das Mail an Walter senden?"
Frage = "Would you like to send the e-mail to Walter?"
Titel = "Send mail?"
End If
Stil = vbYesNo + vbQuestion
Antwort = MsgBox(Frage, Stil, Titel)
If Antwort = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
GoTo Mailversand
End If
Dim O As Outlook.Application
Dim myMail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim sPfad As String
Dim sText As String
On Error Resume Next
sPfad = Environ("temp")
sDatei = sPfad & "\MWSt.-Leitfaden.xls"
With ActiveWindow
.DisplayGridlines = False
.DisplayHeadings = False
.DisplayWorkbookTabs = False
End With
Kill sDatei
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=sDatei
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
False, Transpose:=False
Set O = New Outlook.Application
Set myMail = O.CreateItem(olMailItem)
With myMail
.To = ""
.Subject = "MWSt.-Leitfaden: Unbekannter Fall"
.DeleteAfterSubmit = False
.ReadReceiptRequested = False
.Attachments.Add sDatei
End With
Workbooks("MWSt.-Leitfaden.xls").Saved = True
If Sprachwahl.Value = "Deutsch" Then
Benachrichtigung123 = MsgBox("Das Mail wurde erfolgreich gesendet!", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Mail verschickt")
If Benachrichtigung123 = vbOK Then
Exit Sub
End If
Benachrichtigung123 = MsgBox("E-Mail successfully sent!", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "E-Mail sent")
If Benachrichtigung123 = vbOK Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End Sub

Private Sub MultiPage1_Change()
If MultiPage1.Value = 6 Then
If Sprachwahl.Value = "Deutsch" Then
Fward.Caption = "Leitfaden" & Chr(10) & "suchen"
Fward.Caption = "Search" & Chr(10) & "Description"
End If
With Fward.Font
.Bold = True
.Size = 9
End With
If Sprachwahl.Value = "Deutsch" Then
Fward.Caption = "Schritt" & Chr(10) & "weiter"
Fward.Caption = "Step" & Chr(10) & "forward"
End If
With Fward.Font
.Bold = True
.Size = 9
End With
End If
End Sub

Private Sub S1_Bemerkung2_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub S6_OP1_Change()
If S6_OP1.Value = False Then
S6_OP11.Enabled = False
S6_OP12.Enabled = False
S6_OP11.Enabled = True
S6_OP12.Enabled = True
End If
If S6_OP12.Value = True Then
S6_Ort_TEXT.Enabled = True
S6_Land0.Enabled = True
S6_Ort_TEXT.Enabled = False
S6_Land0.Enabled = False
S6_Land0.Value = ""
End If
End Sub

Private Sub S6_OP1_Click()
S6_OP11.Enabled = True
S6_OP12.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub S6_OP11_Click()
S6_OP1.Value = True
S6_Ort_TEXT.Enabled = False
S6_Land0.Enabled = False
S6_Land0.Value = ""
End Sub

Sub S6_OP12_Click()
S6_OP1.Value = True
S6_Ort_TEXT.Enabled = True
S6_Land0.Enabled = True
End Sub
Sub S6_OP2_Click()
S6_OP11.Enabled = False
S6_OP12.Enabled = False
S6_OP11.Value = False
S6_OP12.Value = False
S6_Ort_TEXT.Enabled = True
S6_Land0.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub S8_Hyperlink_Click()
On Error GoTo 1
If Sprachwahl.Value = "Deutsch" Then
Application.Run ("Hyperlink_DE")
Application.Run ("Hyperlink_EN")
End If
End Sub

Sub Sprachwahl_Change()
If Sprachwahl.Value = "Deutsch" Then
End If
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Sprachwahl.AddItem "Deutsch"
Sprachwahl.AddItem "English"
Sprachwahl.Value = "Deutsch"
End Sub

Sub Sprachwahl_DE()
Help1.ControlTipText = "Gibt Aufschluss über die zu verwendenden MWSt.-Sätze"
Help2.ControlTipText = "Zeigt, wie eine Umsatztsteuer-konforme Rechnung aussehen kann"
Help3.ControlTipText = "Auflistung der USt.-ID der XYZ AG"
Help4.ControlTipText = "Überprüft die Gültigkeit einer MWSt.-Nr. im entsprechenden Land"
UserForm1.Caption = "Mehrwertsteuer-Leitfaden"
Titel.Caption = "Vorgehen Umsatzsteuer"
Sprache.Caption = "Bitte wählen Sie Ihre Sprache"
Untertitel.Caption = "[bei Warenlieferung, Dienstleistung, Werklieferung und Rechnungsstellung im Konzern]"
Navigation.Caption = "Navigationsleiste"
Back.Caption = "Schritt" & Chr(10) & "zurück"
If HANDLER = False Then
Fward.Caption = "Schritt" & Chr(10) & "vorwärts"
Fward.Caption = "Leitfaden" & Chr(10) & "suchen"
End If
Beginn.Caption = "Zurück zum Anfang"
S1_Bemerkung.Caption = "Bemerkung:" & Chr(10) & "Falls der Rechnungsbetrag (bei Rechnungen für Teillieferungen: gesamthafter Rechnungsbetrag) mehr" & Chr(10) & "als 2 Mio. CHF (1.3 Mio EUR) beträgt," & _
" nehmen Sie bitte auf jeden Fall Kontakt mit Walter auf."
S1_Bemerkung2.Caption = "Mail an:"
Informationen.Caption = "Informationen zu verschiedenen Umsatzsteuer-Themen"
Help1.Caption = "Umsatzsteuersätze" & Chr(10) & "CH / EU"
Help2.Caption = "UST-konforme" & Chr(10) & "Rechnung"
Help3.Caption = "Umsatzsteuer-ID" & Chr(10) & "XYZ"
Help4.Caption = "Check" & Chr(10) & "Umsatzsteuer-ID"
Leistungsart_TEXT.Text = "Art der Leistung"
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("A2").Value = Leistungsart.ListIndex
Leistungsart.AddItem "Warenlieferung"
Leistungsart.AddItem "Dienstleistung"
Leistungsart.AddItem "Werklieferung"
Leistungsart.ListIndex = Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("A2").Value
Leistungsart_Typen.Text = "Welche Leistungsarten gibt es?"
WL.Text = "Warenlieferung -> z.B. Lieferung von Ersatzteilen oder einer Maschine"
DL.Text = "Dienstleistung -> z.B. Beratung oder Montagedienstleistung"
WKL.Text = "Werklieferung -> z.B. Zusammenbau od. Installation einer Maschine beim Kunden"
S3_Warenfluss.Text = "Warenfluss:"
Liefer_von_TEXT.Text = "Lieferung geht von"
Liefer_nach_TEXT.Text = "nach"
S3_OP1.Caption = "Beförderungs- / Versandlieferung"
S3_OP2.Caption = "Abhollieferung (nur bei Abholung in Schweizer oder anderem Gebiet)"
S3_Erklärung.Text = "Was bedeutet Beförderungs- / Versand- / Abhollieferung?"
S3_Erkl1.Text = "Beförderungs- / Versandlieferung -> Der Lieferant oder sein Beauftragter (z.B. Spediteur) bewegt den Gegenstand physisch zum Käufer"
S3_Erkl2.Text = "Abhollieferung -> Der Lieferant übergibt dem Käufer den Gegenstand, ohne diesen physisch zum Abnehmer zu bewegen"
S4_Warenfluss.Text = "Warenfluss:"
S4_Organisation_TEXT.Text = "Wer organisiert die Lieferung?"
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("C2").Value = S4_Incoterm.ListIndex
S4_Incoterm.AddItem "Anderer"
S4_Incoterm.AddItem "CIP/CIF"
S4_Incoterm.AddItem "CPT/CFR"
S4_Incoterm.AddItem "DDP"
S4_Incoterm.AddItem "DDU"
S4_Incoterm.AddItem "FCA"
S4_Incoterm.AddItem "FOB"
S4_Incoterm.ListIndex = Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("C2").Value
S4_Erklärung.Text = "Wer organisiert die Lieferung? Wo finde ich Informationen zu den Incoterms?"
S4_Erkl1.Text = "Organisation der Lieferung -> Die Lieferung organisiert, wer die Ware befördert/versendet/abholt"
S4_Erkl2.Text = "Incoterms -> Incotermbroschüre zu beziehen bei der Abteilung SP in Uzwil"
S5_DL.Text = "Dienstleistung / Sonstige Leistung:"
S5_OP1.Caption = "Beratung oder Montagedienstleistung"
S5_OP2.Caption = "Anderes"
S5_DL_von_TEXT.Text = "Dienstleistung geht von"
S5_DL_nach_TEXT.Text = "nach"
S6_Werklieferung.Text = "Werklieferung:"
S6_OP1.Caption = "Das Werk ist transportabel"
S6_OP11.Caption = "Unbedeutende Montage"
S6_OP12.Caption = "Bedeutende Montage"
S6_OP2.Caption = "Das Werk ist ortsgebunden"
S6_Ort_TEXT.Text = "Wo befindet sich das Werk?"
S6_Erklärung.Text = "Was ist eine bedeutende / unbedeutende Montage?"
S6_Erkl1.Text = "Unbedeutend -> Wird von Walter abgeklärt"
S6_Erkl2.Text = "Bedeutend -> Wird von Walter abgeklärt"
S7_Rechnungsfluss.Text = "Rechnungsfluss:"
S7_R1_TEXT.Text = "1. Rechnung"
S7_R2_TEXT.Text = "2. Rechnung"
S7_R3_TEXT.Text = "3. Rechnung"
S7_R4_TEXT.Text = "4. Rechnung"
S7_Erklärung.Text = "Wichtig: Bitte gesamten Rechnungsfluss eingeben, nicht nur einen Ausschnitt des Geschäftes abbilden!"
S8_VAT.Text = "Umsatzsteuer-Sätze:"
S8_Land.Text = "Land"
S8_ES.Text = "Ermässigter Satz"
S8_NS.Text = "Normalsatz"
S8_ZS.Text = "Zwischensatz"
S8_Schweiz.Text = "Schweiz"
S8_EU.Text = "Europäische Union"
S8_Hyperlink.Caption = "Umsatzsteuer-Sätze"
S8_Bem1.Text = "Klicken Sie auf den obenstehenden Link für die Umsatzsteuer-Sätze der EU-Länder."
S8_Bem2.Text = "Sobald das PDF-File geladen ist, navigieren Sie zu Seite 3 des Dokuments."
If S9_Bemerkung.Text = "The procedure is described in the open Word document." Then
S9_Bemerkung.Text = "Die Vorgehensweise wird in der offenen Word-Datei beschrieben."
S9_Bemerkung.Text = MELDUNG_DE
End If
Mail_WS.Caption = "Mail an Walter"
UserForm2.Z1.Caption = "Schweiz"
UserForm2.Z2.Caption = "Deutschland"
UserForm2.Z3.Caption = "Deutschland"
UserForm2.Z4.Caption = "Schweiz"
UserForm2.Z5.Caption = "Deutschland"
UserForm2.Z6.Caption = "Deutschland"
UserForm2.Z7.Caption = "Schweiz"
UserForm2.Z8.Caption = "Grossbritannien"
UserForm2.Z9.Caption = "Grossbritannien"
UserForm2.Z10.Caption = "Spanien"
UserForm2.Z11.Caption = "Schweden"
UserForm2.Z12.Caption = "Italien"
UserForm2.Z13.Caption = "Frankreich"
UserForm2.Z14.Caption = "Schweiz"
UserForm2.Z15.Caption = "Grossbritannien"
UserForm2.Z16.Caption = "Deutschland"
UserForm2.Z17.Caption = "Grossbritannien"
UserForm2.Z18.Caption = "Portugal"
UserForm2.Z19.Caption = "Italien"
UserForm2.Z20.Caption = "Österreich"
UserForm2.Z21.Caption = "Grossbritannien"
End Sub
Sub Sprachwahl_EN()
Help1.ControlTipText = "Gives information about the VAT rates which can be used"
Help2.ControlTipText = "Shows how a VAT-conformal invoice could look"
Help3.ControlTipText = "List of the VAT-ID numbers of XYZ AG"
Help4.ControlTipText = "Examines the validity of a VAT No. in the appropriate country"
UserForm1.Caption = "VAT guide"
Titel.Caption = "Procedure Value Added Tax"
Sprache.Caption = "Please choose your language"
Untertitel.Caption = "[delivery of goods, services and supply of installed or assembled goods and invoicing in the group]"
Navigation.Caption = "Navigation bar"
Back.Caption = "Step" & Chr(10) & "back"
If HANDLER = False Then
Fward.Caption = "Step" & Chr(10) & "forward"
Fward.Caption = "Search" & Chr(10) & "description"
End If
Beginn.Caption = "Back to beginning"
S1_Bemerkung.Caption = "Remark:" & Chr(10) & "If the amount of the invoice (in case of invoice for partial delivery: total amount) is" & Chr(10) & "bigger than" & _
" CHF 2 mio. (EUR 1.3 mio.), please contact Walter."
S1_Bemerkung2.Caption = "Mail to:"
Informationen.Caption = "Information about various VAT subjects"
Help1.Caption = "VAT rates" & Chr(10) & "CH / EU"
Help2.Caption = "VAT conform" & Chr(10) & "invoice"
Help3.Caption = "VAT ID" & Chr(10) & "numbers xyz"
Help4.Caption = "Check" & Chr(10) & "VAT ID"
Leistungsart_TEXT.Text = "Kind of activity"
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("A2").Value = Leistungsart.ListIndex
Leistungsart.AddItem "Delivery of goods"
Leistungsart.AddItem "Services"
Leistungsart.AddItem "Supply of installed or assembled goods"
Leistungsart.ListIndex = Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("A2").Value
Leistungsart_Typen.Text = "Which kind of activities do exist?"
WL.Text = "Delivery of goods -> e.g. delivery of spare parts or a machine"
DL.Text = "Services -> e.g. consulting or assembling services"
WKL.Text = "Supply of delivered or assembled goods -> e.g. assembling or installing a machine at clients site"
S3_Warenfluss.Text = "Flow of goods:"
Liefer_von_TEXT.Text = "Goods go from"
Liefer_nach_TEXT.Text = "to"
S3_OP1.Caption = "Advancement / forwarding delivery"
S3_OP2.Caption = "Pick-up delivery (only when picked up in Swiss or other territory)"
S3_Erklärung.Text = "What does advancement / forwarding / pick-up delivery mean?"
S3_Erkl1.Text = "Advancement/forwarding delivery -> The supplier or his agent (e.g. carrier) dispatches the object to the buyer"
S3_Erkl2.Text = "Pick-up delivery -> The supplier hands the object over to the buyer without moving it physically"
S4_Warenfluss.Text = "Flow of goods:"
S4_Organisation_TEXT.Text = "Who does organise the delivery?"
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("C2").Value = S4_Incoterm.ListIndex
S4_Incoterm.AddItem "Other"
S4_Incoterm.AddItem "CIP/CIF"
S4_Incoterm.AddItem "CPT/CFR"
S4_Incoterm.AddItem "DDP"
S4_Incoterm.AddItem "DDU"
S4_Incoterm.AddItem "FCA"
S4_Incoterm.AddItem "FOB"
S4_Incoterm.ListIndex = Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("C2").Value
S4_Erklärung.Text = "Who does organise the delivery? Where can I find information about Incoterms?"
S4_Erkl1.Text = "Organisation of delivery -> The delivery is organised by the party which advances/forwards/picks up the goods"
S4_Erkl2.Text = "Incoterms -> You can order a brochure about incoterms at the SP department in Uzwil"
S5_DL.Text = "Services:"
S5_OP1.Caption = "Consulting or assembling"
S5_OP2.Caption = "Other"
S5_DL_von_TEXT.Text = "Services go from"
S5_DL_nach_TEXT.Text = "to"
S6_Werklieferung.Text = "Supply of installed or assembled goods:"
S6_OP1.Caption = "The goods are transportable"
S6_OP11.Caption = "Insignificant supply of goods"
S6_OP12.Caption = "Significant supply of goods"
S6_OP2.Caption = "The goods are attached to a certain place"
S6_Ort_TEXT.Text = "Where are the goods installed or assembled?"
S6_Erklärung.Text = "What does insignificant / significant mean?"
S6_Erkl1.Text = "Insignificant -> TBA by Walter"
S6_Erkl2.Text = "Significant -> TBA by Walter"
S7_Rechnungsfluss.Text = "Flow of invoice:"
S7_R1_TEXT.Text = "1. invoice"
S7_R2_TEXT.Text = "2. invoice"
S7_R3_TEXT.Text = "3. invoice"
S7_R4_TEXT.Text = "4. invoice"
S7_Erklärung.Text = "Important: Please insert the entire flow of invoice and not only a part of the transaction!"
S8_VAT.Text = "VAT rates:"
S8_Land.Text = "Country"
S8_ES.Text = "Reduced rate"
S8_NS.Text = "Standard rate"
S8_ZS.Text = "Parking rate"
S8_Schweiz.Text = "Switzerland"
S8_EU.Text = "European Union"
S8_Hyperlink.Caption = "VAT rates"
S8_Bem1.Text = "Click on the link above for the VAT rates of the EU-countries."
S8_Bem2.Text = "As soon as the PDF-file is loaded, navigate to page 3 of the document."
If S9_Bemerkung.Text = "Die Vorgehensweise wird in der offenen Word-Datei beschrieben." Then
S9_Bemerkung.Text = "The procedure is described in the open Word document."
S9_Bemerkung.Text = MELDUNG_EN
End If
Mail_WS.Caption = "Mail to Walter"
UserForm2.Z1.Caption = "Switzerland"
UserForm2.Z2.Caption = "Germany"
UserForm2.Z3.Caption = "Germany"
UserForm2.Z4.Caption = "Switzerland"
UserForm2.Z5.Caption = "Germany"
UserForm2.Z6.Caption = "Germany"
UserForm2.Z7.Caption = "Switzerland"
UserForm2.Z8.Caption = "Great Britain"
UserForm2.Z9.Caption = "Great Britain"
UserForm2.Z10.Caption = "Spain"
UserForm2.Z11.Caption = "Sweden"
UserForm2.Z12.Caption = "Italy"
UserForm2.Z13.Caption = "France"
UserForm2.Z14.Caption = "Switzerland"
UserForm2.Z15.Caption = "Great Britain"
UserForm2.Z16.Caption = "Germany"
UserForm2.Z17.Caption = "Great Britain"
UserForm2.Z18.Caption = "Portugal"
UserForm2.Z19.Caption = "Italy"
UserForm2.Z20.Caption = "Austria"
UserForm2.Z21.Caption = "Great Britain"
End Sub
Sub Sprachänderung_DE()
Dim MyControl As Object
Dim Zähler As Integer
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B2").Value = S3_Land0.ListIndex
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B3").Value = S3_Land1.ListIndex
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B4").Value = S4_Land0.ListIndex
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B5").Value = S5_Land0.ListIndex
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B6").Value = S5_Land1.ListIndex
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B7").Value = S6_Land0.ListIndex
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B8").Value = S7_Land0.ListIndex
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B9").Value = S7_Land1.ListIndex
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B10").Value = S7_Land2.ListIndex
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B11").Value = S7_Land3.ListIndex
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B12").Value = S7_Land4.ListIndex
Set MyControl = Nothing
Set MyControl = S3_Land0
GoSub Spröchli_DE
S3_Land0.ListIndex = Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B2").Value
Set MyControl = Nothing
Set MyControl = S3_Land1
GoSub Spröchli_DE
S3_Land1.ListIndex = Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B3").Value
Set MyControl = Nothing
Set MyControl = S4_Land0
GoSub Spröchli_DE
S4_Land0.ListIndex = Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B4").Value
Set MyControl = Nothing
Set MyControl = S5_Land0
GoSub Spröchli_DE
S5_Land0.ListIndex = Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B5").Value
Set MyControl = Nothing
Set MyControl = S5_Land1
GoSub Spröchli_DE
S5_Land1.ListIndex = Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B6").Value
Set MyControl = Nothing
Set MyControl = S6_Land0
GoSub Spröchli_DE
S6_Land0.ListIndex = Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B7").Value
Set MyControl = Nothing
Set MyControl = S7_Land0
GoSub Spröchli_DE
S7_Land0.ListIndex = Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B8").Value
Set MyControl = Nothing
Set MyControl = S7_Land1
GoSub Spröchli_DE
S7_Land1.ListIndex = Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B9").Value
Set MyControl = Nothing
Set MyControl = S7_Land2
GoSub Spröchli_DE
S7_Land2.ListIndex = Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B10").Value
Set MyControl = Nothing
Set MyControl = S7_Land3
GoSub Spröchli_DE
S7_Land3.ListIndex = Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B11").Value
Set MyControl = S7_Land4
GoSub Spröchli_DE
S7_Land4.ListIndex = Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B12").Value
Exit Sub
MyControl.AddItem "Anderes"
MyControl.AddItem "Belgien"
MyControl.AddItem "Dänemark"
MyControl.AddItem "Deutschland"
MyControl.AddItem "Estland"
MyControl.AddItem "Finnland"
MyControl.AddItem "Frankreich"
MyControl.AddItem "Griechenland"
MyControl.AddItem "Grossbritannien"
MyControl.AddItem "Irland"
MyControl.AddItem "Italien"
MyControl.AddItem "Lettland"
MyControl.AddItem "Litauen"
MyControl.AddItem "Luxemburg"
MyControl.AddItem "Malta"
MyControl.AddItem "Niederlande"
MyControl.AddItem "Österreich"
MyControl.AddItem "Polen"
MyControl.AddItem "Portugal"
MyControl.AddItem "Schweden"
MyControl.AddItem "Schweiz"
MyControl.AddItem "Slowakei"
MyControl.AddItem "Slowenien"
MyControl.AddItem "Spanien"
MyControl.AddItem "Tschechien"
MyControl.AddItem "Ungarn"
MyControl.AddItem "Zypern"
End Sub
Sub Sprachänderung_EN()
Dim MyControl As Object
Dim Zähler As Integer
Zähler = 2
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B2").Value = S3_Land0.ListIndex
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B3").Value = S3_Land1.ListIndex
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B4").Value = S4_Land0.ListIndex
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B5").Value = S5_Land0.ListIndex
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B6").Value = S5_Land1.ListIndex
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B7").Value = S6_Land0.ListIndex
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B8").Value = S7_Land0.ListIndex
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B9").Value = S7_Land1.ListIndex
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B10").Value = S7_Land2.ListIndex
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B11").Value = S7_Land3.ListIndex
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B12").Value = S7_Land4.ListIndex
Set MyControl = Nothing
Set MyControl = S3_Land0
GoSub Spröchli_EN
S3_Land0.ListIndex = Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B2").Value
Set MyControl = Nothing
Set MyControl = S3_Land1
GoSub Spröchli_EN
S3_Land1.ListIndex = Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B3").Value
Set MyControl = Nothing
Set MyControl = S4_Land0
GoSub Spröchli_EN
S4_Land0.ListIndex = Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B4").Value
Set MyControl = Nothing
Set MyControl = S5_Land0
GoSub Spröchli_EN
S5_Land0.ListIndex = Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B5").Value
Set MyControl = Nothing
Set MyControl = S5_Land1
GoSub Spröchli_EN
S5_Land1.ListIndex = Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B6").Value
Set MyControl = Nothing
Set MyControl = S6_Land0
GoSub Spröchli_EN
S6_Land0.ListIndex = Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B7").Value
Set MyControl = Nothing
Set MyControl = S7_Land0
GoSub Spröchli_EN
S7_Land0.ListIndex = Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B8").Value
Set MyControl = Nothing
Set MyControl = S7_Land1
GoSub Spröchli_EN
S7_Land1.ListIndex = Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B9").Value
Set MyControl = Nothing
Set MyControl = S7_Land2
GoSub Spröchli_EN
S7_Land2.ListIndex = Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B10").Value
Set MyControl = Nothing
Set MyControl = S7_Land3
GoSub Spröchli_EN
S7_Land3.ListIndex = Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B11").Value
Set MyControl = Nothing
Set MyControl = S7_Land4
GoSub Spröchli_EN
S7_Land4.ListIndex = Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B12").Value
Exit Sub
MyControl.AddItem "Other"
MyControl.AddItem "Belgium"
MyControl.AddItem "Denmark"
MyControl.AddItem "Germany"
MyControl.AddItem "Estonia"
MyControl.AddItem "Finland"
MyControl.AddItem "France"
MyControl.AddItem "Greece"
MyControl.AddItem "Great Britain"
MyControl.AddItem "Ireland"
MyControl.AddItem "Italy"
MyControl.AddItem "Latvia"
MyControl.AddItem "Lithuania"
MyControl.AddItem "Luxembourg"
MyControl.AddItem "Malta"
MyControl.AddItem "Netherlands"
MyControl.AddItem "Austria"
MyControl.AddItem "Poland"
MyControl.AddItem "Portugal"
MyControl.AddItem "Sweden"
MyControl.AddItem "Switzerland"
MyControl.AddItem "Slovakia"
MyControl.AddItem "Slovenia"
MyControl.AddItem "Spain"
MyControl.AddItem "Czech Republic"
MyControl.AddItem "Hungary"
MyControl.AddItem "Cyprus"
End Sub
Sub Suchfunktion()
'Übertrag der Eingaben in Bibliothek
Dim Antwort, Frage, Stil, Titel
If Sprachwahl.Value = "English" Then Frage = "Is the party in the middle registered in the recipient country?" Else Frage = "Ist die mittlere Partei im Empfängerland registriert?"
If Sprachwahl.Value = "English" Then Titel = "Registration" Else Titel = "Registrierung"
Stil = vbYesNoCancel + vbQuestion
If S7_Land0.Value "" And S7_Land1.Value "" And S7_Land2.Value "" And S7_Land3.Value = "" And S7_Land4.Value = "" Then
Antwort = MsgBox(Frage, Stil, Titel)
If Antwort = vbYes Then
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("W7").Value = "Kein Dreieck"
GoTo Aktionen
ElseIf Antwort = vbNo Then
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("W7").Value = "Dreieck"
GoTo Aktionen
Exit Sub
End If
GoTo Aktionen
End If
UserForm1.MousePointer = fmMousePointerHourGlass
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("B7").Value = Leistungsart.Value
'Beginn Warenlieferung
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("C7").Value = S3_Land0.Value
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("D7").Value = S3_Land1.Value
If S3_OP1.Value = False And S3_OP2.Value = False Then
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("E7").FormulaR1C1 = "FALSE"
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("F7").FormulaR1C1 = "FALSE"
ElseIf S3_OP1.Value = True And S3_OP2.Value = False Then
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("E7").FormulaR1C1 = "TRUE"
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("F7").FormulaR1C1 = "FALSE"
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("E7").FormulaR1C1 = "FALSE"
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("F7").FormulaR1C1 = "TRUE"
End If
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("G7").Value = S4_Land0.Value
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("H7").Value = S4_Incoterm.Value
'Ende Warenlieferung
'Beginn Dienstleistung
If S5_OP1.Value = False And S5_OP2.Value = False Then
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("I7").FormulaR1C1 = "FALSE"
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("J7").FormulaR1C1 = "FALSE"
ElseIf S5_OP1.Value = True And S5_OP2.Value = False Then
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("I7").FormulaR1C1 = "TRUE"
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("J7").FormulaR1C1 = "FALSE"
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("I7").FormulaR1C1 = "FALSE"
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("J7").FormulaR1C1 = "TRUE"
End If
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("K7").Value = S5_Land0.Value
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("L7").Value = S5_Land1.Value
'Ende Dienstleistung
'Beginn Werklieferung
If S6_OP1.Value = False And S6_OP11.Value = False And S6_OP12.Value = False And S6_OP2.Value = False Then
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("M7").FormulaR1C1 = "FALSE"
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("N7").FormulaR1C1 = "FALSE"
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("O7").FormulaR1C1 = "FALSE"
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("P7").FormulaR1C1 = "FALSE"
ElseIf S6_OP1.Value = True And S6_OP11.Value = True Then
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("M7").FormulaR1C1 = "TRUE"
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("N7").FormulaR1C1 = "TRUE"
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("O7").FormulaR1C1 = "FALSE"
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("P7").FormulaR1C1 = "FALSE"
ElseIf S6_OP1.Value = True And S6_OP12.Value = True Then
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("M7").FormulaR1C1 = "TRUE"
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("N7").FormulaR1C1 = "FALSE"
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("O7").FormulaR1C1 = "TRUE"
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("P7").FormulaR1C1 = "FALSE"
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("M7").FormulaR1C1 = "FALSE"
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("N7").FormulaR1C1 = "FALSE"
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("O7").FormulaR1C1 = "FALSE"
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("P7").FormulaR1C1 = "TRUE"
End If
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("Q7").Value = S6_Land0.Value
'Ende Werklieferung
'Beginn Rechnung
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("R7").Value = S7_Land0.Value
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("S7").Value = S7_Land1.Value
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("T7").Value = S7_Land2.Value
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("U7").Value = S7_Land3.Value
Workbooks("MWST_Leitfaden_VAT_guide.xls").Sheets("Fälle").Range("V7").Value = S7_Land4.Value
'Ende Rechnung
End Sub
Sub Word_SUCHE()
MELDUNG_DE = "Der von Ihnen angegebene Geschäftsfall" & _
" wurde nicht gefunden." & Chr(10) & "Geben Sie den Fall" & _
" zur Sicherheit nochmals ein, bevor Sie ihn an Walter _
senden." & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & _
"Mit dem Button unten auf dieser Maske senden Sie den von Ihnen eingegebenen" & _
Chr(10) & "Fall direkt an Walter. Er wird dann auf Sie zukommen." & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & _
"Sonstige Fragen zu Ihrem Fall stellen Sie bitte direkt an"
MELDUNG_EN = "The case you entered was not found." & _
Chr(10) & "Please enter your case again before sending it to Walter." & _
Chr(10) & Chr(10) & _
"For sending your case to Walter please push the button below." & _
Chr(10) & "He will then contact you." & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & _
"For other questions concerning your case, please mail to"
Dim iRow As Integer, iCol As Integer, iCount As Integer
For iRow = 9 To 5000
For iCol = 2 To 23
iCount = iCount - (Cells(iRow, iCol) = Cells(7, iCol))
Next iCol
If iCount = 22 Then
Cells(iRow, iCol).Activate
z = Selection.Text
MultiPage1.Value = 7
With Fward
.Font.Bold = False
.Font.Size = 8
.Caption = "Schritt" & Chr(10) & "weiter"
.Enabled = False
End With
UserForm1.MousePointer = fmMousePointerDefault
If Sprachwahl.Value = "Deutsch" Then
S9_Bemerkung.Text = "Die Vorgehensweise wird in der offenen Word-Datei beschrieben."
S9_Bemerkung.Text = "The procedure is described in the open Word document."
End If
Dim datei As String
Dim dok As Object
Dim wd As Object
datei = "\\uzn430\cms_cf\fa\mwst\" & z
Set wd = CreateObject("Word.Application")
wd.Visible = True
Set dok = wd.Documents.Open(datei)
Exit Sub
Else: iCount = 0
MultiPage1.Value = 7
UserForm1.MousePointer = fmMousePointerDefault
With Fward
.Font.Bold = False
.Font.Size = 8
.Caption = "Schritt" & Chr(10) & "weiter"
.Enabled = False
End With
If Sprachwahl.Value = "Deutsch" Then
S9_Bemerkung.Text = MELDUNG_DE
S9_Bemerkung.Text = MELDUNG_EN
End If
End If
Next iRow
End Sub
AW: Fehlermeldung mit unterschiedlichen XL-Versionen
31.05.2006 17:28:20
hast Recht, knapp 1000 Zeilen Code zu überprüfen, ist nicht drin. Nur soviel, der Code ist eine einzige Katastrophe, sei froh, dass du den nicht verbrochen hast.
mfg Gerd
AW: Fehlermeldung mit unterschiedlichen XL-Versionen
31.05.2006 17:34:02
Hallo Gerd,
danke trotzdem für den guten Willen.

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