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Regsvr32.exe abfragen

Regsvr32.exe abfragen
20.11.2007 19:52:00
Hallo Zusammen,
kann ich mit Excel abfragen ob eine bestimmte DLL Datei registriert ist?
Wie würde so etwas gehen`?
Steffen Schmerler

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AW: Regsvr32.exe abfragen
20.11.2007 21:36:40
schau mal ob du das brauchen kannst
'Setzen aller benötigten Verweise
'Häufig gebrauchte Verweise "References" setzen
'Const erweitert von Ramses
'Verweise anpassen und Variablen im Code anpassen
Dim isRef As Boolean, i As Integer, link As Object
Const strExcel9 As String = "{00020813-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" 'Microsoft Excel 9.0 Objects Library (Excel2000)
Const strExcel10 As String = "{00024500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" 'Microsoft Excel 10.0 Objects Library (Excel XP)
Const strExcel11 As String = "{00020813-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" 'Microsoft Excel 11.0 Object Library (Excel 2003)
Const strWord8 As String = "{00020900-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" 'Microsoft Word 8.0 Objects Library (Word 97)
Const strWord9 As String = "{00020905-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" 'Microsoft Word 9.0 Objects Library (Word 2000)
Const strWord10 As String = "{000209FF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" 'Microsoft Word 10.0 Objects Library (Word XP)
Const strWord11 As String = "{00020905-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" 'Microsoft Word 11.0 Object Library (Word 2003)
Const strMSOff11 As String = "{2DF8D04C-5BFA-101B-BDE5-00AA0044DE52}" 'Microsoft Office 11.0 Object Library
Const strOutlook9 As String = "{00062FFF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" 'Microsoft Outlook 9.0 Objects Library (Outlook 2000)
Const strOutlook10 As String = "{00020D75-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" 'Microsoft Outlook 10.0 Objects Library (Outlook XP)
Const strOutlook11 As String = "{00062FFF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" 'Microsoft Outlook 11.0 Object Library (Outlook 2003)
Const strDAO As String = "{00025E01-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" 'Microsoft DAO 3.6 Objects Library (DAO)
Const strADOX As String = "{00000600-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4}" 'ADO Ext. 2.1 for DDL And Security (ADOX)
Const strADO As String = "{00000201-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4}" 'Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Library 2.1 (ADO)
Const strScript As String = "{420B2830-E718-11CF-893D-00A0C9054228}" 'Microsoft Scripting Runtime (WSH, FileSystemObject)
Const strVBA As String = "{000204EF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" 'Visual Basic for Application
Const strMSF20 As String = "{0D452EE1-E08F-101A-852E-02608C4D0BB4}" 'Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library
Const strWComCon As String = "{831FDD16-0C5C-11D2-A9FC-0000F8754DA1}" 'Windows Common Controls 6.0 SP6
Const strAcroDist As String = "{317DA881-ECC5-11D1-B976-00600802DB86}" 'Acrobat Distiller

Sub SetReference(ref As String)
    With Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.References
        ' Aktuelle gesetzte Verweise durchgehen
        On Error GoTo KillRef
        i = 0: Do: i = i + 1: isRef = .Item(i).Name = ref: Loop Until i% >= .Count Or isRef
        If isRef Then
            If .Item(ref).IsBroken Then ' Verweis ungültig
                .Remove .Item(ref)
                Else ' Verweis ist bereits gesetzt
                GoTo Sub_Exit
            End If
        End If
        On Error GoTo Err_Check:
        ' Verweise entsprechend der Registry GUID setzen
        If ref = "DAO" Then Set link = .AddFromGuid(strDAO, 5, 0)
        If ref = "ADOX" Then Set link = .AddFromGuid(strADOX, 2, 1)
        If ref = "ADO" Then Set link = .AddFromGuid(strADO, 2, 1)
        If ref = "Script" Then Set link = .AddFromGuid(strScript, 1, 0)
        If ref = "Excel" Then Set link = .AddFromGuid(strExcel, 1, 1)
        If ref = "Word" Then Set link = .AddFromGuid(strWord, 8, 1)
        If ref = "Outlook" Then Set link = .AddFromGuid(strOutlook, 9, 0)
        Set link = Nothing
    End With
    Exit Sub
    ' Namenskonflikt mit Verweistabelle or Index außerhalb Bereich
    If Err.Number = 32813 Or Err.Number = 9 Then
        Resume Next
        MsgBox "Error Number : " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description
        GoTo Sub_Exit:
    End If
    With Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.References
    If .Item(i).IsBroken Then .Remove .Item(i)
    End With
    Resume Next
End Sub

Sub Install_Reference()
    SetReference (strWComCon)
End Sub

Sub Show_References()
    '(C) Ramses
    Dim i As Integer
    'On Error Resume Next
    With ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References
        For i = 1 To .Count
            ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 1) = .Item(i).GUID
            ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 2) = .Item(i).Description
            ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 3) = .Item(i).Major
            ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 4) = .Item(i).Minor
    End With
End Sub

Sub SetReference_to_FM20DLL()
    On Error GoTo err_message
    With Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.References
        .AddFromFile "C:\Windows\system32\fm20.dll"
    End With
    Exit Sub
    Select Case Err.Number
        Case 32813
            'Der Verweis existiert bereits
        Case Else
            MsgBox Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description, vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Fehler"
            Exit Sub
    End Select
End Sub

Gruss Rainer

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