Wie kann ich bei EXCEL 5.0/7.0 in einer Prozedur festlegen, daß bei Aufruf eines Dialogs alle Dropdowns das erste Element der Liste anzeigen?
StandardModule: basMain
Sub CallForm()
End Sub
ClassModule: frmDate
Private Sub cboMonth_Change()
Call SetDays
End Sub
Private Sub cboYear_Change()
Call SetDays
End Sub
Private Sub cmdContinue_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim lDay As Long
Dim iYear As Integer, iMonth As Integer
For iYear = Year(Date) - 3 To Year(Date) + 2
cboYear.AddItem iYear
Next iYear
For iMonth = 1 To 12
cboMonth.AddItem Format(DateSerial(1, iMonth, 1), "mmmm")
Next iMonth
cboYear.ListIndex = 0
cboMonth.ListIndex = 0
Call SetDays
End Sub
Private Sub SetDays()
Dim lDay As Long
For lDay = DateSerial(cboYear.Value, cboMonth.ListIndex + 1, 1) To _
DateSerial(cboYear.Value, cboMonth.ListIndex + 2, 0)
cboDay.AddItem Day(lDay)
Next lDay
cboDay.ListIndex = 0
End Sub