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Nicht zu behebender Compiler Error

Nicht zu behebender Compiler Error
30.01.2004 13:31:18
"Only comments may appear after End Sub
, End

Function or End Property."
Seit einer Weile bekomme ich immer obigen Compiler Error und weiß nicht warum. Habe auch schon kontrolliert, ob vielleicht irgendeine Funktion falsch beendet wurde oder tatsächlich Code außerhalb von 

Sub und End 

Sub steht, ist aber nicht so. Daher wundert mich diese Meldung ja auch so sehr und ärgert mich.
Ich habe lediglich ganz am Beginn vor der ersten 

Sub eine globale Variable definiert, aber das Programm lief schon Wochen lange so und dort habe ich nichts geändert.
Bitte helft mir weiter, danke.


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AW: Nicht zu behebender Compiler Error
30.01.2004 13:46:44
dazu muss ich den Code sehen...
AW: Nicht zu behebender Compiler Error
30.01.2004 13:49:15
' Declare array for values of cylinder-list
' The array-fields are defined as follows
' 0...movement-name
' 1...function description (1 or 2)
' 2...speed of movement
' 3...duration
' 4...consumption
' 5...row of data in cylinder-list
' 6...value 1 or 2 (depending on if it is sol1 or sol2)
' 7...
' 8...
Dim myArray(500, 10)

Private Sub getValues(position)
'guarantee that one cannot move upper first line
Dim firstLine
firstLine = Sheets("Ablauf").Range("zero").row + 1
If position < firstLine Then position = firstLine
'activate whole line of current position
Cells(position, 1).Activate
'select according values of dependency-comboboxes
'cbDependency1.s... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
'Add values to textboxes
cbEquipment.Text = Cells(position, Range("equipment").Column)
cbMovement.Text = Cells(position, Range("movement").Column)
tbSpeed.Text = Cells(position, Range("speed").Column)
tbDistance.Text = Cells(position, Range("distance").Column)
tbDuration.Text = Cells(position, Range("duration").Column)
Select Case Cells(position, Range("type").Column).Text
Case ""
cbType.ListIndex = 0
Case "H"
cbType.ListIndex = 1
Case "E"
cbType.ListIndex = 2
Case "A"
cbType.ListIndex = 3
End Select
tbFlow.Text = Cells(position, Range("flow").Column).Text
'set the timings
s1.value = Cells(position, Range("start1").Column).value
e1.value = Cells(position, Range("end1").Column).value
'd1.value = Cells(position, Range("duration1").Column).value
s2.value = Cells(position, Range("start2").Column).value
e2.value = Cells(position, Range("end2").Column).value
'd2.value = Cells(position, Range("duration2").Column).value
s3.value = Cells(position, Range("start3").Column).value
e3.value = Cells(position, Range("end3").Column).value
'd3.value = Cells(position, Range("duration3").Column).value
s4.value = Cells(position, Range("start4").Column).value
e4.value = Cells(position, Range("end4").Column).value
'd4.value = Cells(position, Range("duration4").Column).value
s5.value = Cells(position, Range("start5").Column).value
e5.value = Cells(position, Range("end5").Column).value
'd5.value = Cells(position, Range("duration5").Column).value
s6.value = Cells(position, Range("start6").Column).value
e6.value = Cells(position, Range("end6").Column).value
'd6.value = Cells(position, Range("duration6").Column).value
s7.value = Cells(position, Range("start7").Column).value
e7.value = Cells(position, Range("end7").Column).value
'd7.value = Cells(position, Range("duration7").Column).value
s8.value = Cells(position, Range("start8").Column).value
e8.value = Cells(position, Range("end8").Column).value
'd8.value = Cells(position, Range("duration8").Column).value
End Sub

'delete values of all fields of the form

Private Sub resetFields()
cbEquipment.ListIndex = -1
cbMovement.ListIndex = -1
cbDependency1.ListIndex = -1
cbDependency2.ListIndex = -1
cbDependency3.ListIndex = -1
cbDependency4.ListIndex = -1
cbDependency5.ListIndex = -1
tbSpeed.value = ""
tbDuration.value = ""
tbDistance.value = ""
cbType.ListIndex = -1
tbFlow.value = ""
s1.value = ""
e1.value = ""
'd1.value = ""
s2.value = ""
e2.value = ""
'd2.value = ""
s3.value = ""
e3.value = ""
'd3.value = ""
s4.value = ""
e4.value = ""
'd4.value = ""
s5.value = ""
e5.value = ""
'd5.value = ""
s6.value = ""
e6.value = ""
'd6.value = ""
s7.value = ""
e7.value = ""
'd7.value = ""
s8.value = ""
e8.value = ""
'd8.value = ""
End Sub

'updates the line indices in column A

Private Sub updateIndices()
Dim startRow, endRow, i, col
startRow = Range("no").row + 2
endRow = Range("tail").row - 1
col = Range("tail").Column
For i = 1 To (endRow - startRow) + 1
Cells(startRow + i - 1, col) = i
Next i
End Sub

Private Sub insertValues()
'insert movement/dependency names into worksheet
Cells(activeCell.row, Range("equipment").Column) = cbEquipment.value
Cells(activeCell.row, Range("movement").Column) = cbMovement.value
If cbDependency1.ListIndex <> -1 Then Cells(activeCell.row, Range("dependency1").Column) = cbDependency1.value
If cbDependency2.ListIndex <> -1 Then Cells(activeCell.row, Range("dependency2").Column) = cbDependency2.value
If cbDependency3.ListIndex <> -1 Then Cells(activeCell.row, Range("dependency3").Column) = cbDependency3.value
If cbDependency4.ListIndex <> -1 Then Cells(activeCell.row, Range("dependency4").Column) = cbDependency4.value
If cbDependency5.ListIndex <> -1 Then Cells(activeCell.row, Range("dependency5").Column) = cbDependency5.value
'insert data into worksheet
If (tbSpeed.value <> "") Then Cells(activeCell.row, Range("speed").Column) = CDbl(tbSpeed.value)
If (tbDistance.value <> "") Then Cells(activeCell.row, Range("distance").Column).value = CDbl(tbDistance.value)
If (tbDuration.value <> "") Then Cells(activeCell.row, Range("duration").Column).value = CDbl(tbDuration.value)
Select Case cbType.ListIndex
Case 0
Cells(activeCell.row, Range("type").Column) = ""
Case 1
Cells(activeCell.row, Range("type").Column) = "H"
Case 2
Cells(activeCell.row, Range("type").Column) = "E"
Case 3
Cells(activeCell.row, Range("type").Column) = "A"
End Select
If (tbFlow.value <> "") Then Cells(activeCell.row, Range("flow").Column).value = CDbl(tbFlow.value)
'insert timings into worksheet
If (s1.value <> "") Then Cells(activeCell.row, Range("start1").Column) = CInt(s1.value)
If (e1.value <> "") Then Cells(activeCell.row, Range("end1").Column) = CInt(e1.value)
'If (d1.value <> "") Then Cells(activeCell.row, Range("duration1").Column) = CInt(d1.value)
'If (s2 <> "" And e1 <> "") Then Cells(activeCell.Row, Range("break12").Column) = CInt(s2 - e1
If (s2.value <> "") Then Cells(activeCell.row, Range("start2").Column) = CInt(s2.value)
If (e2.value <> "") Then Cells(activeCell.row, Range("end2").Column) = CInt(e2.value)
'If (d2.value <> "") Then Cells(activeCell.row, Range("duration2").Column) = CInt(d2.value)
'If (s3 <> "" And e2 <> "") Then Cells(activeCell.Row, Range("break23").Column) = CInt(s3 - d2
If (s3.value <> "") Then Cells(activeCell.row, Range("start3").Column) = CInt(s3.value)
If (e3.value <> "") Then Cells(activeCell.row, Range("end3").Column) = CInt(e3.value)
'If (d3.value <> "") Then Cells(activeCell.row, Range("duration3").Column) = CInt(d3.value)
'If (s4 <> "" And e3 <> "") Then Cells(activeCell.Row, Range("break34").Column) = CInt(s4 - e3
If (s4.value <> "") Then Cells(activeCell.row, Range("start4").Column) = CInt(s4.value)
If (e4.value <> "") Then Cells(activeCell.row, Range("end4").Column) = CInt(e4.value)
'If (d4.value <> "") Then Cells(activeCell.row, Range("duration4").Column) = CInt(d4.value)
'If (s5 <> "" And e4 <> "") Then Cells(activeCell.Row, Range("break45").Column) = CInt(s5 - e4
If (s5.value <> "") Then Cells(activeCell.row, Range("start5").Column) = CInt(s5.value)
If (e5.value <> "") Then Cells(activeCell.row, Range("end5").Column) = CInt(e5.value)
'If (d5.value <> "") Then Cells(activeCell.row, Range("duration5").Column) = CInt(d5.value)
'If (s6 <> "" And e5 <> "") Then Cells(activeCell.Row, Range("break56").Column) = CInt(s6 - e4
If (s6.value <> "") Then Cells(activeCell.row, Range("start6").Column) = CInt(s6.value)
If (e6.value <> "") Then Cells(activeCell.row, Range("end6").Column) = CInt(e6.value)
'If (d6.value <> "") Then Cells(activeCell.row, Range("duration6").Column) = CInt(d6.value)
'If (s7 <> "" And e6 <> "") Then Cells(activeCell.Row, Range("break67").Column) = CInt(s7 - e6
If (s7.value <> "") Then Cells(activeCell.row, Range("start7").Column) = CInt(s7.value)
If (e7.value <> "") Then Cells(activeCell.row, Range("end7").Column) = CInt(e7.value)
'If (d7.value <> "") Then Cells(activeCell.row, Range("duration7").Column) = CInt(d7.value)
'If (s8 <> "" And e7 <> "") Then Cells(activeCell.Row, Range("break78").Column) = CInt(s8 - e7
If (s8.value <> "") Then Cells(activeCell.row, Range("start8").Column) = CInt(s8.value)
If (e8.value <> "") Then Cells(activeCell.row, Range("end8").Column) = CInt(e8.value)
'If (d8.value <> "") Then Cells(activeCell.row, Range("duration8").Column) = CInt(d8.value)
End Sub

Private Sub bDeleteRow_Click()
If activeCell.row >= Range("tail").row Then Exit Sub
Dim msg
msg = MsgBox("Delete Row?", vbYesNo, "Warning")
If msg = 6 Then 'yes is selected
Call resetFields
End If
If activeCell.row >= Range("tail").row Then bBack_Click
Call updateIndices
End Sub

Private Sub bGraph1_Click()
scrollFormV.Enabled = False
scrollFormH.Enabled = False
bNewLine.Enabled = False
bDeleteRow.Enabled = False
bCancel.Enabled = False
bExit.Enabled = False
bCalculate.Enabled = False
bBack.Enabled = False
bBack10.Enabled = False
bForward.Enabled = False
bForward10.Enabled = False
bHelp.Enabled = False
Sheets("Ablauf (Chart)").Activate
End Sub

Private Sub bGraph2_Click()
scrollFormV.Enabled = False
scrollFormH.Enabled = False
bNewLine.Enabled = False
bDeleteRow.Enabled = False
bCancel.Enabled = False
bExit.Enabled = False
bCalculate.Enabled = False
bBack.Enabled = False
bBack10.Enabled = False
bForward.Enabled = False
bForward10.Enabled = False
bHelp.Enabled = False
Sheets("Verbrauch (Chart)").Activate
End Sub

Private Sub bAblauf_Click()
scrollFormV.Enabled = True
scrollFormH.Enabled = True
bNewLine.Enabled = True
bDeleteRow.Enabled = True
bCancel.Enabled = True
bExit.Enabled = True
bCalculate.Enabled = True
bBack.Enabled = True
bBack10.Enabled = True
bForward.Enabled = True
bForward10.Enabled = True
bHelp.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub bHelp_Click()
'open Help-File
Dim msg
msg = MsgBox("The 'Help' is under construction!", vbOKOnly, "Availability")
End Sub

Private Sub bNewLine_Click()
Dim row
row = activeCell.row
'if we are in the first line of data...
If row = Range("no").row + 2 Then
'...create the row one row deeper and copy the contents of the upper row (reason: formatting)
Cells(row + 1, Range("no").Column).Select
Cells(row, Range("no").Column).Select
End If
Call resetFields
Call updateIndices
End Sub

Private Sub bCancel_Click()
Unload fAblauf
End Sub

Private Sub bExit_Click()
Dim msg
msg = MsgBox("Insert values into list and exit?", vbYesNoCancel, "Insert values & Exit")
If msg = 6 Then 'yes is selected
Call insertValues
Unload fAblauf
ElseIf msg = 7 Then 'no is selected
Unload fAblauf
End If
End Sub

Private Sub bBack_Click()
If (activeCell.row > Range("no").row + 2) Then
getValues (activeCell.row - 1)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub bForward_Click()
'if last row is reached, insert new line at the end of the list
If (activeCell.row = Range("tail").row - 1) Then
Cells(activeCell.row + 1, Range("no").Column).Select
Call updateIndices
getValues (activeCell.row)
cbDependency1.AddItem (Cells(activeCell.row, Range("no").Column).value)
cbDependency2.AddItem (Cells(activeCell.row, Range("no").Column).value)
cbDependency3.AddItem (Cells(activeCell.row, Range("no").Column).value)
cbDependency4.AddItem (Cells(activeCell.row, Range("no").Column).value)
cbDependency5.AddItem (Cells(activeCell.row, Range("no").Column).value)
'else just get the values of the next line
getValues (activeCell.row + 1)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub bBack10_Click()
If (activeCell.row - 10 < Range("no").row + 2) Then
getValues (Range("no").row + 2)
getValues (activeCell.row - 10)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub bForward10_Click()
If (activeCell.row + 10 >= Range("tail").row) Then
getValues (Range("tail").row - 1)
getValues (activeCell.row + 10)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cbMovement_onExit()
'hier muß rausgesprungen werden, wenn die aktuelle Bewegung nicht aus dem Array ist, sondern etwa
'eingegeben wurde UND wenn die Bewegung aus dem Array ist, muß in der Liste cbMovement die richtige
'Position eingestellt/selektiert werden!!!!
'movement not in list or new entered
If cbMovement.ListIndex < 0 Then Exit Sub
'cbEquipment.value = ""
'cbEquipment.ListIndex = -1
Dim pos
pos = cbMovement.ListIndex
tbSpeed.value = myArray(pos, 2)
tbDuration.value = myArray(pos, 3)
tbFlow.value = myArray(pos, 4)
cbType.ListIndex = 0
s1.value = ""
'd1.value = ""
e1.value = ""
s2.value = ""
'd2.value = ""
e2.value = ""
s3.value = ""
'd3.value = ""
e3.value = ""
s4.value = ""
'd4.value = ""
e4.value = ""
s5.value = ""
'd5.value = ""
e5.value = ""
s6.value = ""
'd6.value = ""
e6.value = ""
s7.value = ""
'd7.value = ""
e7.value = ""
s8.value = ""
'd8.value = ""
e8.value = ""
End Sub

Private Sub bCalculate_Click()
Call berechneVerbrauch
End Sub

Private Sub cbEquipment_Change()
'enter all movements of the equipment (see cylinder list) into the movement combobox
Dim i
For i = 0 To 499
If myArray(i, 9) = cbEquipment.value Then cbMovement.AddItem (myArray(i, 0) & " - " & myArray(i, 1))
Next i
End Sub

Private Sub cbMovement_Change()
If cbMovement.ListIndex <> -1 Then
'search for values in myArray
Dim i, arrLen
arrLen = myArray.Length()
For i = 0 To arrLen - 1
If (myArray(i, 9) = cbEquipment.value And myArray(i, 0) = cbMovement.value) Then
'get values and insert them into the textboxes
MsgBox ("test ok")
Exit Sub
End If
Next i
End If
End Sub

Private Sub scrollFormV_Change()
Application.ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = Range("no").row + 1 + scrollFormV.value
End Sub

Private Sub scrollFormH_Change()
Application.ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = scrollFormH.value
End Sub

Private Sub tbBLZ_Change()
Range("blz").value = tbBLZ.value
End Sub

Private Sub tbSpeed_Change()
If (tbSpeed.value = "") Then Exit Sub
If (tbDistance.value <> "") Then
tbDuration.value = tbDistance.value / tbSpeed.value
End If
End Sub

Private Sub tbDistance_Change()
If tbDistance.value = "" Then Exit Sub
If (tbSpeed.value <> "") Then
tbDuration.value = tbDistance.value / tbSpeed.value
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

Private Sub tbDuration_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal x As Single, ByVal y As Single)
'if time is entered, distance and speed are not interesting any longer
tbSpeed.value = ""
tbDistance.value = ""
End Sub

Public Sub UserForm_Initialize()
'if current line does not contain any values (out of range) set activeCell to first line
If (activeCell.row < Range("no").row + 2) Then
Cells(Range("no").row + 2, Range("no").Column).Select
ElseIf (activeCell.row > Range("tail").row - 1) Then
Cells(Range("tail").row - 1, Range("no").Column).Select
End If

' ##############################################################################################
' Start Array Setup with values of Hydraulic-List
' emptyCells dient dazu, festzustellen, wo die Liste aufhört (bei ? leeren Zeilen stoppt loop)
' myArray(500, 10) has already been defined as global
Dim k, l
'inizialisiere Array-Felder mit Wert 0
For k = 0 To 499
For l = 0 To 9
myArray(k, l) = 0
Next l
Next k
Dim arrPos
arrPos = 0 'Positionsanzeiger der aktuellen Zeile im Array
Dim emptyCells, i
Dim actCell, actEquipment
emptyCells = 0
i = Sheets("Hydraulic Cylinder").Range("machine").row + 1
actCell = Worksheets("Hydraulic Cylinder").Cells(i, Sheets("Hydraulic Cylinder").Range("machine").Column)
If (IsEmpty(actCell)) Then
emptyCells = emptyCells + 1
emptyCells = 0
'alt: If (Cells(i, Range("machine").Column).Font.Bold = True) Then
If (Worksheets("Hydraulic Cylinder").Cells(i, Sheets("Hydraulic Cylinder").Range("machine").Column).Font.Bold = False) Then
'************ ARRAY auffüllen *****************'
'Movement 1 of machine
myArray(arrPos, 0) = actCell
myArray(arrPos, 1) = Sheets("Hydraulic Cylinder").Cells(i, Sheets("Hydraulic Cylinder").Range("fundes").Column)
myArray(arrPos, 2) = Sheets("Hydraulic Cylinder").Cells(i, Sheets("Hydraulic Cylinder").Range("value8").Column) 'speed
myArray(arrPos, 3) = Sheets("Hydraulic Cylinder").Cells(i, Sheets("Hydraulic Cylinder").Range("ta").Column) 'time to go
myArray(arrPos, 4) = Sheets("Hydraulic Cylinder").Cells(i, Sheets("Hydraulic Cylinder").Range("qak").Column) 'oil waste
myArray(arrPos, 5) = i
myArray(arrPos, 6) = 1 'for movement (sol) 1
myArray(arrPos, 9) = actEquipment
arrPos = arrPos + 1
'Movement 2 of machine
myArray(arrPos, 0) = actCell
myArray(arrPos, 1) = Sheets("Hydraulic Cylinder").Cells(i, Sheets("Hydraulic Cylinder").Range("fundes2").Column)
myArray(arrPos, 2) = Sheets("Hydraulic Cylinder").Cells(i, Sheets("Hydraulic Cylinder").Range("value9").Column) 'speed
myArray(arrPos, 3) = Sheets("Hydraulic Cylinder").Cells(i, Sheets("Hydraulic Cylinder").Range("te").Column) 'time to go
myArray(arrPos, 4) = Sheets("Hydraulic Cylinder").Cells(i, Sheets("Hydraulic Cylinder").Range("qes").Column) 'oil waste
myArray(arrPos, 5) = i
myArray(arrPos, 6) = 2 'für movement (sol) 2
myArray(arrPos, 9) = actEquipment
arrPos = arrPos + 1
Else 'means that font is bold and found item is an equipment
actEquipment = Sheets("Hydraulic Cylinder").Cells(i, Sheets("Hydraulic Cylinder").Range("machine").Column)
cbEquipment.AddItem (actEquipment)
'do same with other lists (pneumatic, etc.)
End If
End If
i = i + 1
Loop Until emptyCells > 10
' Array Setup finished
' ##############################################################################################

'Add possible settings for Type-ComboBox
cbType.AddItem ("n/a")
cbType.AddItem ("H - hydraulic")
cbType.AddItem ("E - electrical")
cbType.AddItem ("A - aero")
'get BLZ Time
tbBLZ.value = Range("blz").value

'set scrollbar values
scrollFormV.max = Cells(Range("tail").row - 1, Range("no").Column)
scrollFormH.max = Range("horizon").Column

'Fill Dependency-ComboBoxes with values from sheet "Ablauf"
Dim i6
For i6 = Range("no").row + 2 To Range("tail").row - 1
cbDependency1.AddItem (Cells(i6, Range("no").Column) & " - " & Cells(i6, Range("movement").Column))
cbDependency2.AddItem (Cells(i6, Range("no").Column) & " - " & Cells(i6, Range("movement").Column))
cbDependency3.AddItem (Cells(i6, Range("no").Column) & " - " & Cells(i6, Range("movement").Column))
cbDependency4.AddItem (Cells(i6, Range("no").Column) & " - " & Cells(i6, Range("movement").Column))
cbDependency5.AddItem (Cells(i6, Range("no").Column) & " - " & Cells(i6, Range("movement").Column))
Next i6
'get values from the current row (where activecell is)
getValues (activeCell.row)
End Sub

AW: Nicht zu behebender Compiler Error
30.01.2004 13:53:31
Schreib mal als erstes Statement Option Explicit und deguuge das Ganze, da sind
ne Menge Fehler drin.
AW: Nicht zu behebender Compiler Error
30.01.2004 13:56:48
versteht mich nicht falsch, aber die Sache ist die ganze Zeit über blendend gelaufen und durch irgend eine Kleinigkeit ist heute vormittag plötzlich dieser Compiler Error gekommen. Wenn hier viele Fehler drin sein sollten, dann solche, die den Ablauf des Programmes bisher nicht gestört haben - nur jetzt is halt ein Problem aufgetaucht.
MfG, M.
AW: Nicht zu behebender Compiler Error
30.01.2004 14:01:02
Alex K.
Hallo Mandix,
dann würde ich mal empfehlen, das Modul zu exportieren und in der .bas Datei zu schauen, ob am Ende der Datei irgendwelche Sonderzeichen stehen.
Alternativ kannst du auch versuchen, den Code zu markieren (darauf achten, dass Makierung direkt auf letztem 'End SUB' endet) und den Code in ein neu erstelles Modul zu kopieren. Das Alte dann löschen und nun mal versuchen.
AW: Eingrenzung
30.01.2004 14:23:25
Also die UserForm_Initialize() läuft bis zum Ende durch und da kommt der Aufruf der Methode getValues(index) - diese ruft er nicht mehr auf bzw. hier meldet er dann den Fehler! Warum plötzlich?????? Hat doch sonst auch funktioniert!
Thx, M.
AW: Eingrenzung
30.01.2004 14:30:11
Alex K.
Hallo Mandix,
kann daran liegen, dass in getvalues mit dem Paramter index (Wert der aktiven Zelle bei Aufruf) eine Abfrage mit einer Zahl gemacht wird. Wenn der Zellinhalt der aktiven Zelle nun keine Zahl ist, kommt es zu einem Fehler. Also mal testen, vor dem Aufruf des Makros eine Zelle mit einer Zahl markieren.
Mein vorheriges Posting ist Blödsinn :-)
30.01.2004 14:32:55
Alex K.
Hallo Mandix,
vergiss mein vorheriges Posting, war Blödsinn - es wird nicht der Inhalt der Zelle sondern die Zeilennummer übergeben.
AW: Nicht zu behebender Compiler Error
30.01.2004 14:45:12
mache mal dein ganzen Deklaration von Variablen in Public Sub UserForm_Initialize()
von arrays am anfang der Sub...
AW: Nicht zu behebender Compiler Error
30.01.2004 14:47:51
Ja aber dann ist der Array ja nicht überall sichtbar.

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