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Excel-Forum (Archiv)
20+ Jahre Excel-Kompetenz: Von Anwendern, für Anwender

Typen unverträglich

Typen unverträglich
02.10.2008 12:34:00
heute nehme ich euch mal wieder viel zu stark in Anspruch, aber ich brauche nun nochmal ein geschultes Auge. Ich habe hier zugegebenermaßen einen etwas unüberscihtlichen Code. Wenn ich ihn ausführe kommt die Meldung "Typen unverträglich".
Sieht vielleicht jemand, wo es hapen könnte? Denn ich sehe es gerade nicht.... :(

Sub Test()
Dim Betrag As Integer
Dim Nr As Integer
Dim Zeile As Long
Dim Monat As Integer
Dim a As Integer
Dim b As Integer
Dim c As Integer
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
Dim Kst As Integer
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
y = 11
Set NeueDatei = Workbooks.Open(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "Pub3.1.1.KST0801-12KN - AP.xls", ,  _
'Korrektur Pub IST
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test")
End With
With NeueDatei.Sheets("Kost")
For Zeile = 10 To 25000
If .Range("T" & Zeile).Value = "#" Then
For a = 3 To 14
If .Cells(Zeile, a).Value  0 Then
Monat = a + 23
Betrag = .Cells(Zeile, a).Value
b = 1
If Len(.Cells(Zeile - b, 1).Value) > 4 Then
Nr = Left(.Cells(Zeile - b, 1).Value, 2) * 1
Exit Do
b = b + 1
End If
For c = 11 To 45
If ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(c, 7).Value = Nr Then
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(c, Monat).Value = ThisWorkbook. _
Sheets("Test").Cells(c, Monat).Value + (Betrag * -1)
Exit For
End If
Next c
End If
Next a
End If
Next Zeile
For g = 26 To 52
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(11, g).Value = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(11,   _
g).Value * -1
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(12, g).Value = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(12,   _
g).Value * -1
Next g
'Übertrag Pub IST
For x = 425 To 25000
If Left(.Cells(x, 1).Value, 7) = "Hinweis" And Left(.Cells(x + 2, 1).Value, 4) * 1 Mod   _
1000  0 Then
Kst = Left(.Cells(x + 2, 1).Value, 4)
'Kostenstelle erstellen
If ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y, 2).Value  "" Then
y = y + 1
ElseIf ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y, 2).Value = "" Then
y = y + 3
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Range("B" & y & ":" & "AZ" & y + 35).xlFormats = _
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Range("B" & y & ":" & "AZ" & y + 35).xlFormulas  _
= ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Format").Range("B11:AZ46").xlFormulas
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Range("G" & y & ":" & "H" & y + 35).Value =  _
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Range("B" & y & ":" & "B" & y + 35) = "publ"
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Range("C" & y & ":" & "C" & y + 35) = Kst
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Range("D" & y & ":" & "D" & y + 35) = "Träger"
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Range("E" & y & ":" & "E" & y + 35) = Right( _
Left(.Cells(x + 2, 1).Value, 7), Len(Left(.Cells(x + 2, 1).Value, 7)) - 6)
End If
Loop Until ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y, 2).Value = ""
Zeile = x + 1
If Left(.Cells(Zeile, 1).Value, 8)  "Hinweis:" Then
Zeile = Zeile + 1
End If
Loop Until Left(.Cells(Zeile, 1).Value, 8) = "Hinweis:"
Select Case Left(.Cells(x, 1).Value, 5)
Case "1.a) ", "2.a) ", "3.a) ", "4.a) ", "5.a) ", "6.a) ", "7.a) ", "8.a) ", _
"9.a) ", "10.a)", "11.a)", "12.a)", "13.a)", "14.a)", "15.a)", "16.a)", "17.a)", "18.a)", "19.  _
a)", "20.a)", "21.a)", "22.a)"
If .Cells(x, 1).Value  "      = Summe" Then
x = x + 1
End If
Loop Until .Cells(x, 1).Value  "      = Summe"
End Select
Select Case Left(.Cells(x, 1).Value, 5)
Case "1.a) ":   For c = 3 To 14
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y, 23 + c).Value =  _
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y, 23 + c).Value + .Cells(x, c).Value
Next c
Case "2.a) ":   For c = 3 To 14
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 1, 23 + c).Value = _
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 1, 23 + c).Value + .Cells(x, c).Value
Next c
Case "3.a) ":   For c = 3 To 14
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 4, 23 + c).Value = _
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 4, 23 + c).Value + .Cells(x, c).Value
Next c
Case "4.a) ":   For c = 3 To 14
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 5, 23 + c).Value = _
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 5, 23 + c).Value + .Cells(x, c).Value
Next c
Case "5.a) ":   For c = 3 To 14
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 6, 23 + c).Value = _
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 6, 23 + c).Value + .Cells(x, c).Value
Next c
Case "6.a) ":   For c = 3 To 14
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 7, 23 + c).Value = _
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 7, 23 + c).Value + .Cells(x, c).Value
Next c
Case "7.a) ":   For c = 3 To 14
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 10, 23 + c).Value  _
= ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 10, 23 + c).Value + .Cells(x, c).Value
Next c
Case "8.a) ":   For c = 3 To 14
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 11, 23 + c).Value  _
= ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 11, 23 + c).Value + .Cells(x, c).Value
Next c
Case "9.a) ":   For c = 3 To 14
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 12, 23 + c).Value  _
= ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 12, 23 + c).Value + .Cells(x, c).Value
Next c
Case "10.a)":   For c = 3 To 14
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 13, 23 + c).Value  _
= ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 13, 23 + c).Value + .Cells(x, c).Value
Next c
Case "11.a)":   For c = 3 To 14
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 14, 23 + c).Value  _
= ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 14, 23 + c).Value + .Cells(x, c).Value
Next c
Case "12.a)":   For c = 3 To 14
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 15, 23 + c).Value  _
= ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 15, 23 + c).Value + .Cells(x, c).Value
Next c
Case "13.a)":   For c = 3 To 14
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 16, 23 + c).Value  _
= ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 16, 23 + c).Value + .Cells(x, c).Value
Next c
Case "14.a)":   For c = 3 To 14
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 17, 23 + c).Value  _
= ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 17, 23 + c).Value + .Cells(x, c).Value
Next c
Case "15.a)":   For c = 3 To 14
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 18, 23 + c).Value  _
= ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 18, 23 + c).Value + .Cells(x, c).Value
Next c
Case "16.a)":   For c = 3 To 14
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 19, 23 + c).Value  _
= ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 19, 23 + c).Value + .Cells(x, c).Value
Next c
Case "17.a)":   For c = 3 To 14
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 20, 23 + c).Value  _
= ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 20, 23 + c).Value + .Cells(x, c).Value
Next c
Case "18.a)":   For c = 3 To 14
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 25, 23 + c).Value  _
= ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 25, 23 + c).Value + .Cells(x, c).Value
Next c
Case "19.a)":   For c = 3 To 14
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 26, 23 + c).Value  _
= ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 26, 23 + c).Value + .Cells(x, c).Value
Next c
Case "20.a)":   For c = 3 To 14
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 27, 23 + c).Value  _
= ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 27, 23 + c).Value + .Cells(x, c).Value
Next c
Case "21.a)":   For c = 3 To 14
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 28, 23 + c).Value  _
= ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 28, 23 + c).Value + .Cells(x, c).Value
Next c
Case "22.a)":   For c = 3 To 14
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 29, 23 + c).Value  _
= ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(y + 29, 23 + c).Value + .Cells(x, c).Value
Next c
End Select
x = x + 1
Loop Until Left(.Cells(x, 1).Value, 8) = "Hinweis:"
End If
Next x
End With
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

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AW: Typen unverträglich
02.10.2008 12:49:56
wer soll sich das antun? Das kann man noch nicht mal fehlerfrei kopieren.
Wie soll man da den Fehler finden?
1.Optimierung: ersetze ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test") durch eine kürzere Objektvariable.
Dim wksTest as worksheet
Set wksTest=ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test")
und dann überall anstatt ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test") wksTest einsetzen.
AW: Typen unverträglich
02.10.2008 13:08:40
Hab selber noch mal die Zeit getestet.
Kann es sein, dass es hieran liegt: ... And Left(.Cells(x + 2, 1).Value, 4) * 1 Mod 1000 0 then
Nehme ich dieses Stück raus, meckert er nämlich nicht mehr mit "Typen unverträglich".
Er meckert dann aber "Objekt unterstützt diese Eigenschaft oder Methode nicht".
AW: Typen unverträglich
02.10.2008 13:14:00
ändere mal in
And (Left(.Cells(x + 2, 1).Value, 4) * 1) Mod 1000 0
AW: Typen unverträglich
02.10.2008 13:20:00
war dann wohl doch nicht der Fehler. Typen sind immer noch unverträglich.
Naja, baue ich den Code halt nochmal von vorne auf und teste halt mehr....danke dir dennoch! :-)
AW: Typen unverträglich
02.10.2008 14:59:00
2 mögliche Fehlerquellen: Zelle leer oder Buchstaben im Teilstring.

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