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Fehler 91: Objektvarialble nicht festgelegt

Fehler 91: Objektvarialble nicht festgelegt
16.06.2008 18:24:00
Hallo Wissende,
obiger Fehler kommt im nachfolgenden Code in "Sub UpdateSummaryInfo" in der Zeile:
If TextBox1.Text oDocProp.Author Then
obwohl ich anfangs des Codes im Modul einer UF dieses stehen habe:
Option Explicit
Private oFilePropReader As DSOleFile.PropertyReader
Private oDocProp As DSOleFile.DocumentProperties
Verweise auf
Microsoft Common Dialog 5.0
Ds: Ole Document Properties 1.4 Object Library (das ist die DSOFile.dll)
sind gesetzt.
In dieser Datei ist der Code:

Hintergrund, nach herabladen von x e
(e x e natürlich zusammengeschrieben)
und starten der Datei DSOFile.exe hat man die DSOFile.dll und in einem Unterverzeichnis die VB-Module um mit VB auf Dokumenteigenschaften zugreifen zu können.
Laut der Beschreibung auf soll man mittels dieser DLL auch per Vba auf die Eigenschaften zugreifen können.
Mein Vba-Code ist der Versuch, den VB-Code umzubasteln zu Vba-Code.
Könnt ihr mir da weiterhelfen dies zu tun.
Danke und Gruß

Option Explicit
' FileProp Form Member Variables
Private oFilePropReader As DSOleFile.PropertyReader
Private oDocProp As DSOleFile.DocumentProperties
Private Sub Form_Load()
' Create an instance of the reader class (if this errors,
' the DLL was not registered with REGSVR32.EXE)...
Set oFilePropReader = New DSOleFile.PropertyReader
' If you plan to be working with localized documents (non-English)
' you can set this property to make sure new property sets are
' created in Unicode instead of ANSI.
' oFilePropReader.UseUnicodePropSets = True
' Office documents made with US/UK English versions of Office save
' string values in ANSI, and have had reported problems reading values
' that weren't, so for compatiblity the reader defaults to ANSI.
' Pick a file and open the properties for it, If user cancels, we exit...
If Not OpenDocumentProperties Then End
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
' Save any changes before we unload...
Set oDocProp = Nothing
Set oFilePropReader = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub cmdOpenFile_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub checkbox1_Click()
' The preview is loaded in a picture box. When this item is
' checked, move the picture box on screen. Otherwise, move off..
If CheckBox1.Value Then
ListBox1.Left = -20000
Image2.Left = 1140
Image2.Left = -20000
ListBox1.Left = 1140
End If
End Sub
' OpenDocumentProperties -- Fills the dialog with properties
'     from a user supplied Office document.
Public Function OpenDocumentProperties() As Boolean
Dim oCustProp As DSOleFile.CustomProperty
Dim sFile As String, sTmp As String
'On error GoTo Err_Trap
' Ask the user for an OLE Structure Storage file to read
' the document properties from...
With CommonDialog1
.Flags = cdlOFNHideReadOnly Or cdlOFNFileMustExist
.Filter = "Office Files|*.doc;*.xls;*.ppt|All Files|*.*"
.Filename = ""
sFile = .Filename
End With
' If the user cancels the dialog, exit out.
If Len(sFile) = 0 Then Exit Function
' Here is where we load the document properties for the file
' selected. The function will return a DocumentProperties object.
' We must have exclusive access to the storage of the file. If
' another app has the file open, this function will raise an error
Set oDocProp = oFilePropReader.GetDocumentProperties(sFile)
'On error Resume Next
' Read in some of the most common properties...
'lbName.Caption = oDocProp.Name
'lbAppName.Caption = oDocProp.AppName
Label1.Caption = oDocProp.Name
Label2.Caption = oDocProp.AppName
' This gets the associated icon picture for the file type...
'Set imgIcon.Picture = oDocProp.Icon
Set Image1.Picture = oDocProp.Icon
' The standard document properties are loaded into text boxes,
' and can be changed in this sample. Other properties can be changed
' as well, but these are the only ones we demonstrate here...
TextBox3.Text = oDocProp.Title
TextBox1.Text = oDocProp.Author
TextBox2.Text = oDocProp.Comments
' Fill in the Summary/Statistics information in the Normal
' properties list. These properties are standard Summay and Document
' Properties in OLE...
ListBox1.AddItem "Subject: " & oDocProp.Subject
ListBox1.AddItem "Category: " & oDocProp.Category
ListBox1.AddItem "Company: " & oDocProp.Company
ListBox1.AddItem "Manager: " & oDocProp.Manager
ListBox1.AddItem "CLSID: " & oDocProp.CLSID
ListBox1.AddItem "ProgID: " & oDocProp.ProgId
ListBox1.AddItem "Word Count: " & oDocProp.WordCount
ListBox1.AddItem "Page Count: " & oDocProp.PageCount
ListBox1.AddItem "Paragraph Count: " & oDocProp.ParagraphCount
ListBox1.AddItem "Line Count: " & oDocProp.LineCount
ListBox1.AddItem "Character Count: " & oDocProp.CharacterCount
ListBox1.AddItem "Character Count (w/spaces): " & oDocProp.CharacterCountWithSpaces
ListBox1.AddItem "Byte Count: " & oDocProp.ByteCount
ListBox1.AddItem "Slide Count: " & oDocProp.SlideCount
ListBox1.AddItem "Note Count: " & oDocProp.PresentationNotes
ListBox1.AddItem "Hidden Slides: " & oDocProp.HiddenSlides
ListBox1.AddItem "MultimediaClips: " & oDocProp.MultimediaClips
ListBox1.AddItem "Last Edited by: " & oDocProp.LastEditedBy
ListBox1.AddItem "Date Created: " & oDocProp.DateCreated
ListBox1.AddItem "Date Last Printed: " & oDocProp.DateLastPrinted
ListBox1.AddItem "Date Last Saved: " & oDocProp.DateLastSaved
ListBox1.AddItem "Total Editing Time (mins): " & oDocProp.TotalEditTime
ListBox1.AddItem "Version: " & oDocProp.Version
ListBox1.AddItem "Revision Number: " & oDocProp.RevisionNumber
ListBox1.AddItem "Template Name: " & oDocProp.Template
ListBox1.AddItem "Presentation Format: " & oDocProp.PresentationFormat
'On error Resume Next
' The HasMacros property only works for Excel & Word files
' and raises error if document is not one of these. Ignore
' any error for this sample.
Dim sItem As String
sItem = CStr(oDocProp.HasMacros)
If Err Then sItem = ""
ListBox1.AddItem "Macros Attached: " & sItem
' We'll get the thumnail image of the document (if available)...
Dim oPicDisp As StdPicture
Set oPicDisp = oDocProp.Thumbnail
If oPicDisp Is Nothing Then
CheckBox1.Enabled = False
Set Image2.Picture = oPicDisp
CheckBox1.Enabled = True
End If
''On error GoTo Err_Trap
TextBox6.Text = ""
TextBox7.Text = ""
ListBox2.ListIndex = 0
' Loop through the custom properties collection and
' add each item to a list box...
For Each oCustProp In oDocProp.CustomProperties
sTmp = oCustProp.Name & ": " & CStr(oCustProp.Value)
sTmp = sTmp & "    [" & CustTypeName(oCustProp.Type) & "]"
ListBox3.AddItem sTmp
' Disable items if file is read only...
Call EnableItems((Not oDocProp.IsReadOnly))
' The operation was successful.
OpenDocumentProperties = True
Exit Function
' Trap comm'On errors returned from componenet...
Select Case Err.Number
Case &H80040203
' The file is open by another program
MsgBox Err.Description & " Please choose another file."
Err.Clear: Resume GetFileFromUser
Case &H80040202
' The file selected is not an OLE structured storage file
MsgBox Err.Description & " Please choose another file."
Err.Clear: Resume GetFileFromUser
Case &H80040201
' DCOM is not installed -- fall through to MsgBox below
End Select
MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "Err: " & CStr(Err.Number)
End Function
'Private Sub UpdateSummaryInfo()
' ' Quick and dirty save routine...
'   'On error Resume Next
'   If textbox1.Text  oDocProp.Author Then
'      oDocProp.Author = textbox1.Text
'   End If
'   If textbox2.Text  oDocProp.Comments Then
'      oDocProp.Comments = textbox2.Text
'   End If
'   If textbox3.Text  oDocProp.Title Then
'      oDocProp.Title = textbox3.Text
'   End If
'End Sub
Private Sub UpdateSummaryInfo()
' Quick and dirty save routine...
'On Error Resume Next
If TextBox1.Text  oDocProp.Author Then
oDocProp.Author = TextBox1.Text
End If
If TextBox2.Text  oDocProp.Comments Then
oDocProp.Comments = TextBox2.Text
End If
If TextBox3.Text  oDocProp.Title Then
oDocProp.Title = TextBox3.Text
End If
End Sub
' Add & Remove custom properties to the open file.
Private Sub commandbutton2_Click()
Dim sName As String, sTmp As String
Dim sValueText As String
Dim vValue As Variant
Dim lType As Long
'On error Resume Next
sName = TextBox6.Text
sValueText = TextBox7.Text
' We can't add a custom property unless we have a
' valid name and value.
If ((sName = "") Or (sValueText = "")) Then Exit Sub
' Convert the Text string to a VARIANT of the type
' specified in the drop down list.
lType = ListBox2.ListIndex + 1
Select Case lType
Case 2
vValue = CLng(sValueText)
Case 3
vValue = CDbl(sValueText)
Case 4
vValue = CBool(sValueText)
Case 5
vValue = CDate(sValueText)
Case Else
vValue = sValueText
End Select
' Add the property...
oDocProp.CustomProperties.Add sName, vValue
If Err Then
' If an error occurs, it's most likely because the
' the property name already exists...
MsgBox "The item could not be added:" & vbCrLf & Err.Description
' Add item to our list box...
sTmp = sName & ": " & CStr(vValue) & "    ["
sTmp = sTmp & CustTypeName(lType) & "]"
ListBox3.AddItem sTmp
TextBox6.Text = ""
TextBox7.Text = ""
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdCustRemove_Click()
Dim oRmProp As DSOleFile.CustomProperty
Dim sName As String, sTmp As String
'On error Resume Next
sTmp = ListBox3.List(ListBox3.ListIndex)
sName = Left(sTmp, InStr(sTmp, ":") - 1)
' Set a reference to the custom property we want and
' then call remove...
Set oRmProp = oDocProp.CustomProperties.Item(sName)
Set oRmProp = Nothing
ListBox3.RemoveItem ListBox3.ListIndex
cmdCustRemove.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub listbox3_GotFocus()
If ListBox3.ListCount  0 Then cmdCustRemove.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Function CustTypeName(lType As Long) As String
' This function simply maps string names to the
' VARIANT type of a custom property.
Select Case lType
Case 1
CustTypeName = "String"
Case 2
CustTypeName = "Long"
Case 3
CustTypeName = "Double"
Case 4
CustTypeName = "Boolean"
Case 5
CustTypeName = "Date"
Case Else
CustTypeName = "Unknown"
End Select
End Function
Private Sub EnableItems(bEnable As Boolean)
TextBox3.Enabled = bEnable
TextBox1.Enabled = bEnable
TextBox2.Enabled = bEnable
TextBox6.Enabled = bEnable
TextBox7.Enabled = bEnable
ListBox2.Enabled = bEnable
ListBox3.Enabled = bEnable
CommandButton2.Enabled = bEnable
End Sub

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AW: Fehler 91: Objektvarialble nicht festgelegt
16.06.2008 21:27:59
Hallo Reinhard,
mit "Kaum Excel/VBA Kenntnisse" hast du dich meiner Meinung nach damit etwas übernommen.
Schmeis den Code aus dem Modul1 raus und kopiere diesen Code in das Modul des UF.
Einige Zeilen habe ich auskommentiert, weil die ensprechenden Steuerelemente fehlen.
' ** _ ********************************************************************
' Modul: UserForm1 Typ: Userform
' **********************************************************************

Option Explicit

' FileProp Form Member Variables
Private oFilePropReader As DSOleFile.PropertyReader
Private oDocProp As DSOleFile.DocumentProperties

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

' Create an instance of the reader class (if this errors,
' the DLL was not registered with REGSVR32.EXE)...
Set oFilePropReader = New DSOleFile.PropertyReader

' If you plan to be working with localized documents (non-English)
' you can set this property to make sure new property sets are
' created in Unicode instead of ANSI.
' oFilePropReader.UseUnicodePropSets = True
' Office documents made with US/UK English versions of Office save
' string values in ANSI, and have had reported problems reading values
' that weren't, so for compatiblity the reader defaults to ANSI.

' Pick a file and open the properties for it, If user cancels, we exit...
If Not OpenDocumentProperties Then End

End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Terminate()
' Save any changes before we unload...
Set oDocProp = Nothing
Set oFilePropReader = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub cmdOpenFile_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub checkbox1_Click()
' The preview is loaded in a picture box. When this item is
' checked, move the picture box on screen. Otherwise, move off..
If CheckBox1.Value Then
    ListBox1.Left = -20000
    Image2.Left = 1140
    Image2.Left = -20000
    ListBox1.Left = 1140
End If
End Sub

' OpenDocumentProperties -- Fills the dialog with properties
' from a user supplied Office document.
Public Function OpenDocumentProperties() As Boolean
Dim oCustProp As DSOleFile.CustomProperty
Dim sFile As String, sTmp As String

'On error GoTo Err_Trap

' Ask the user for an OLE Structure Storage file to read
' the document properties from...
With CommonDialog1
    .Flags = cdlOFNHideReadOnly Or cdlOFNFileMustExist
    .Filter = "Office Files|*.doc;*.xls;*.ppt|All Files|*.*"
    .Filename = ""
    sFile = .Filename
End With
' If the user cancels the dialog, exit out.
If Len(sFile) = 0 Then Exit Function

' Here is where we load the document properties for the file
' selected. The function will return a DocumentProperties object.
' We must have exclusive access to the storage of the file. If
' another app has the file open, this function will raise an error
Set oDocProp = oFilePropReader.GetDocumentProperties(sFile)

'On error Resume Next
' Read in some of the most common properties...
'lbName.Caption = oDocProp.Name
'lbAppName.Caption = oDocProp.AppName
Label1.Caption = oDocProp.Name
Label2.Caption = oDocProp.AppName

' This gets the associated icon picture for the file type...
'Set imgIcon.Picture = oDocProp.Icon
Set Image1.Picture = oDocProp.Icon
' The standard document properties are loaded into text boxes,
' and can be changed in this sample. Other properties can be changed
' as well, but these are the only ones we demonstrate here...
TextBox3.Text = oDocProp.Title
TextBox1.Text = oDocProp.Author
TextBox2.Text = oDocProp.Comments

' Fill in the Summary/Statistics information in the Normal
' properties list. These properties are standard Summay and Document
' Properties in OLE...
ListBox1.AddItem "Subject: " & oDocProp.Subject
ListBox1.AddItem "Category: " & oDocProp.Category
ListBox1.AddItem "Company: " & oDocProp.Company
ListBox1.AddItem "Manager: " & oDocProp.Manager
ListBox1.AddItem "CLSID: " & oDocProp.CLSID
ListBox1.AddItem "ProgID: " & oDocProp.ProgId
ListBox1.AddItem "Word Count: " & oDocProp.WordCount
ListBox1.AddItem "Page Count: " & oDocProp.PageCount
ListBox1.AddItem "Paragraph Count: " & oDocProp.ParagraphCount
ListBox1.AddItem "Line Count: " & oDocProp.LineCount
ListBox1.AddItem "Character Count: " & oDocProp.CharacterCount
ListBox1.AddItem "Character Count (w/spaces): " & oDocProp.CharacterCountWithSpaces
ListBox1.AddItem "Byte Count: " & oDocProp.ByteCount
ListBox1.AddItem "Slide Count: " & oDocProp.SlideCount
ListBox1.AddItem "Note Count: " & oDocProp.PresentationNotes
ListBox1.AddItem "Hidden Slides: " & oDocProp.HiddenSlides
ListBox1.AddItem "MultimediaClips: " & oDocProp.MultimediaClips
ListBox1.AddItem "Last Edited by: " & oDocProp.LastEditedBy
ListBox1.AddItem "Date Created: " & oDocProp.DateCreated
ListBox1.AddItem "Date Last Printed: " & oDocProp.DateLastPrinted
ListBox1.AddItem "Date Last Saved: " & oDocProp.DateLastSaved
ListBox1.AddItem "Total Editing Time (mins): " & oDocProp.TotalEditTime
ListBox1.AddItem "Version: " & oDocProp.Version
ListBox1.AddItem "Revision Number: " & oDocProp.RevisionNumber
ListBox1.AddItem "Template Name: " & oDocProp.Template
ListBox1.AddItem "Presentation Format: " & oDocProp.PresentationFormat

On Error Resume Next
' The HasMacros property only works for Excel & Word files
' and raises error if document is not one of these. Ignore
' any error for this sample.
Dim sItem As String
sItem = CStr(oDocProp.HasMacros)
If Err Then sItem = "<unknown>"
ListBox1.AddItem "Macros Attached: " & sItem

' We'll get the thumnail image of the document (if available)...
Dim oPicDisp As StdPicture
Set oPicDisp = oDocProp.Thumbnail
If oPicDisp Is Nothing Then
    CheckBox1.Enabled = False
    Set Image2.Picture = oPicDisp
    CheckBox1.Enabled = True
End If

''On error GoTo Err_Trap

TextBox6.Text = ""
TextBox7.Text = ""
ListBox2.ListIndex = 0

' Loop through the custom properties collection and
' add each item to a list box...
For Each oCustProp In oDocProp.CustomProperties
    sTmp = oCustProp.Name & ": " & CStr(oCustProp.Value)
    sTmp = sTmp & " [" & CustTypeName(oCustProp.Type) & "]"
    ListBox3.AddItem sTmp

' Disable items if file is read only...
Call EnableItems((Not oDocProp.IsReadOnly))

' The operation was successful.
OpenDocumentProperties = True
Exit Function

' Trap comm'On errors returned from componenet...
Select Case Err.Number
    Case &H80040203
        ' The file is open by another program
        MsgBox Err.Description & " Please choose another file."
        Err.Clear: Resume GetFileFromUser
    Case &H80040202
        ' The file selected is not an OLE structured storage file
        MsgBox Err.Description & " Please choose another file."
        Err.Clear: Resume GetFileFromUser
    Case &H80040201
        ' DCOM is not installed -- fall through to MsgBox below
End Select

MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "Err: " & CStr(Err.Number)
End Function


Private Sub UpdateSummaryInfo()

' ' Quick and dirty save routine...
' 'On error Resume Next
' If textbox1.Text <> oDocProp.Author Then
' oDocProp.Author = textbox1.Text
' End If
' If textbox2.Text <> oDocProp.Comments Then
' oDocProp.Comments = textbox2.Text
' End If
' If textbox3.Text <> oDocProp.Title Then
' oDocProp.Title = textbox3.Text
' End If
'End Sub

Private Sub UpdateSummaryInfo()
' Quick and dirty save routine...
'On Error Resume Next
If TextBox1.Text <> oDocProp.Author Then
    oDocProp.Author = TextBox1.Text
End If
If TextBox2.Text <> oDocProp.Comments Then
    oDocProp.Comments = TextBox2.Text
End If
If TextBox3.Text <> oDocProp.Title Then
    oDocProp.Title = TextBox3.Text
End If
End Sub

' Add & Remove custom properties to the open file.
Private Sub commandbutton2_Click()
Dim sName As String, sTmp As String
Dim sValueText As String
Dim vValue As Variant
Dim lType As Long

'On error Resume Next
sName = TextBox6.Text
sValueText = TextBox7.Text

' We can't add a custom property unless we have a
' valid name and value.
If ((sName = "") Or (sValueText = "")) Then Exit Sub

' Convert the Text string to a VARIANT of the type
' specified in the drop down list.
lType = ListBox2.ListIndex + 1
Select Case lType
    Case 2
        vValue = Clng(sValueText)
    Case 3
        vValue = CDbl(sValueText)
    Case 4
        vValue = Cbool(sValueText)
    Case 5
        vValue = CDate(sValueText)
    Case Else
        vValue = sValueText
End Select

' Add the property...
oDocProp.CustomProperties.Add sName, vValue
If Err Then
    ' If an error occurs, it's most likely because the
    ' the property name already exists...
    MsgBox "The item could not be added:" & vbCrLf & Err.Description
    ' Add item to our list box...
    sTmp = sName & ": " & CStr(vValue) & " ["
    sTmp = sTmp & CustTypeName(lType) & "]"
    ListBox3.AddItem sTmp
    TextBox6.Text = ""
    TextBox7.Text = ""
End If

End Sub

Private Sub cmdCustRemove_Click()
Dim oRmProp As DSOleFile.CustomProperty
Dim sName As String, sTmp As String

'On error Resume Next
sTmp = ListBox3.List(ListBox3.ListIndex)
sName = Left(sTmp, InStr(sTmp, ":") - 1)

' Set a reference to the custom property we want and
' then call remove...
Set oRmProp = oDocProp.CustomProperties.Item(sName)
Set oRmProp = Nothing

ListBox3.RemoveItem ListBox3.ListIndex
'cmdCustRemove.Enabled = False
End Sub

Private Sub listbox3_GotFocus()
'If ListBox3.ListCount <> 0 Then cmdCustRemove.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Function CustTypeName(lType As Long) As String
' This function simply maps string names to the
' VARIANT type of a custom property.
Select Case lType
    Case 1
        CustTypeName = "String"
    Case 2
        CustTypeName = "Long"
    Case 3
        CustTypeName = "Double"
    Case 4
        CustTypeName = "Boolean"
    Case 5
        CustTypeName = "Date"
    Case Else
        CustTypeName = "Unknown"
End Select
End Function

Private Sub EnableItems(bEnable As Boolean)
TextBox3.Enabled = bEnable
TextBox1.Enabled = bEnable
TextBox2.Enabled = bEnable
TextBox6.Enabled = bEnable
TextBox7.Enabled = bEnable
ListBox2.Enabled = bEnable
ListBox3.Enabled = bEnable
CommandButton2.Enabled = bEnable
End Sub

Gruß Sepp

AW: Fehler 91: Objektvarialble nicht festgelegt
16.06.2008 21:48:00
Hallo Josef,
ich bedanke mich sehr. Es funktioniert bestens. Analysiert was du geändert hast habe ich noch nicht, mache ich erst nach dem Spiel :-) und werde wieder was lernen von dir.
Lieben Gruß

Frage zurückgezogen :-) o.w.T.
16.06.2008 22:14:55

Dann frag was anderes *gg*
16.06.2008 23:35:00
Hallo Rainer,
du und einige Andere hier haben mir schon so oft geholfen und ich würde mich sehr gerne revanchieren.
Okay, auf die Excelfragen die du haben solltest habe ich logo keine Antwort, bin ja naicht Max oder K.Rola o.ä. Kaliber :-)
Frag mich also bitte einfachere Sachen, die Uhrzeit, wer grad das Spiel gewonnen hat oder so *lächel*

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